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Book Reviews
Abstract:Sohail H, Hashmi (ed), State Sovereignty: Change and Persistence in International Relations William Polk, Neighbors and Strangers: The Fundamentals of Foreign Affairs Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives David R. Mapel and Terry Nardin (eds), International Society: Diverse Ethical Perspectives John Macmillan, On Liberal Peace: Democracy, War and the International Order Gil Friedman and Harvey Starr, Agency, Structure and International Politics: From Ontology to Empirical Inquiry James C. Hsiung, Anarchy and Order: The Interplay of Politics and Law in International Relations James Robert Huntley, Pax Democratica: A Strategy for the 21st Century John Gray, False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism James E. Goodby, Europe Undivided: The New Logic of Peace in US–Russian Relations Richard Holbrooke, To End a War Theodore de Bary and Tu Weiming, Confucianism and Human Rights Michael Ignatieff, The Warrior’s Honor: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience Mark Curtis, The Great Deception: Anglo–American Power and World Order Ramesh Thakur, Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain: The United Nations at Fifty Alan Collins, The Security Dilemma and the End of the Cold War Ina Q.R. Thomas, The Promise of Alliance: NATO and the Political Imagination William van Eekelen, Debating European Security, 1948–1998 G. Wyn Rees, The Western European Union at the Crossroads: Between Trans-Atlantic Solidarity and European Integration Beatice Heuser, NATO, Britain, France and the FRG: Nuclear Strategies and Forces for Europe, 1949–2000 Nancy W. Gallagher (ed), Arms Control: New Approaches to Theory and Policy Harald Müller (ed), Europe and Nuclear Disarmament: Debates and Political Attitudes in 16 European Countries Raju G.C. Thomas (ed), The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: Prospects for the 21st Century Bruce Hoffman, Inside Terrorism Raymond Tanter, Rogue Regimes: Terrorism and Proliferation Percy B. Lehning (ed), Theories of Secession William Field, Regional Dynamics: The Basis of Electoral Support in Britain V.S. Naipaul, Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples Lyn Spillman, Nation and Commemoration: Creating National Identities in the United States and Australia Jonathan Story and Ingo Walter, Political Economy of Financial Integration in Europe: The Battle of the Systems Kevin Dowd and Richard H. Timberlake Jr. (eds), Money and the Nation State: The Financial Revolution, Government and the World Monetary System Paul Temperton, The Euro Brian Hocking and Michael Smith, Beyond Foreign Economic Policy: The United States, the Single European Market, and the World Monetary System Paul Temperton, The Euro Brian Hocking and Michael Smith, Beyond Foreign Economic Policy: The United States, the Single European Market, and the Changing World Economy David S. Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some are so Rich and Some so Poor Alex Inkeles, One World Emerging: Convergence and Divergence in Industrial Societies Derek Osborne and Tom Bigg, Earth Summit II: Outcomes and Analysis Janne Haaland Matláry, Energy Policy in the European Union Allen Hunter, Rethinking the Cold War Robert R. Bowie and Richard H. Immerman, Waging Peace: How Eisenhower Shaped on Enduring Cold War Strategy Hannes Adomeit, Imperial Overstretch: Germany in Soviet Policy from Stalin to Gorbachev David E. Murphy, Sergei A. Kondrashev and George Bailey, Battleground Berlin: CIA v KGB in the Cold War John Killick, The United States and European Reconstruction, 1945–1960 Motti Golani, Israel in Search of a War: The Sinai Campaign 1955–1956 Kieran Williams, The Prague Spring and its Aftermath: Czechoslovak Politics, 1968–1970 Fergus Carr (ed), Europe: The Cold Divide Valerie Symes, Carl Levy and Jane Littlewood, The Future of Europe: Problems and Issues for the Twenty-first Century Alice Landau and Richard Whitman (eds), Rethinking the European Union: Institutions, Interests and Identities Alan Mayhew, Recreating Europe: The European Union’s Policy Towards Central and Eastern Europe James Forder and Anand Menon, The European Union and National Macroeconomic Policy Peter Drysdale and David Vine, Europe, East Asian and APEC: A Shared Global Agenda? Hanns Jürgen Küsters and Daniel Hofmann (eds), Dokumente zur Deutschlandpolitik: Deutsche Einheit. Sonderedition aus den Akten des Bundeskanzleramtes 1989/90 David Baker and David Seawright (eds), Britain For and Against Europe: British Politics and the Question of European Integration K.A. Ingersent, A.J. Rayner and Robert C. Hine, The Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy Noel Malcolm, Kosovo: A Short History Miranda Vickers, Between Serbs and Albanians: A History of Kosovo Thanos Veremis and Evangelos Kofos, Kosovo: Avoiding Another Balkan War Maria Todorova, Imagining the Balkans Mark Brzezinski, The Struggle for Constitutionalism in Poland Daniel H. Cole, Instituting Environmental Protection: From Red to Green in Poland Clement H. Dodd, The Cyprus Imbroglio Steven L. Solnick, Stealing the State: Control and Collapse in Soviet Institutions Barnett R. Rubin and Jack Snyder (eds), Post-Soviet Political Order: Conflict and State Building Kathryn Stoner-Weiss, Local Heroes: The Political Economy of Russian Regional Governance Peter J. Stavrakis, John DeBardeleben and Larry Black (eds), Beyond the Monolith: The Emergence of Regionalism in Post-Soviet Russia Roman Frydman, Kenneth Murphy and Andrzej Rapaczynski, Capitalism with a Comrade’s Face: Studies in the Postcommunist Transition Dmitri Volkogonov, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire Ian Anthony (ed), Russia and the Arms Trade Andrew J. Pierre and Dmitir V. Trenin (eds), Russian in the World Arms Trade George Giacaman and Dag Jørund Lønning (eds), After Oslo: New Realities, Old Problems Roland Dannreuther, The Soviet Union and the PLO Edgar O’Balance, The Palestinian Intifada William Maley (ed), Fundamentalism Reborn? Afghanistan and the Taliban Sheila Carapico, Civil Society in Yemen: The Political Economy of Activism in Modern Arabia Latif Abul-Husn, The Lebanese Conflict: Looking Inward Roland Marchal and Christine Messiant, Les chemins de la guerre at de la paix: fins de conflit en Afrique orientale et australe Alain Marie (ed), L;Afrique des individus John Dzimba, South Africa’s Destabilization of Zimbabwe Meredith Turshen and Clotilde Twagiramiriya (eds), What Women do in Wartime: Gender and Conflict in Africa Hanns Maull, Gerlad Segal and Jusuf Wanandi (eds), Europe and the Asia Pacific Michael Schaller, Altered States: The United States and Japan Since the Occupation George Hicks, Japan’s War Memories: Amnesia or Concealment? Nicholas R. Lardy, China’s Unfinished Revolution Charles Harvie and Tran van Hoa, Vietnam’s Reforms and Economic Growth Sumil Khilnani, The Idea of India Victoria Schofield (ed), Old Roads, New Highways: Fifty Years of Pakistan Herbert Dittgen, Amerikanische Demokratie und Welpolitik: Außenpolitik in den Vereinigten Staaten James F. Rochlin, Redefining Mexican ;Security;: Society, State, and Region under NAFTA David Pion-Berlin, Through Corridors of Power: Institutions and Civil-military Relations in Argentina
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