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Book Reviews
Abstract:Book reviwed in this article From Arrian to Alexander: Studies in Historical Interpretation. By A. B. Bosworth. The Jews in the Greek Age. By Elias J. Bickerman. Greeks, Romans and Barbarians. By Barry Cunliffe. On Pagans, Jews, and Christians. By Arnaldo Momigliano. The Crusades: A Short History. By Jonathan Riley-Smith. Searches for an Imaginary Kingdom: The Legend of the Kingdom of Prester John. By L. N. Gumilev. Translated by R. E. F. Smith. The Papal Prince, One Body and Two Souls: The Papal Monarchy in Early Modern Europe. By Paolo Prodi. Translated by Susan Haskins. Britannia: A History of Roman Britain. By Sheppard Frere. The English: A Social History, 1066–1945. By Christopher Hibbert. Suffolk and the Tudors: Politics and Religion in an English County, 1500–1600. By Barmaid MacCulloch. Village Revolts: Social Protest and Popular Disturbances in England, 1509–1640. By Roger B. Manning. The Civil Wars of England. By J. P. Kenyon. Politics, Society and Civil War in Warwickshire, 1620–1660. By Ann Hughes. Charles I and Oliver Cromwell: A Study in Contrasts and Comparisons. By Maurice Ashley. Criticism and Compliment. The Politics of Literature in the England of Charles I. By Kevin Sharpe. London Crowds in the Reign of Charles II: Propaganda and Politics from the Restoration until the Exclusion Crisis. By Tim Harris. The Quakers and the English Legal System, 1660–1688. By Craig W. Horle. Ladies Elect: Women in English Local Government, 1865–1914. By Patricia Hollis. Nobles in Nineteenth-Century France. The Practice of Inegalitarianism. By David Higgs. The Search for Social Peace: Reform Legislation in France, 1890–1914. By Judith F. Stone. The Reluctant Empress: A Biography of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. By Brigitte Hamann. Translated by Ruth Hein. Philip IV and the Government of Spain, 1621–1665. By R. A. Stradling. Jewish High Society in Old Regime Berlin. By Deborah Hertz. Rethinking German History: Nineteenth-Century Germany and the Origins of the Third Reich. By Richard J. Evans. Germany and Europe in the Era of the Two World Wars: Essays in Honor of Oron James Hale. Edited by F. X. J. Homer and Larry D. Wilcox. The Making of Three Russian Revolutionaries: Voices from the Menshevik Past. By Leopold H. Haimson in collaboration with Ziva Galilii y Garcia and Richard Wortman. Stalin: Man and Ruler. By Robert H. McNeal. Soviet Succession Struggles: Kremlinology and the Russian Question from Lenin to Gorbachev. By Anthony D'Agostino. Cecil Rhodes: Flawed Colossus. By Brian Roberta. Foundations of Representative Government in Maryland, 1632–1715. By David W. Jordan. “To Serve Well and Faithfully”: Labor and Indentured Servants in Pennsylvania, 1682–1800. By Sharon V. Salinger. The Concept of Liberty in the Age of the American Revolution. By John Phillip Reid. Rhetoric and History in Revolutionary New England. By Donald Weber. Greatness in The White House: Rating the Presidents, Washington Through Carter. By Robert K. Murray and Tim H. Blessing. Towards a Christian Republic: Antimasonry and the Great Transition in New England, 1826–1836. By Paul Goodman. The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, 1776–1848. By Robin Blackburn. Paupers and Poor Relief in New York City and Its Rural Environs, 1700–1830. By Robert E. Cray Jr. A House Divided: Sectionalism and Ciuil War, 1848–1865. The American Moment Series.] By Richard H. Sewell. Embattled Courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War. By Gerald F. Linderman. The Transformation of American Quakerism: Orthodox Friends, 1800–1907. By Thomas D. Hamm. Feud: Hatfields. McCoys, and Social Change in Appalachia, 1860–1900. By Altina L. Waller. Gilded Age Cato: The Life of Walter Q. Gresham. By Charles W. Calhoun. Badge and Buckshot: Lawlessness in Old California. By John Boessenecker. No Step Backward: Women and Family on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier, Helena, Montana, 1865–1900. By Paula Petrik. Heartland: Comparative Histories of the Midwestern States. Midwestern History and Culture Series.] Edited by James H. Madison. The Presidencies of Grover Cleveland. American Presidency Series.] By Richard E. Welch Jr. A History of Neglect: Health Care for Blacks and Mill Workers in the Twentieth-Century South. By Edward H. Beardsley. Toward a New Deal in Baltimore: People and Government in the Great Depression. By Jo Ann E. Argersinger. Black Coal Miners in America: Race, Class, and Community Conflict, 1780–1980. By Ronald L. Lewis. Oliver Heaviside: Sage in Solitude. By Paul J. Nahin. Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, His Lieutenants, and Their War. By Eric Larrabee. William Fulbright and the Vietnam War. By William C. Berman. The Cold War Begins in Asia. Contemporary American History Series.] By Marc S. Gallicchio. Mexico through Russian Eyes, 1806–1940. By William Harrison Richardson.
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