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Soil multi-element analysis is now a routine technique employed to help answer questions about space use and function in and around archaeological sites. The pattern of enhancement of certain elements, including P, Pb, Ca, Zn, and Cu, has been shown by numerous studies to correlate closely with the archaeological and historical record. Interpretation of these soil signatures, however, has generally been more problematic. One approach to the problem has been the use of ethnographic or “known” sites to guide interpretation, but how confidently can results from one site be extrapolated to another? This study of abandoned farms tests the site specificity of soil multi-element signatures of past space use through the use of discriminant models. Data analysis suggests that one to one comparisons of similar sites are much less accurate (38% accuracy) than comparisons based on a wider range of sites (59.3% accuracy), even when the latter have contrasting geology. The results highlight the importance of individual anthropogenic practices during occupation and abandonment in the development of diagnostic soil geochemical signatures.  相似文献   
镇域尺度的空间相互作用研究对促进城乡统筹和城镇体系规划具有重要意义。本文借鉴最新研究成果,从理论及实践层面对镇域空间相互作用研究进行了探索,提出一种基于空间可达性的辐射模型,并与传统重力模型进行比较分析。以大冶市16个乡镇为例进行实例研究,结果表明:1辐射模型与实测数据的相似度较高,可以更好地反映镇域空间相互作用的客观规律;2两种模拟方法在体现空间相互作用的方向性以及结构特征方面具有显著差异;3辐射模型中影响范围的引入以及空间可达性对区域异质性的体现是其与重力模型的主要区别。  相似文献   
对隋代东都洛阳的历史地理研究,特别是关于城坊的考订,前贤已多有用功并成就斐然,而对东都洛阳四郊地名的整理,鉴于传世文献相关记载的匮乏,尚待掌握较为充分的出土墓志资料方得展开。新近出版的《隋代墓志铭汇考》,适为本文的研究及撰述提供了良好的平台,本文旨在以隋代墓志铭为基本素材,并结合传世文献与今人成就,对隋代东都洛阳城四郊的河南与洛阳两县所辖乡、里、村、原、园、桥、山、屯等地名,分门别类,稽考订补,期能继踵前贤,略进一程。  相似文献   
乡村地区路网通达性研究——以陕西省丹凤县为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通达性是指交通网络中各节点相互作用的机会大小,也是从出发地前往目的地的方便程度。道路网络是支撑乡村地区经济社会发展的基础,而通达性则是反映道路网络水平和质量的有效评价指标。本文以位于陕西秦巴山区的丹凤县为例,基于第二次土地利用现状调查和实际考察资料,分别以乡镇和行政村为单元,以GIS方法为支撑,采用道路临近性、乡镇内部可达性和道路衔接性三项指标,分析和评价了丹凤县乡村地区路网通达性。本研究对陕南秦巴山区乡村路网建设和移民搬迁工程有一定指导作用,对乡村地区路网通达性分析和评价方法进行了有效改进。  相似文献   
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