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Book reviews
Abstract:International Relations theory Handbook of political theory. Edited by Gerald F. Gaus and Chandran Kukathas. What is political theory? Edited by Stephen K. White and J. Donald Moon. International ethics In the shadow of ‘just wars’. Edited by Fabrice Weissman. Foreign relations Parting ways: the crisis in German–American relations. By Stephen F. Szabo. Engaging India: diplomacy, democracy, and the bomb. By Strobe Talbott. Conflict, security and armed forces Men, militarism and UN peacekeeping: a gendered analysis. By Sandra Whitworth. Politics, democracy and social affairs Out of evil: new international politics and old doctrines of war. By Stephen Chan. The United States and the Great Powers: world politics in the twenty‐first century. By Barry Buzan. World cities beyond the West: globalization, development and inequality. Edited by Josef Gugler. Ethnicity and cultural politics The ethics of identity. By Kwame Anthony Appiah. International and national political economy, economics and development World trade governance and developing countries: the GATT/WTO code committee system. By Kofi Oteng Kufuor. Energy and environment The international climate change regime: a guide to rules, institutions and procedures. By Farhana Yamin and Joanna Depledge. History Caught in the Middle East: US policy toward the Arab–Israeli conflict, 1945–61. By Peter L. Hahn. Support any friend: Kennedy's Middle East and the making of the US–Israeli alliance. By Warren Bass. Armies without nations: public violence and state formation in Central America 1821–1960. By Robert H. Holden. Europe Reinvigorating European elections: the implications of electing the European Commission. By Julie Smith. Himself alone: David Trimble and the ordeal of unionism. By Dean Godson. David Trimble: the price of peace. By Frank Millar. The myth of ethnic war: Serbia and Croatia in the 1990s. By V. P. Gagnon, Jr. Cyprus: the search for a solution. By David Hannay. The Turks today. By Andrew Mango. Russia and the former Soviet republics Russia's engagement with the West: transformation and integration in the twenty‐first century. Edited by Alexander J. Motyl, Blair A. Ruble and Lilia Shevtsova. The Russian military: power and policy. By Steven E. Miller and Dmitri Trenin. Reforging the weakest link: global political economy and post‐Soviet change in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Edited by Neil Robinson. Middle East and North Africa Cradle of Islam: the Hijaz and the quest for an Arabian identity. By Mai Yamani. Checkpoint syndrome. By Liran Ron Furer. Sub‐Saharan Africa Africa unchained: the blueprint for Africa's future. By George Ayittey. Durable peace: challenges for peacebuilding in Africa. Edited by Tasier M. Ali and Robert O. Matthews. The political economy of AIDS in Africa. Edited by Nana K. Poku and Alan Whiteside. Africa in international politics: external involvement on the continent. Edited by Ian Taylor and Paul Williams. Africa at the crossroads: between regionalism and globalization. Edited by John Mukum Mbaku and Suresh Chandra Saxena. Designing West Africa: prelude to 21st century calamity. By Peter Schwab. Islamism and its enemies in the Horn of Africa. Edited by Alex de Waal. Rethinking the rise and fall of apartheid. By Adrian Guelke. Engaging Africa: Washington and the fall of Portugal's colonial empire. By Witney W. Schneidman. Asia and Pacific Modern Afghanistan: a history of struggle and survival. By Amin Saikal. The idea of Pakistan. By Stephen Philip Cohen. Pakistan's drift into extremism: Allah, the army, and America's war on terror. By Hassan Abbas. State and society in 21st‐century China: crisis, contention, and legitimation. Edited by Peter Hays Gries and Stanley Rosen. China's new order: society, politics, and economy in transition. By Wang Hui. The river runs black: the environmental challenge to China's future. By Elizabeth C. Economy. North America America right or wrong: an anatomy of American nationalism. By Anatol Lieven. American power in the 21st century. Edited by David Held and Matthias Koenig‐Archibugi. The sorrows of empire: militarism, secrecy, and the end of the republic. By Chalmers Johnson. Latin America and Caribbean Cuba: a new history. By Richard Gott. Mercosur: between integration and democracy. Edited by Francisco Domínguez and Marcos Guedes de Oliveira.
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