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摘    要:本文以菱湖镇为中心讨论了江南水乡市镇大型聚落在千年历史进程中形态演化的空间过程。菱湖镇的发展依托于唐末在此修筑的凌波塘;宋元时期,菱湖镇处于江南运河河网的枢纽,移民逐渐增多;明代以来,菱湖地区的水系逐渐被分割,形成局部河网;清初杨树坝修筑之后,菱湖镇的河网向死水化方向发展,民国时期在此河网基础上形成镇中固定的街市;明清时期菱湖镇及周边地区的农业经营以桑基鱼塘模式为主,形成了高度破碎化的河网,周边地区桑基鱼塘农业经济的发展依托菱湖镇供应粮食、肥料等生产资料和蚕丝集中交易市场。

关 键 词:东苕溪  菱湖镇  江南水利  河网

Irrigation Works, Rivers and the Formation of a Town in Jiangnan Area: Case Study of the Linghu Town and Surrounding Areas
Abstract:This paper discussed the formation of an large-scale settlement of the Yangtze River Delta in the past millenary focusing on the space form of Linghu town. In the beginning the district of Linghu was an uninhabited wetlands, where settlements increased after the dike called Lingbo had been built since 9 century by the end of the Tang Dynasty. Immigrants gradually increased in the Song and Yuan Dynasties for during the period Linghu town is a centre of the Jiangnan Canal river nets. The water system was showing more fragment since the Ming Dynasty and the local water net was set up. Early in the Qing dynasty a dam called Yangshuba also known as Meishuidun and two bridges was built in the outlet of the western district of Linghu town, thereafter the water flow in most Linghu town especial the southwest areas were blocked. The modern streets and neighborhoods in the town were built in the period of the Republic. Numerous mulberry dike-ponds had been built in the Ming and Qing dynasties around the district of Linghu town. Linghu town was an silk trading market center, at the same time provided foods and fertilizer etc.for the small-scale farmers in the surrounding villages.
Keywords:Linghu town  River  Water flow  The mulberry-dike ponds
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