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Abstract:Adams, F. Gerard and Jere R. Behrman, Commodity Exports and Economic Development; The Commodity Problem and Policy in Developing Countries Anderson, Lacelles and Douglas M. Windham (eds.), Education and Development: Issues in the Analysis and Planning of Postcolonial Societies Bailey, Sydney, How Wars End: The United Nations and The Termination of Armed Conflict, 1946–1964 Balinski, Michel L. and H. Peyton Young, Fair Representation; Meeting the Ideal of One Man, One Vote Barfield, Claude E., Science Policy from Ford to Reagan: Change and Continuity Barnett, Larry F., Population Policy and The U.S. Constitution Bish, Robert L., Governing Puget Sound Blair, Roger D. and Robert F. Lanziolloti (eds.), The Conglomerate Corporation: An Antitrust Law and Economic Symposium Brams, Steven J. and Peter C. Fishburn, Approval Voting Carp, Robert A. and C.K. Rowland, Policymaking and Politics in the Federal District Courts Cigler, Allan J. and Burdett A. Loom is (eds.), Interest Group Politics The Conservation Foundation, State of the Environment, 1982 Crecine, John P. (ed.), The New Educational Programs in Public Policy; The First Decade Dilger, Robert J., The Sunbelt/Snowbelt Controversy: The War Over Federal Funds Doig, Jameson W. (ed.), Criminal Corrections: Ideals and Realities Dunkerley, Harold B. (ed.) with Christine M.E. Whitehead, Urban Land Policy: Issues and Opportunities Ehrenberg, Ronald G. and Paul L. Schumann, Longer Hours or More Jobs: An Investigation of Amending Hours Legislation to Create Employment Feld, Alan L., Tax Policy and Corporate Concentration Greenberger, Martin, in collaboration with Garry D. Brewer, William W. Hogan and Milton Russell, Caught Unawares; The Energy Decade in Retrospect Hartland-Thundberg, Penelope and Morris H. Crawford, Government Support for Exports; A Second Best Alternative Katz, James Everett and Onkar S. Marwah (eds.), Nuclear Power in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Decision Making Linn, Johannes F., Cities in the Developing World; Policies for Their Equitable and Efficient Growth Lloyd, Christopher (ed.), Social Theory and Political Practice: Wolfson College Lectures, 1981 Lovett, William A., Inflation and Politics; Fiscal, Monetary, and Wage-Price Discipline Magat, Wesley A. (ed.), Reform of Environmental Regulation Mashaw, Jerry L., Bureaucratic Justice; Managing Social Security Disability Claims Moe, Ronald C., The Hoover Commissions Revisited Regan, Tom and Donald Vandeveer (eds.), And Justice for All; New Introductory Essays in Ethics and Public Policy Rothman, Harry, Rod Greenshields, and Francisco Rosillo Calle, Energy From Alcohol: The Brazilian Experience Sorley, Lewis, Arms Transfers Under Nixon; A Policy Analysis Stifel, Laurence D., Ralph K. Davidson, and James S. Coleman (eds.), Social Sciences and Public Policy in the Developing World Stone, Alan, and Edward J. Harpham (eds.), The Political Economy of Public Policy Storey, James R., Older Americans in the Reagan Era: Impacts of Federal Policy Changes Weisbrod, Burton A., Economics and Medical Research Whisnant, David E., Modernizing the Mountaineer: People, Power, and Planning in Appalachia
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