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Methods of designing the bottom of ship's hulls were only a small part of the process of building a frame-based ship in Portugal in the 16th and early 17th centuries, but they deserve a careful look. Using a number of geometric algorithms that were already well-known to Italian shipwrights of the 15th century, Portuguese shipwrights obtained the co-ordinates of the turn of the bilge points of the central, pre-designed, frames without the need for making drawings.
© 2006 The Author  相似文献   
Palaeohistology as a valuable diagnostic instrument is dependent on the production of high‐quality thin‐ground sections from dry bone. The objective of this study was to consider technical differences and assess the qualitative outcomes of five techniques for preparing thin‐ground sections from dry archaeological bone. Established techniques with long follow‐up times and excellently documented results were compared with simpler and cheaper time‐saving techniques. Evaluations were made of the quality of thin sections obtained by one classical machine‐based embedding technique, two revised versions of the same technique, one manual moulding technique based on Frost's rapid technique and one manual hybrid technique. Five osteological specimens of differing quality were prepared following the manuals for these five techniques and examined microscopically with respect to a list of standardised histological and diagenetic parameters. Alterations in the specimens attributable to preparation effects were recorded, and observations were scored with reference to three criteria: section quality, technical quality and staining. The results show that embedding techniques are to prefer. Superglue should not be used as a mounting or embedding medium. Manual grinding comes with several limitations, and machine cutting and grinding are preferred. Haematoxylin staining can be successfully applied to embedded specimens, giving more information on microscopic diagenetic processes. A stepwise manual for a revision of the classical embedding technique is presented. The time required for producing sections using classical embedding techniques is shortened from 6 weeks to 3.7 days by refining the preparation/polymerization processes involved with no loss of osteological data. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
民俗学是随着现代性的全球扩张而发展起来的一门高度国际性的关于民族文化传统的学科,它在方法上采取集体主义,在理论上假设民族在民俗上的同质性。在现代性走向巅峰的时候,同质性人群和民俗传统的快速消逝带来民俗学的危机。面对危机,从日常生活来界定民俗的思潮兴起,却并不能解除危机。在人口流动、文化杂糅的世界社会,个人与小群体必须与他人协商安排日常生活的细节,这种世界社会的民俗协商正在成为广泛的事实。能够应对这种趋势的民俗学将会获得发展的生命力,这有赖于从业者带来理论与方法的创新。  相似文献   
英国新社会史思潮的兴起及其整体社会史研究的国际反响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“新社会史研究”作为一种史学新思潮,与西方史学的整体化趋势,几乎同时出现于现代国际史学舞台。英国新社会史思潮具有广泛和深刻的国内外史学渊源。英国新社会史学派宣扬的核心问题是坚持“自下而上”史学观念,它彰显了由此观念指导下的整体社会史取向和研究实践。从较广泛的分析角度看,在国际史学发展格局重新调整的现时背景下,英国马克思主义新社会史学派引起国内外史学界的广泛注意和效仿。它对国际史学发展的推动性作用是不可忽视的,这集中体现了该学派及其整体史学研究的国际反响。  相似文献   
产地农产品批发市场的功能创新与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
寇平君  闫华红  刘玉国 《攀登》2006,25(4):63-65
文章运用产业经济学和市场经济理论,分析了产地农产品批发市场在我国存在和发展的社会经济条件及其在农产品市场流通体系中的重要地位;立足国情,探析产地市场作为农业经济组织所具有的内在特性与社会职能,探索性地提出了产地市场是一个能够长效拉动我国农业经济和农村社会发展的经济组织形式。文章认为,产地农产品批发市场具有组织生产、一体化经营、组织农产品加工、农业科技服务和农民教育培训、提高农产品质量、保障农产品安全、促进农村社会发展等重要功能。  相似文献   
本文立足于洋务运动史、近代外交思想史既有研究,利用近年来出版的有关档案,考察中法越南交涉这一洋务时期具有代表性的重大外交个案,探讨洋务时期整体外交思想,认为义利结合的整体外交思想为洋务时期清朝政府的基本外交指导思想,从而反思中国近代外交思想史研究中若干误区.  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义文化纲领的历史发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从改革开放之初提出"两个文明"建设,到十五大正式提出"经济、政治、文化纲领",再到十六届四中全会发展为"物质文明、政治文明、精神文明、社会文明"四位一体,实质是中国特色社会主义事业总体布局的发展过程,是在这个总体布局中社会主义精神文明建设面临新任务、扮演新角色、承担新使命的过程,是中国特色社会主义文化纲领继往开来、不断丰富发展和完善的过程,反映了中国化马克思主义文化理论一脉相承、与时俱进的理论品质和实践品质。  相似文献   
康熙朝雕漆初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康熙朝有无雕漆,一直悬而未决。本文通过对故宫博物院所藏7件雕漆作品的造型、漆色、雕工、装饰纹样、款识等多方面的分析,认为康熙朝有雕漆,并推断为苏州制造。  相似文献   
本文通过对《蒋介石日记》的解读与论证,从新的角度证明了“宋明理学”对蒋介石的道德取向、人格塑造及思想理念的潜在影响。  相似文献   
张一平 《史学月刊》2000,(1):111-115
20世纪的世界已是一个整体,各国各民族都是世界整体的各个局部,各个重大事件都是世界历史链条上的各个环节。不应孤立地考察某个历史事件或某一国家的命运,而应从世界整体历史的角度,去把握历史事件的内在联系。李植栴主编的《20世纪世界史》的突出特点,就在于整体研究。但该有所忽视的是,世界历史整体与外部环境的关系。  相似文献   
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