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城市化进程中交通公平的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统分析城市化进程中交通公平内涵的基础上,从弱势群体与社会排斥、交通公平评估与改善策略等方面,梳理交通公平的相关研究成果。结果表明,当前城市交通公平性研究还需从以下几个方面进行完善:交通公平内涵应更加注重改善快速城市化地区居民群体的出行环境;系统分析快速城市化进程中交通公平的演化模式,改善交通公平的基本测度方法;构建交通公平评估的空间分析方法,从经济成本可达性角度剖析交通公平性;关注快速城市化地区交通公平的改善策略,提出可操作性的交通公平优化方法。  相似文献   

Concern has been growing recently in China about the well-being of children, women and the elderly “left behind” on the farm when family members leave the village in search of waged work. Increasingly, the left-behind are portrayed in academic and policy discourse as a “vulnerable group” of passive dependants, sidelined by modernisation and abandoned by their families. This paper challenges this discourse, arguing that while attention to the well-being of the left-behind is vital, there is an urgent need for a shift in focus from their vulnerability to their agency. The paper focuses on the agency of left-behind women between the ages of 50 and 80. It aims, first of all, to point the way toward an empirically richer understanding of the social construction of older women’s agency and well-being. The second aim of the paper is to suggest how different conceptualisations of “agency” and “older women” might contribute to more ethical and politically effective strategies for development and the improvement of women’s well-being. To further these two aims, the paper draws on fieldwork conducted in rural Ningxia, north-western China, and on critiques of the “capability approach” to development expounded by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum.  相似文献   
In the context of HIV, there is considerable debate about the role of schools and teachers as potential sources of care and support for vulnerable children. This qualitative research examines ‘care’ as experienced and practiced by pupils and teachers in rural Western Kenya. In primary and secondary schools, interviews were conducted with 18 teachers and 57 orphaned and vulnerable pupils, alongside Photovoice. Drawing on thematic analysis and an ‘ethic of care’ theoretical perspective, we unpack the informal caring practices of teachers within resource-constrained settings. The research provides glimpses of schools as spaces of care, participation and support for orphaned and vulnerable pupils. Recognising and providing institutional support for the development of an ethic of care in schools may help to tackle the considerable educational barriers facing girls and boys who are orphaned and vulnerable and move ‘care’ closer towards the centre of educational policy and practice in the global South.  相似文献   
Nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZs) have been established throughout Europe to tackle diffuse pollution. This research investigates the attitudes and practices of farmers in the River Eden catchment, within the Strathmore and Fife NVZ in eastern Scotland, and explores how these changed between 2002 and 2011. Attitudes were investigated using interviews; efficiency of nutrient use was evaluated using farm gate nutrient budgets (NBs). Most of the 16 farmers regard NVZ regulations as burdensome and costly; however, attitudes to NVZs became more positive during the period. NBs demonstrated that arable farms generate the least nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) surpluses, dairy the most. N efficiency improved on nine farms and declined on two; P efficiency improved on 12 farms and declined on two. Overall, the 16 farms were using 13% less N and 19% less P in 2011 compared with 2003. Water quality data demonstrate that Nitrate N in the catchment's main rivers dropped between 2004 and 2011 by a mean of 15.5%, whereas mean phosphate P declined very little. Legacy P and Inefficient sewerage treatment facilities may explain the latter finding. Results demonstrate that NVZ regulations, combined with economic pressures, have affected farmers’ attitudes and behaviour, resulting in significant improvements in surface water quality.  相似文献   
旅游权利论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《马尼拉宣言》强调旅游是“人人享有的权利”,而不是政府“发给公民的福利”。但在旅游发展过程中,人们却越来越忽略了旅游的权利理念,而功利性地把发展经济作为发展旅游的单一目的,形成了旅游的不公平现象。在进入21世纪人类强调“以人为本”发展理念的今天,我们对旅游的认识,也应该由单一的功利化目的——发展经济逐步回归到旅游的本质——把旅游作为人的基本权利。在这一认识的基础上,国家和地方政府及一切社会机构,都有责任和义务为人类旅游权利的实现提供政策保障、创造物质条件,特别是对低收入群体、残疾人等弱势群体,更应该通过政策、法规等手段,保障其旅游权利和旅游愿望的实现。  相似文献   
The uneven distribution of environmental hazards across space and in vulnerable populations reflects underlying societal inequities. Fragmented research has led to gaps in comprehensive understanding of and action on environmental health inequities in Canada and there is a need to gain a better picture of the research landscape in order to integrate future research. This paper provides an initial assessment of the state of the environmental health research field as specifically focused on vulnerable populations in Canada. We present a meta‐narrative literature review to identify under‐integrated areas of knowledge across disciplinary fields. Through systematic searching and categorization, we assess the abstracts of a total of 308 studies focused on the past 30 years of Canadian environmental health inequity research in order to describe temporal, geographical, contextual and epistemological patterns. The results reveal that there has been significant growth in Canadian research documenting the uneven distributions and impacts of environmental hazards across locations and populations since the 1990s, but its focus has been uneven. Notably, there is a lack of research aimed at integrating evidence‐based and policy‐relevant evaluation of environmental health inequities and how they are created and sustained. Areas for future research are recommended including more interdisciplinary, multimethod and preventive approaches to resolve the environmental burden placed on vulnerable populations and to promote environmental health equity.  相似文献   
弱势群体一般是指那些在特定历史时期,由于某些障碍及缺乏经济、政治和社会机会而在社会上处在不利地位的、被国家和社会纳入救助范围的社会群体。1949~1952年,中国弱势群体主要包括灾民、失业者、妓女、乞丐和孤老病残等,其存在原因首要的是自然地理因素,其次是社会转型因素与历史遗留问题。弱势群体的情况一定程度上决定了新中国社会救助制度的初始选择。  相似文献   
There is limited knowledge of risk perceptions in coastal communities despite their vulnerability to a range of risks including the impacts of climate change. A survey of 400 households in two Australian coastal communities, combined with semi‐structured interviews, provides insight into household perceptions of the relative importance of climatic and non‐climatic risks and the subsequent risk priorities that may inform household adaptive action. In contrast to previous research, the results demonstrated that geographic location and household characteristics might not affect perceptions of vulnerability to environmental hazards. However, past experience was a significant influence, raising the priority of environmental concerns. Overall, the results highlight the priority concerns of coastal households (from finance, to health and environment) and suggest to increase the profile of climate issues in coastal communities climate change strategies need to better demonstrate links between climate vulnerability and other household concerns. Furthermore, promoting generic capacities in isolation from understanding the context in which households construe climate risks is unlikely to yield the changes required to decrease the vulnerability of coastal communities.  相似文献   
A Public Faith     
《Political Theology》2013,14(6):779-781
本文以生态脆弱群体的就医偏好与决策行为为研究对象,运用问卷调查和访谈,从生态脆弱群体的属性特征和社会因素两个方面,构建logistic回归模型,分析生态脆弱群体就医偏好与决策行为。从回归模型的整体拟合来看,自变量与各别因变量之间存在显著的线性关系,其渐进Sig.(双侧)值均小于0.05。其中:生态脆弱群体的教育程度、经济和身体状况等属性特征与生态脆弱群体的就医偏好存在显著线性关系;社会因素中医疗服务满意程度、医疗条件的优劣、就医程序复杂程度与生态脆弱群体的就医决策行为存在显著线性关系。据此,形成了两种类型的就医行为模式,即"自养"和"异养"型模式。研究结果可为生态脆弱群体就医行为类型的划分提供借鉴,促进行为地理学和健康地理学的融合研究。  相似文献   
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