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摘    要:广州增城墨依山遗址发现一批先秦至清代晚期墓葬,其中商代墓葬M66、M70随葬的玉牙璋是本次发掘的重要发现,也是珠江三角洲地区首次在时代明确的墓葬中清理出土的玉牙璋。玉牙璋的出土丰富了环珠江口地区的相关材料,为探讨这一地区此前考古发现的牙璋年代提供了重要标尺,也为研究牙璋自北向南的传播过程及其与周边文化的融合提供了重要考古资料。

关 键 词:广州  墨依山遗址  商代  墓葬  玉牙璋  Guangzhou  Moyishan  Site  Shang  Dynasty  Tombs  Jade  yazhang-scepters

Two Shang Dynasty Burials at the Moyishan Site in Zengcheng,Guangzhou Which Unearthed Jade Yazhang-Scepters
Abstract:A group of burials dating to the Pre-Qin through late Qing were excavated at the Moyishan site in Zengcheng,Guangzhou,Guangdong province.Among them,the tombs M66 and M70,both dating to the Shang dynasty,were unearthed with jade yazhang-scepters,which is of particular significance as it is the first time that jade yazhang-scepters were discovered in clearly dated tombs in the Pearl River Delta re-gion.The discovery of jade yazhang-scepters enriches the research data of the region surrounding the mouth of the Pearl River.It sets an important benchmark for the dating of the jade yazhang-scepters discovered previously in this region,and provides valuable archeological materials for the study of the yazhang-scepters 'propagation process from the north to the south and their integration with the surrounding cultures.
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