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Economy and society of the Remi and Suessiones in Gallia Belgica during the last two centuries BC through the prism of archaeozoology
Authors:Pierre-Emmanuel Paris
Institution:Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Lyon, France
Abstract:The Remi and the Suession territories, in northern France, are well known from an archaeological point of view thanks to the extensive excavation campaigns in the region of the Aisne Valley over the past 30 years. Focusing on the last two centuries BC – a crucial period for the Gallic peoples, right before the Roman invasion of Gallia Belgica – reveals evidence of extended urbanised sites, specialised production processes and complex social organisations. These results lead us to consider the Remi and the Suession populations not as barbarians as ancient textual sources tend to describe. Through the study of faunal remains accumulated on several archaeological sites of both territories, specific social behaviours linked to well-organised peoples emerge, for whom animal husbandry has become, over time, an important resource of production and trade, allowing them to develop economical and political alliance over borders. This study, adopting a territorial approach, examines the trading networks of animal resources for the Remi and Suession people to reach a better understanding of these complex societies. It also aims to expand our vision of Gallic communities by raising questions about animal husbandry in various regions of Gaul, such as Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Keywords:Late Iron Age  Animal husbandry  Archaeozoology  Oppidum  Northern France
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