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摘    要:明人《十同年图》卷是描绘明中期大臣李东阳、闵珪等十位甲申进士同年的一次雅集的群像画,创作于弘治十六年癸亥(1503年)。它是历代雅集图的继承和发展。画面生动地再现了孝宗朝精英朝臣的群像。明孝宗以仁政和善用贤臣享有盛名.其统治时期是明代政治较为清明的时期,“甲申十同年”是当时官僚体系中的中流砥柱.此图因而具有重要的历史价值。此外.此卷为闵珪家藏本,后人提到此图为宫廷画家吕纪所作.本文针对这一问题试作分析。

关 键 词:《十同年图》  同年  李东阳  闵珪  闵声  《竹园寿集图》  《南级老人图》轴  《四景货郎》  吕纪  吕文英  焦芳

A Preliminary Study of the Ming Scroll Painting Shi tongnian tu
YANG LILI.A Preliminary Study of the Ming Scroll Painting Shi tongnian tu[J].Palace Museum Journal,2004(2).
Abstract:The Ming Dynasty scroll painting titled Shi tongnian tu is a group portrait ("conversation piece") depicting a gathering of ten jinshi examination graduates of the jiashen year of the mid-Ming, including the powerful official Li Dongyang and Min Gui. The work was executed in 1503, and it represents a continuation of the tradition of depicting gatherings of prominent scholars, in this case elite officials serving the court of Emperor Xiaozong. Emperor Xiaozong was renowned for his benevolent rule and employment of virtuous officials, and his reign is regarded as one of the more enlightened periods of the Ming Dynasty. The "Jiashen Ten" were seen as pillars of officialdom in their day and so this work has great historical significance. The folio painting was later held in the collection of the family of Min Gui and the work was later attributed to the court painter L u Ji. This article discusses the latter question.
Keywords:Shi tongnian tu  examination year  Li Dongyang  Min Gui  Min Sheng  Zhuyuan shouji tu  Nanji laoren tu  Sijing huolang tu  L u Ji  L u Wenying  Jiao Fang    
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