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A new ornamented artefact from Poland: final palaeolithic symbolism from an environmental perspective
Authors:Tomasz Płonka  Krzysztof Kowalski  Małgorzata Malkiewicz  Jan Kuryszko  Paweł Socha  Krzysztof Stefaniak
Affiliation:1. Department of Archaeology of the Stone Age, Institute of Archaeology, University of Wroc?aw, ul. Szewska 48, 50-139 Wroc?aw, Poland;2. National Museum in Szczecin, ul. Starom?yńska 27, 70-561 Szczecin, Poland;3. Department of Palaeobotany, Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Wroc?aw, Poland;4. Department of Animal Anatomy and Histology, The Faculty of Vetarinary Medicine, Wroc?aw University of Environmental and Life Science, ul. Ko?uchowska 5, 51-631 Wroc?aw, Poland;5. Department of Palaeozoology, Zoological Institute, University of Wroc?aw, ul. Sienkiewicza 21, 50-335 Wroc?aw, Poland
Abstract:An ornamented artefact made of antler, found in the environs of ?widwin (Pomerania, NW Poland), was subject to structural and environmental analysis. Radiocarbon dating (10?700 ± 60 BP or 10?910–10?680 cal. BC) places it in the Final Palaeolithic, at the end of Weichselian (boundary of the Allerød and Younger Dryas). The surface of the artefact bears a complex ornament of zigzag lines and an anthropomorphic drawing, representing most probably a woman with spread legs. Palynological analysis of the deposit in which the object was found indicates forest communities (pine-birch forests) with some open areas, in a cool climate. Ultrastructural examination points to the elk Alces alces (Linnaeus, 1758) as the source species; the antler was at the stage of intense growth which indicates that the elk was killed or died in the spring-summer period. The antler was large, and the object made of it was used for a long time, playing a role in rituals and symbolic culture of a hunting group. The ornamentation shows an affinity to the early Mesolithic art and makes it possible to better trace the relations between the hunters of the late Pleistocene and those of the early Holocene.
Keywords:Symbolism   Ornamented artefact   Final Palaeolithic   Mesolithic
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