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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
Roman amphoras: A review article
Shipwrecks and archaeology: the unharvested sea. P eter T hrockmorton
Ships and seamanship in the ancient world. L ionel C asson
Ships of the Pharaohs. B jorn L andstrom
Skind eller Træ (Skin or Wood). Author in Smand og Fisker. Skib og Wærf , Roskilde, 1970, pp. 213–39, 13 figs. O le C rumlin -P edersen
Die Bremen Haose-Kogge. Fund, Konservierung, Forschung. H. A bel et al .
Skonnerten Fulton af Marstal. O le C rumlin -P edersen
Boats and boatmen of Pakistan. B asil G reenhill
Fishbourne. A Roman palace and its gardens. B arry C unliffe
Archaeology under water. G eorge F. B ass
Nautical archaeology. A handbook. B ill S t . J ohn W ilkes
Conservation in field archaeology. E lizabeth A. D owman
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