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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
The Complete Peerage. Volume XZV; Addenda and Comgenda.
Discourse on History, Law, and Governance in the Public Career John Selden, 1610-35. By Paul Christianson
Sovereignty and the Sword. Hawington, Hobbes, and Mixed Government in the English Civil Wars. By Arihiro Fukuda
Regicide and Republicanism. Politics and Ethics in the English Revolution 1646-1659. By Sarah Barber
Failed Legislation, 1660-1800. Extracted from the Commons and Lords Journals.
Lord Burlington-The Man and his Politics. Questions ofloyalty.
Georgiana Duchess ofDevonshire. By Amanda Foreman
Aristocratic Women and Political Society in Victorian Britain. By K. D. Reynolds
William Pitt and the French Revolution, 1785–1795. By Jennifer Mori
A Victorian Law Reformer. A LofLord Selborne. By Edward Heward
Speaking for the People. Party, hnguage and Popular Politics in England, 1867-1914. By Jon Lawrence
Rebel on the Right. Henry Page Croft and the Crisis of British Consewatism 1903-1914. By Larry Witherell
Questioning the Postwar Consensus Thesis. Towards an Alternative Account. By James D. Marlow
'The Myth ofConsetisus. New Views on British History, 1945-64.
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