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通过对出入西安美加游客的实地调查,利用计算机软件建立数据库进行资料统计分析,探讨西安与其它旅游热点城市之间美加游客空间转移模式及其影响因素,提出美加旅游市场的几点营销策略。  相似文献   
西安市外国游客旅游交往行为及交往效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁旺兵 《人文地理》2009,24(3):93-96
在现代社会中,旅游是一种十分重要的交往方式。作为一种限定于发生在旅游地这一特定空间及游客与东道主这两个特定群体之间的交往,旅游交往在地理空间、社会关系以及交往目的上有一定的特殊性。利用项目组在西安对外国游客和当地居民所作的455份抽样调查资料,运用Excell统计软件,从游客和当地居民两方面分析了外国游客与西安当地居民旅游交往行为的特点,并对主客交往效应进行了分析,进而提出了优化西安主客交往的建议,即克服主客交往障碍、创造主客交往机会和营造良好的主客交往环境。  相似文献   
大理古城民居客栈中外游客满意度对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取大理古城民居客栈作为研究对象,尝试建立大理古城民居客栈游客满意度测评体系,通过对大理古城民居客栈的中外游客满意度调查,采用实证研究、横向比较相结合的方法,对比分析中外游客满意度,以期对类似民居客栈业的发展有积极的指导作用。研究表明:中外游客对大理古城民居客栈的产品与服务是持肯定态度的;中国游客对大理古城民居客栈的总体满意度普遍高于外国游客;中外游客都对大理古城民居客栈表示了很高的忠诚度。  相似文献   
王丽  王诚庆  孙梦阳 《人文地理》2018,33(4):137-145
在我国入境旅游市场结构变化的背景下,研究文化差异对入境游客时空行为的影响变得越来越重要。本文以Flickr网站上抓取的北京入境游客的52896条地理标签照片数据为基础,从文化距离角度开展定量的实证性研究,深入分析文化距离对北京入境游客时空行为的影响。分析结果表明,时间维度上游客停留时间、游客来京月份与文化距离显著相关,空间维度上游客访问景点的数量,以及对雍和宫、天安门广场、前门大街、鼓楼大街等21个景点的偏好与文化距离显著相关。本文开展文化距离对入境游客时空行为的影响研究,弥补了此领域实证性研究不足问题,此结果对入境市场细分,营销策略制定、旅游线路和旅游产品设计等方面具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
苏红霞 《人文地理》2012,26(1):156-160
旅游统计和市场研究中年龄经常作为一个变量被广泛使用,但是针对年龄变量的论证却寥寥无几。本文依托中英两国最新权威统计资料,结合实地问卷调查资料,以英国人为例,研究年龄对其出游的影响规律,首次提出了出游年龄优势论。英国人出游决策呈现明显的年龄规律,以青壮年(25—44岁)和中老年(45—64岁)为主,占80%以上,其余年龄群体所占比例较少。这种现象归结为"出游年龄优势论"。人口老龄化趋势促使旅游管理者和营销者关注老龄化市场,老龄市场份额呈上升趋势,但是老年人不会取代中青年成为首要旅游市场,这主要是受健康状况和收入水平双瓶颈限制。英国旅游市场呈现出来的年龄规律具有一定的普遍性。  相似文献   

The family, as a leisure unit, is an important museum consumer group. The literature on family leisure in museums concentrates on the cognitive and the learning aspects in science museums and art galleries in western contexts. It provides limited explanation of the leisure outcomes acquired from visiting museums. This work addresses this lacuna by exploring the benefits perceived by Chinese parents who take their children to a cluster of museums along China’s Grand Canal, a world heritage site in Hangzhou. A review of museum and heritage research, combined with 17 on-site, in-depth interviews, generated information on a range of benefits which was used to design a questionnaire that was completed by 450 respondents. Five perceived benefits were identified using factor analysis. In order of significance, they are family bonding, community attachment, cultural awareness, restoration and personal growth. These perceived benefits have implications for museums and other public facilities catering to the family leisure market, as well as for governments, community organisations, the heritage sector and other stakeholders that are charged with managing cultural heritage.  相似文献   
旅游目的地营销系统的功能构成与评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王有成 《旅游科学》2009,23(1):28-37
本文试图构建目的地营销系统功能的概念模型,并评估每项功能的有效性。以关国会议旅游局的网络营销系统为研究对象,提出目的地营销系统包括4个相关的部分:虚拟信息空间、虚拟沟通空间、虚拟交易空间和虚拟关系空间。研究发现目的地营销系统仍处于发展的初级阶段,其使用率和完善程度都呈现出层级递进的趋势。目的地营销系统的信息提供功能表现最好,但是交易和关系功能表现欠佳。最后为完善目的地营销系统的功能提出了相关意见和建议。  相似文献   

Peace through tourism focuses on the place of tourism in promoting peaceful relations in positive multidimensional terms. Sport events are associated to tourism in that such events provide tourists with the opportunity to engage in friendly competition and social proximity brings local sport people, teams and communities in contact with societies from around the world. The main study aim is to examine and analyze how, why, under what circumstances, and to what extent a cross border sport tourism event can contribute to the promotion of a message of peace between Israelis and Palestinians in the Holy Land. The case study examines the Bethlehem to Jerusalem Peace Run in which participants were Catholic Italian pilgrims, Israelis and Palestinians. The qualitative methodology includes several forms of mixed data collection: participant observation; content analysis of media documents, and in depth interviews based on a grounded theory approach. The in-depth interview questions to the organizers focused on understanding the challenges and implications of organizing the event, and the extent to which it was important and successful, in their estimation. Participants were asked about their feelings during the event and their estimation of its importance and success. In light of the study findings, a typological model was constructed of tourism-sport-peace relations against a background of conflicts and confrontations. The model illustrates that the elements are interrelated and encourage peace-promotion aspects in three dimensions: at the decision-making and governmental level in the organizational dimension; at the level of people’s feelings in the field in the social dimension; and in the positive media image that emerges in the media dimension, promoting positive coverage and a positive image. These insights and the proposed model should be considered for implementation in other areas of the world suffering from closed and hostile borders.  相似文献   
旅游者对广州饮食文化景观形象感知的实证研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
"食在广州"已成为一个集味觉享受、视觉感受和听觉冲击于一体的广州形象的宣传口号,成为广州吸引外地旅游者的重要品牌。通过对外地旅游者的抽样调查,探讨旅游者对广州饮食文化景观的形象感知特征,结果表明:①广州整体旅游形象中,购物突出,饮食居次;②传统美食和饮食习俗受偏爱;③旅游者注重餐馆的用餐环境和服务,总体上对餐馆表示满意;④广州饮食的多元化特征在旅游者感知中表现明显。旅游者对广州饮食文化景观形象感知特征对于科学合理的开发利用广州饮食文化景观资源有重要的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   
我国已进入老龄社会,博物馆应根据老年观众的需求和行为特点,完善对老年观众的各项服务。对首都博物馆的相关调研显示:老年观众多在上午与家人、亲属结伴参观,大多对历史和艺术有兴趣,愿意参观博物馆组织的特展,充足的休息座椅、良好舒适的参观环境和干净且位置适宜的卫生间位列老年观众参观需求的前三位。  相似文献   
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