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Book Reviews
Abstract:Book reviewed in this article Peace in the Ancient World. By Matthew Melko and Richard D. Weigel. The Etruscans. By Michael Grant. The Necessities of War: A Study of Thucydzdes' Pessimism. By Peter R. Pouncey. The Archaeology of Roman Pannonza. Edited by A. Lengyel and G.T.B. Radan. The Age of Constantine and Julcan. By Diana Bowder. Prophecy and Millenarianzsm: Essays in Honour of Marjorie Reeves. Edited by Ann Williams. Taddeo Alderotti and His Pupils: Two Generations of Italian Medical Learninc. Bv Nancy G. Siraisi. State and Society in Europe, 1560-1650. By V. G . Kiernan. English America and the Restoration Monarchy of Charles 11: Trans-Atlantic Politics, Commerce, and Kinship. By J. M. Sosin. Pitt and Popularity: The Patriot Minister and London Opinion during the Seven Years' War. By Marie Peters. Social Darwinism and English Thought: The Interaction between Biologicaland Social Theory. By Greta Jones. Skill and the English Working Class,1870-1914. By Charles More.( Hardinge of Penshurst: A Study in the Old Diplomacy. The Road to Passchendaele, The Flanders Offensive of 1917: A Study of Inevitability. By John Terraine. Peace without Promise: Britain and the Peace Conferences, 1919-1923. By Michael L. Brittania at Bay. By Paul Haggie. Britain's Moment in the Middle East, 1Y14-1971. By Elizabeth Monroe. Origins of the French Revolution. By William Doyle. The French Revolution, vol. 3, Their Gracious Pleasure, 1782-1785. By Claude Manceron. Crime and Punishment in Revolutionary Paris. By Antoinette Wills. The Bon Marche: Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store, 1869-1920. By Michael B. Miller. The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century. By Daniel R. Headrick. The Making of a New Europe: R. W . Seton-Watson and the Last Years of Austria-Hungary. By Hugh and Christopher Seton-Watson. Stresemann's Territorial Revisionism: Germany, Belgium, and the Eupen-MalmCdy Question, 1919-1929. By Manfred J. Enssle. Social Change and Political Development in Weimar Germany. Edited by Richard Bessel and E. J. Feuchtwanger. The Nazi Organisation of Women. By Jill Stephenson. The Balkan Revolutionary Tradition. By Dimitrije Djordjevic and Stephen Fischer-Galati. The Limits of Reform: The Ministry of internal Affairs in Imperial Russia, 1802-1881. By Daniel T. Orlovsky. Russia's Failed Revolutions: From the Decembrists to the Dissidents. By Adam R. Ullam. Aleksandra Kollontaz: Socialism, Feminism, and the Bolshevik Revolution. By Beatrice Farnsworth. Writers and Society during the Rue of Russzan Realism. By Joe Andrew. The XYZ Affair. By William Stinchcombe. John Marshall: Defender of the Constitution. By Francis N. Stites. Passionate Liberator: Theodore Dwight Weld & the Dilemma of Reform. By Robert H. Freedom and Prejudice: The Legacy of Slavery in the United States and Brazil. Reconstructton and Redemption in the South. Edited by Otto H. Olsen. The Virgin of Chartres: An Intellectual and Psychological History of the Work of Henry Adams. By Joseph F. Byrnes. Bitter Harvest: A History of California Farrnworkers, 1870-1941. By CletusDaniel. The Presidencies of lames A . Garfield and Chester A . Arthur. By Justus D. Doenecke. Velvet on Iron: The Diplomacy of Theodore Roostwell. By Frederick W. Marks III. Farmers, Bureaucrats, and Middlemen: Historical Perspectives on American Agriculture. By Trudy Huskamp Peterson. American Foreign Relations: A Historiographical Review. Edited by Gerald K. Haines and J. Samuel Walker. Shock, Physiological Surgery, and George Washington Crile: Medical Innovation in the Progressive Era. Touching Base: Profesional Baseball and Ameracan Culture in the Progressive Em. By Steven A. Riess. The South and the North in American Religion. By Samuel S. Hill, Jr. Power and Protest in American Lzfe. By Alec Barbrook and Christine Bolt. The Reform in Oaxaca, 1856-1876: A Microhistory of the Liberal Revolution. By Charles Félix Díaz, The Porfirians, and the Mexican Revolution. By Peter V. N. Henderson.
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