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Authors:Robert Nagel
Abstract:Aaron, Henry J., Economic Effects of Social Security
Abramson, Paul R., Political Attitudes in America: Formation and Change
The Boston Study Group, Winding Down; The Price of Defense
Brewster, David E., Wayne D. Rasmussen, and Garth Youngberg (eds.), Farms in Transition; Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Farm Structure
Choate, Pat, and Susan Walter, America In Ruins; The Decaying Infrastructure
Dewar, Margaret E., Industry In Trouble; The Federal Government and the New England Fisheries
Elder, Charles D., and Roger W. Cobb, The Political Uses of Symbols
Etzioni, Amitai, An Immodest Agenda; Rebuilding America Before the 21st Century
Hartley, Keith, NATO Arms Co-operation; A Study in Economics and Politics
Hill, Lowell D. (ed.), Role of Government in a Market Economy
Keyfitz, Nathan, Population Change and Social Policy
Lefcoe, George (ed.), Urban Land Policy for the 1980's: The Message for State and Local Government
Lens, Sidney, The Maginot Line Syndrome; America's Hopeless Foreign Policy
Levin, Harvey J., Fact and Fancy in Television Regulation
Levine, Adeline Gordon, Love Canal; Science, Politics, and People
Page, Benjamin I., Who Gets What From Government
Puyana de Palacios, Alicia, Economic Integration Among Unequal Partners, The Case of the Andean Group
Redburn, F. Stevens and Terry F. Buss (eds.) Public Policies for Distressed Communities
Rodgers, Harrell R., Jr., The Cost of Human Neglect
Vroman, Wayne, Wage Inflation; Prospects for Deceleration
Wellman, Carl, Welfare Rights
Wells, Louis T., Jr., Third World Multinationals; The Rise of Foreign Investment from Developing Countries
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