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引用本文:河南省文物考古研究所. 河南鹤壁市刘庄遗址下七垣文化墓地发掘简报[J]. 华夏考古, 2007, 0(3): 22-30
摘    要:刘庄遗址位于河南省鹤壁市淇滨区大赉店镇刘庄村南地。2005年7~12月,为配合南水北调中线工程的建设,河南省文物考古研究所等单位对遗址进行了考古发掘,揭露面积7700平方米。遗址上层为较大规模的下七垣文化墓地,发现墓葬338座,墓地布局清楚、保存完整,随葬品较为丰富,填补了下七垣文化发掘研究工作的一项空白,对下七垣文化墓葬制度、社会结构、商人渊源、夷夏商关系等重要学术问题的研究将会起到一定的推进作用。

关 键 词:刘庄遗址  下七垣文化  基地  发掘

Excavation of the Xiaqiyuan Culture Cemetery on the Liuzhuang Site in Hebi City, Henan
HPICRA. Excavation of the Xiaqiyuan Culture Cemetery on the Liuzhuang Site in Hebi City, Henan[J]. Huaxia Archaeology, 2007, 0(3): 22-30
Abstract:The Liuzhuang site is located in the south of Liuzhuang,near Hebi city,Henan.In order to cooperate with the construction of the middle-line project of water diversion from south to north,Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated the site from July to December of 2005.The excavaion tevealed 7700 m2 in area,and found a Xiqiyuan culture cemetery involved in 338 tombs in the upper layer of the site.The layout of the well-preserved cemetery in clear.The offering articles are relatively abundant.This discovery fills in the gap of the Xiaqiyuan culture,and plays a key role in investigating the burial system,social structure,the origin of Shang people,and the relationship between Yi,Xina and Shang.
Keywords:Liuzhuang site  Xiaqiyuan culture  cemetery  excavation  
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