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The link between fluids and rank variation in the South Wales Coalfield: evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes
Authors:D. H. M. Alderton  N. Oxtoby  H. Brice  N. Grassineau   R. E. Bevins
Affiliation:Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, UK;;Department of Geology, National Museums and Galleries of Wales, Cardiff, UK
Abstract:Fluid inclusion and stable isotope data from quartz and carbonate minerals in fracture fillings and ‘ironstone’ nodules from the South Wales Coalfield have been used to characterise the fluids generated during basin evolution and associated coalification. Carbonates grew first, probably at relatively shallow depths and low temperatures (<100°C). The carbonates exhibit a trend of increasing C‐isotopic values across the coalfield, ranging from δ13C = ?12‰ VPDB in the SE of the coalfield to 0‰ VPDB in the NW, possibly as a result of increasing methanogenesis in the deeper (NW) parts of the coalfield. Quartz formed at a later stage of basin formation, probably at temperatures between 150 and 200°C. Fluid inclusions in these minerals suggest that burial and coalification of the sediments were associated with mixed aqueous–petroleum fluids. Furthermore, the density of these petroleum fluids decreases towards the NW of the coalfield, where the rank of the associated coal increases to anthracite grade. The study confirms that the composition and temperature of these fluids closely correlate with the variations in coal rank, indicating a possible causal link. The data also give general support to models that propose regional fluid flow in the basin. and are consistent with the erosion of approximately 2 km of section which is not preserved today. A geothermal gradient (at maximum burial) of 45°C km?1 is proposed, and thus no exceptionally anomalous thermal regime is required to explain coal rank variation.
Keywords:coal rank    fluid flow    fluid inclusions    hydrocarbons    South Wales Coalfield    stable isotopes
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