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Middle Bronze Age metallurgy in the Levant: evidence from the weapons of Byblos
Authors:Ziad EL Morr  Michel Pernot
Institution:Institut de Recherche sur les ArchéoMATériaux (IRAMAT-CRPAA), UMR5060, CNRS, Université Bordeaux 3, Esplanade des Antilles, 33607, Pessac Cedex, France
Abstract:This paper constitutes a synthesis of a technological investigation on copper base alloy weapons from Byblos. Most of the weapons are typical of the Middle Bronze Age in the Levant. Methods such as metallographic examination and chemical analyses by EDS were used to identify the different stages of the chaîne opératoire used in the making of these weapons. The results reveal precise information regarding the production of several types of weapons such as the type and performance of the moulds used for casting and the deformation process. Furthermore, these results highlight the contribution of economic and cultural factors in the choice of components in a copper base alloy recipe. Finally, the use of silver–copper brazes for joining copper base alloy objects is recorded for the first time for the period and region concerned.
Keywords:Metallurgy  Copper base alloy  Technology  Weapons  Middle Bronze Age  Levant  Byblos
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