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摘    要:根据《凡尔赛和约》,德国的重要工业基地萨尔划归国联管理15年,期满后将通过全民投票的方式决定萨尔的归属。1933年希特勒在德国上台后萨尔地方治安日趋动荡,公决能否顺利进行一度成了悬案。在如何维护萨尔地区秩序、确保公决顺利实施的问题上,英国起初反对法国准备动用军队的主张,其后又转变态度,同意组建以英意军队为主的国际部队负责萨尔公决期间的秩序。英国在是否出兵维持萨尔秩序这个问题上所做的政策调整是贯彻其对德绥靖政策的需要,其根本目的是希望萨尔问题的顺利解决能够为恢复与德国的裁军谈判创造条件。但是,萨尔的顺利回归助长了德国毁约扩军的野心,最终使英国的盘算落了空。

关 键 词:英国外交  萨尔公决  国际维和部队  国际联盟

The Saar Plebiscite of 1935 and British Diplomacy
LIANG Zhan-jun.The Saar Plebiscite of 1935 and British Diplomacy[J].Journal of Historical Science,2004,12(11):75-79.
Authors:LIANG Zhan-jun
Abstract:According to the Treaty of Versailles of 1919,the Saar,an important German industrial base,should be governed by the League of Nations for 15 years,and its future would be decided by a plebiscite.After Hitler took the power in Germany in 1933,the prospect of the Saar Plebiscite looked dim.The French suggested deploying troops to keep the order during the Saar Plebiscite,but their suggestion was rejected by Great Britain.Later,though,the British agreed to send an international army to the Saar.The peace-keeping force was formed by the British and Italian soldiers,except the French.The reason for the British to change their idea was that they want to appease the Germans and to re-open the negotiations with the Germany.However,the reintegration of the region into Germany encouraged Hitler to challenge the Versailles Settlement,and the British plan totally collapsed.
Keywords:British foreign policy  the Saar plebiscite  international peace-keeping forces  the League of Nations
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