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Hayonim Cave: a TL-based chronology for this Levantine Mousterian sequence
Authors:N Mercier  H Valladas  L Froget  J-L Joron  J-L Reyss  S Weiner  P Goldberg  L Meignen  O Bar-Yosef  A Belfer-Cohen  M Chech  SL Kuhn  MC Stiner  A-M Tillier  B Arensburg  B Vandermeersch
Institution:1. Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l''Environnement-IPSL, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Domaine du CNRS, avenue de la Terrasse, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, France;2. Laboratoire Pierre Süe, Groupe des Sciences de la Terre, CEN Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France;3. Weizmann Institute of Science, Structural Biology Department, 76100 Rehovot, Israel;4. Boston University, Department of Archaeology, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA;5. Centre d''Etudes, Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Age, UMR 6031 du CNRS, 250 rue Albert Einstein, 06560 Valbonne, France;6. Harvard University, Peabody Museum, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA;g Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel;h MNHN, Laboratoire d''Anthropologie, Musée de l''Homme, 17 place du Trocadéro, 75116 Paris, France;i University of Arizona, Department of Anthropology, Building 30, Tucson, AZ 85721-0030, USA;j Laboratoire d''Anthropologie des Populations du Passé, UMR5199-PACEA, Université Bordeaux 1, avenue des Facultés, 33405 Talence, France;k Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 61108, Israel
Abstract:The thermoluminescence dating method was applied to 77 heated flints from the Mousterian layers of Hayonim Cave in order to provide a precise TL-based chronology for this important Levantine sequence. A detailed dosimetric study was performed by using 76 dosimeter capsules and revealed strong spatial dose-rate variations. In parallel, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry enabled the identification of various mineral assemblages in the sediments of the cave and to localize the boundaries of these assemblages. By comparing these two data sets, it is shown that low dose-rate values (∼500 μGy/a) are systematically recorded in areas where the calcite-dahllite (CD) assemblage is preserved, whereas higher values (up to 1300 μGy/a) are associated with the leucophosphite, montgomeryite, variscite and siliceous aggregates (LMVS) assemblage. The dosimetric and mineralogical information was combined in order to assess, where possible, the dose-rate experienced by each flint during its burial. Some of the flint samples analyzed were too close to mineral assemblage boundaries and were therefore discarded. This rigorous selection led to TL ages ranging from 230 to 140 ka for the lower part of the Mousterian sequence (layers F and Lower E), which contains lithic industries characterized by blade production using the laminar method.
Keywords:Thermoluminescence dating  Mousterian  Chronology  Near-East  Hayonim Cave
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