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摘    要:2019年10?12月,为配合工程建设,河南省文物考古研究院联合驻马店市文物考古管理所对东高庄遗址进行了抢救性考古发掘,发现战国晚期及汉代的灰坑、灰沟、水井等遗迹17处,个别遗迹内出土有与冶铁有关的炉渣和铁矿石,其中4座灰坑为堆积冶炼废弃物炉渣的堆积坑,经检测与冶铁有关该遗址至迟在汉代已出现冶铁活动.

关 键 词:泌阳  汉代  冶铁  遗址

Excavation of Donggaozhuang Site in Biyang,Henan Province
Abstract:From October to December in 2019,in coordination with infrastructural construction,Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Zhumadian Bureau of Cultural Relics and Archaeology jointly conducted rescue excavations at Donggaozhuang Site,discovering 17 remains and relics of late Warring States Period and Han Dynasty,such as ash pits,ditches,wells et al..Slags and iron ores left after iron smelting have been unearthed inside some revealed remains.Remnants collected from four ash pits,in which dross and slags were dumped,have been examined,and the result shows they are related to iron smelting.It has been proved that at Donggaozhuang Site there used to be workshops for iron smelting and casting.
Keywords:Biyang  Han Dynasty  Iron Smelting  Site
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