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引用本文:邹浩. 从洋务运动看慈禧太后在中西交流中的作用[J]. 神州, 2013, 0(34): 19-21
摘    要:发生于清朝晚期的19世纪60年代到90年代的洋务运动,是中国近代史上第一次大规模效仿和实施西方工业化的运动,是一场由封建地主阶级领导的自上而下的维护封建皇权统治的改良运动。慈禧太后作为当时中国的最高统治者,毫无疑问的成为这场运动的最高领导者,这也就使慈禧太后自然而然的或直接或间接的在诸多领域促成了中国与西方的交流。其与中国近代化的历程关系密切,本文试从洋务运动的视角切入,略述慈禧太后在中西交流中的作用。

关 键 词:洋务运动  慈禧太后  中西交流

The Function of Empress Dowager Cixi in the Communication Between China and the West From the Perspective of the Westernization Movement
Abstract:The Westernization Movement, which happened in the late Qing Dynasty during 1860s to 1890s, is the first large-scale movement of industrialization emulated the West in the modern history of China. It’s a reform to maintain the dom-inance of the feudal imperial power led by the feudal landlord class from above to below. As the then supreme ruler of China, Empress Dowager Cixi was no doubt the top leader of the movement, which made her contribute to the communication between China and the West directly or indirectly. Empress Dowager Cixi closely related to the modernization of China. This paper outlines the function of Empress Dowager Cixi in the communication between China and the West from the angle of the Westernization Movement.
Keywords:the Westernization Movement Empress  Dowager Cixi the communication between  China and the West
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