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Photographic methods to detect colourants in archaeological textiles
Authors:Christel M. Baldia  Kathryn A. Jakes
Affiliation:1. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Department of Human Development & Environmental Studies, 911 South Drive, 208 Ackerman Hall, Indiana, PA 15705, USA;2. The Ohio State University, Textile and Fiber Science, Department of Consumer Sciences, 1787 Neil Avenue, 245 Campbell Hall, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Abstract:Protocols for photography of archaeological textiles to detect components of differing chemistry that are indicative of colourants were developed. Parameters of light source, camera distance, filter type, film type, film speed, and aperture size were evaluated for visible, UV-reflectance, UV-fluorescence, and infrared photography. Using these techniques facilitates selective sampling for further analysis that maximizes critical data acquisition while minimizing destruction of the artefact. Hence, forensic photography of archaeological perishable materials should be regarded as a precursor to destructive analytical methods.
Keywords:Archaeological textiles   Archaeological colourants   Forensic photography   Colourant detection   Seip mound group, Ohio   Hopewell
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