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摘    要:乳钉夔纹盆形簋主要出土于关中地区,是探索先周文化铜器群的重要研究对象。根据乳钉、夔纹特征及其组合关系可判断乳钉夔纹盆形簋的年代上限为殷墟文化第四期。根据纹饰特征可将关中地区商周之际的乳钉夔纹盆形簋分为三式,Ⅰ式的年代上限相当于殷墟文化第四期早段,Ⅱ式的年代跨先周晚期至西周初年,Ⅲ式的年代为西周早期。Ⅱ式簋主要出自关中地区商周之际的中小型墓葬,其背后反映的是关中地区在先周晚期的社会复杂化,中小贵族成为社会的中坚力量,为西土集团的崛起奠定了重要的礼制基础。乳钉夔纹圆鼎也是探索先周文化铜器群的重要对象,与乳钉夔纹盆形簋的关系密切,两者以一鼎一簋方式构成的随葬铜器组合有可能早至先周晚期。随着西土集团的东进灭商,乳钉夔纹盆形簋和乳钉夔纹圆鼎在东方地区的出现已晚至西周早期。

关 键 词:乳钉夔纹  盆形簋  先周文化  商末周初

On the Basin-shaped Gui with Nail Protrusion and Kui Pattern from the Shang-Zhou Period:The Third Discussion on the Pre-Zhou Bronzeware Assemblage in the Guanzhong Area
Li Hongfei.On the Basin-shaped Gui with Nail Protrusion and Kui Pattern from the Shang-Zhou Period:The Third Discussion on the Pre-Zhou Bronzeware Assemblage in the Guanzhong Area[J].Sichuan Cultural Relics,2021(2):46-56.
Authors:Li Hongfei
Abstract:The basin-shaped Gui with nail protrusion and kui pattern were mainly excavated from Guanzhong area of Shaanxi province,which is a key object for the study of preZhou bronzeware.Based on the features of nails and kui patterns,the basin-shaped Gui with nail protrusion and kui pattern emerged no earlier than the 4 th period of Yinxu culture,and can be divided into 3 types.The 1 st type corresponds to the early phase of the 4 th period of Yinxu Culture,the 2 nd type corresponds to the late period of pre-Zhou Culture and the earliest years of Western Zhou,while the 3 rd type corresponds to the early stage of Western Zhou culture.The 2 nd type of the basin-shaped Gui were mainly excavated from small or middle sized Shang-Zhou burials in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi province,which reflected the social complexity in the late period of pre-Zhou Culture,when nobility of middle and lower classes were becoming the vital forces of the society and laid the ritual foundation for the rise of the Western Group.The round Ding with nail protrusion and kui pattern excavated from Guanzhong area of Shaanxi province is also an important topic of for the study of pre-Zhou bronzeware,which has a close relationship with the basin-shaped Gui with nail protrusion and kui pattern.The funerary assemblage containing a Ding and a Gui could be traced back to the late stage of pre-Zhou period.As the Western Group matched eastward and annihilated the Shang dynasty,the basin-shaped Gui and round Ding with nail protrusion and kui pattern appeared in Eastern region in the early period of Western Zhou.
Keywords:The nail protrusion and kui pattern  Basin-shaped Gui  Pre-Zhou Culture  Late Shang and early Western Zhou period
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