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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
C. M ackenzie B rown : The Triumph of the Goddess: The Canonical Models and Theological Visions of the Devī Bhāgavata Purāna.
R obert M arkus : The End of Ancient Christianity.
T homas A. M ason : Serving God and Mammon. William Juxon, 1582–1663: Bishop of London, Lord High Treasurer of England, and Archbishop of Canterbury.
S uzanne D esan : Reclaiming the Sacred: Lay Religion and Popular Politics in Revolutionary France.
D. W. B ebbington : Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s.
O wen C hadwick : Michael Ramsey: A Life.
K enneth C. B arnes : Nazism, Liberalism, and Christianity: Protestant Social Thought in Germany and Great Britain, 1925–1937.
R ichard W. V audry : The Free Church in Victorian Canada, 1844–1861.
T homas C. R eeves : A Question of Character: A Life of John F. Kennedy.
E ric J. S harpe : Nathan Söderblom, and the Study of Religion.
M ichael M c K ernan : Padre: Australian Chaplains in Gallipoli and France
A lan W. B lack (ed.): Religion in Australia: Sociological Perspectives.
J ames A. B outilier and others (eds): Mission, Church and Sect in Oceania.
C har M iller (ed.): Missions and Missionaries in the Pacific.
R. L anier B rttsch : Unto the Islands of the Sea: A History of the Latter-day Saints in the Pacific.
M ichael C athcart and others (eds): Mission to the South Seas: The Voyage of the 'Duffl', 1796–1799.
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