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摘    要:亨利·皮朗是20世纪初西方史坛的著名学者。他提出的“皮朗命题”被誉为20世纪最具影响力的史学命题之一。皮朗创造性地将地中海视为一个整体,从不同文明之间大范围互动的角度解读欧洲的起源与发展,开拓了新的研究视野与范式。随着全球化的深入发展,作为新区域史主要研究对象之一的地中海成为学术研究的热',而费尔南·布罗代尔的《地中海与菲利普二世时代的地中海世界》是地中海史研究里程碑式的著作。通过对皮朗史学思想与布罗代尔等地中海史研究学者的著作进行对比分析可以看出,皮朗强调经济与社会史研究,倡导超越民族主义史学的局限性与注重在大范围空间对历史进行长期性与结构性分析,对布罗代尔的地中海史研究产生了直接影响。而对“皮朗命题”中有关伊斯兰教与基督教二元对立的中世纪早期地中海分裂性论断的反思,则推动了新地中海史研究的发展。

关 键 词:亨利·皮朗  皮朗命题  地中海  布罗代尔  新地中海史研究

Henri Pirenne and the Study of Mediterranean History
Abstract:Henri Pirenne was a Belgian historian.As his major achievement,he proposed the Mediterranean as a holistic research framework for understanding the origins and development of Europe through the perspective of the wide-ranging interactions between different civilizations.It has opened up a new field of vision ancl provided a new paradigm for historical research.With the further development of globalization,the Meditenanean,as one of the main research objects of new regional histoiy,has become an academic hotspot The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II by Femand Braudel is,for example,a landmark work of studies of Mediterranean history.Through a comparative analysis of Pirenne with Braudel ancl other Meditenanean historians,we can conclude that Pirenne has clearly influenced BraudeFs view on Mediterranean history in the following aspects:the emphasis on social and economic history,the shift away from nationalist historiography,and the focus on the long tenn and structural analysis of historical development in a wide range of space.Driven by the antagonism between Islam and Christianity in the early Middle Ages,Pirenne separated the Mediterranean.This assertion has further influenced new studies on Meditenanean history.
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