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Abstract:Artefacts from Wrecks: Dated assemblages from the Late Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution, MARK REDKNAP (Ed.)
Scientific Diving: a General Code of Practice (2nd edition), N. C. FLEMMING and M. D. MAX (Eds)
The History of English Sea Ordnance: 1523–1875: Vol. II, The Age of the System, 1715–1815 ADRIAN B. CARUANA
Greek and Roman Technology: A Sourcebook ( Annotated translations of Greek and Latin texts and documents ), J. W. HUMPHREY, J. P. OLESON and A. N. SHERWOOD
Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland IV Die Spätbronzezeit am norwestlichen Bodensee, GUNTER SCHØBEL A. BILLAMBOZ, W. OSTENDORP, M. RØSCH
Die Schiffe im Alten Testament, ARVID GOETTLICHER
Dansk Sefarts Historie vol. 2: Skuder og Kompagnier 1588–1720, OLE DEGN, ERIK GØBEL
Waterschip ZN 421: a clenched-lap fishing vessel from Flevoland ( Excavation Report 17 ), RALPH K. PEDERSEN
Man & Sea in the Mesolithic, ANDERS FISCHER (Ed.)
Das neuzeitliche Wrack aus dem Hedwigenkoog, Kr. Dithmarschen, ANTON ENGLERT
Atti del Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia Subacquea (Anzio, 1996), AIASub (Ed.)
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