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There is little research on children’s experiences of growing up in a popular tourist destination, where place and space are contested with visitors, migrants and temporary residents. Existing literature on young people’s experiences of their socio-spatial surroundings has focused predominantly on the rural/urban dichotomy, often neglecting to explore how identity and belonging are negotiated in complex community contexts such as tourist destinations. This paper reports on recent research that suggests that young people’s experiences of growing up in such an environment are nuanced and diverse, with their rich narratives disrupting socially constructed distinctions between the rural and the urban, merging experiences from both worlds.  相似文献   
在由新民主主义向社会主义过渡时期,新中国在建立社会主义基本政治制度、推进社会主义工业化建设和开展对生产资料私有制社会主义改造的同时,积极开展马克思主义、社会主义和工人阶级思想教育,开展对剥削阶级思想和资本主义自发倾向的思想斗争,提出发展和繁荣社会主义文化的基本方针,逐步确立了以马克思主义为指导的社会主义意识形态的主导地位,极大地调动了全国各阶层人民的社会主义积极性,取得了社会主义意识形态建设的决定性胜利。  相似文献   
揭示家庭生命周期对旅游者行为的影响可以为家庭旅游精准营销提供依据.将城镇居民的家庭生命周期分为筑巢期、满巢Ⅰ期、满巢Ⅱ期、空巢期4个阶段,探究家庭生命周期对其旅游行为的影响,发现:①家庭生命周期影响旅游者的目的地选择行为,不同家庭生命周期旅游者的景区到访率距离衰减速率不同;②家庭生命周期影响旅游者的旅游活动类型偏好,满...  相似文献   

While the impact of aeromobility on the growth of tourism and its destinations is well documented, the role of aeromobility in the process of experiencing and shaping place with specific regard to tourist destinations has received little attention from scholars. With the growth of commercial aviation and the increasingly mundane nature of the experience within mass tourism, I draw attention to the touristic experience of flying as the activity beyond its role in arriving at the destination. After a brief review of the genealogy of aeromobility and tourism, I reflect on examples of tourist aeromobility in Cape Town, South Africa in order to theorise the aeromobile tourist gaze. This paper analyses mobile testimonies from online travel reviews from airborne tourists performing helicopter ‘flips’ over Cape Town. Results highlight the need to focus on flying as tourism itself while they illustrate the role it plays in the aeromobile tourist gaze, a unique perspective and experience of the tourism destination as ‘tourism from above’ that emerges from the touristic dimensions of flight including the destination, the flying device and flight route. The findings underscore the role of flying-as-tourism. The aeromobile tourist gaze thus spectacularises the destination and disrupts the relationship between tourists and place.  相似文献   
A bicycle tourism destination is composed of complexes of different attributes that are crucial for the determination of tourist satisfaction levels. However, the relative impact of sector-specific destination attributes on bicycle touring and leisure cycling experience and frequency has been both poorly understood and studied. This study is an attempt to fill this literature gap by exploring a demand-side perspective on the important contributors of overall satisfaction with cycling experience and the key determinants of cycling frequency. The 28 sector-specific destination attributes were drawn from the relevant literature, and then modified by a panel of industry experts. Using exploratory factor analysis, three destination-specific attribute-level satisfaction factors were identified in descending order of satisfaction degree: ‘provision of signage services,’ ‘provision of safety and emergency services,’ and ‘quality of bicycle routes.’ Among these factors, ‘provision of safety and security services’ and ‘provision of signage services’ were found to be the most important contributors to overall satisfaction. Finally, ‘monthly income’ was proven to be a significant predictor of cycling frequency. This study is of great importance as there is a growing body of evidence that the use of bicycle for leisure, recreation, and tourism is undergoing a resurgence worldwide. The findings of this study may be of interest to scholars in Western countries where bicycle tourism is mature and highly developed and in Asian countries where the sector is at an early stage of development. Since bicycle touring and leisure cycling experience and frequency can be increased by modifying destination marketing and management practices, the government and industry sectors should focus more attention on ensuring the provision of multi-functional grocery and convenience stores along designated bicycle routes, developing an informative and visible signage system for designated bicycle routes, and targeting middle- to high-income bicyclists with diverse bicycle touring and leisure cycling experience options.  相似文献   
旅游生态足迹初探——以嵩山景区2005年"五一"黄金周为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在生态足迹理论与方法的基础上,提出了旅游生态足迹的概念,运用旅游生态足迹计算模型,从旅游交通、旅游住宿、旅游餐饮和旅游购物等4个方面计算了2005年“五一”黄金周期间嵩山景区的旅游生态足迹,并与郑州市的生态足迹对比。结果表明:黄金周期间,嵩山景区游客的人均旅游生态足迹0.02264gha,是郑州市周人均生态足迹0.00436gha的5.19倍,旅游是一种对自然资源高需求、高消耗的生活方式。指出旅游生态足迹计算方法的特点,影响旅游生态足迹大小的关键因子,减少旅游生态足迹的途径和旅游生态足迹计算中存在的问题。  相似文献   
建国后十七年,史学界实际存在着两种学风,一种是教条主义学风,在1958年以后一度盛行;另一种是倡导实事求是、独立思考、刻苦钻研的学风。范文澜恰恰是后者的代表人物,他作为正直的史学家,十几年如一日潜心治学,精心修订和重写《中国通史简编》这部巨著;作为近代史所的创建者,他卓有成效地提倡和培育了全所坚持不懈、勇于创新的优良学风,他在领导中国史学会的工作中,更是贯穿了高度重视扎实的史料基础和提倡严谨学风的指导思想,当教条化的错误潮流袭来时,他挺身而出进行抵制,表现出捍卫历史学的科学性和尊严的高风亮节。  相似文献   
新中国成立后,印度是第一个同中国进行建交谈判的国家,也是资本主义国家中第一个同我国建交的国家。同印度建交是新中国外交的一次重要实践,它不仅确立了中国同其他国家先谈判后建交的外交原则,还赋予了"一边倒"更丰富的内涵,开创了中国周边外交的新局面。  相似文献   
叶当前 《旅游科学》2008,22(6):49-54
送别诗作为旅游文化的组成元素,对旅游开发有着重要的意义。本文探索古代的祖饯仪式,揭示送别诗的起因,并结合古代文史资料对送别诗进行合理的归类,以期促进送别诗个案的研究与运用,从而推动旅游文学的深度开拓。  相似文献   
中央财政经济委员会成立始末   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中央财政经济委员会从 194 8年 9月中央政治局扩大会议提出逐步统一财经工作 ,到194 9年 3月中共七届二中全会正式决定建立 ,经过筹备 ,于 194 9年 7月 12日正式成立。中央财政经济委员会是由原中央财政经济部与华北财经委员会合并成立的 ,简称“中财委” ,由陈云任主任、薄一波任副主任。中财委成立后在短短两个月内 ,在稳定当时的金融物价、统一财经管理、调整工商业方面做了大量的工作 ,为建国初期财政经济的恢复和发展奠定了一定的基础。 194 9年 10月 2 1日 ,政务院财经委员会在中央财政经济委员会的基础上成立 ,5年后 ,政务院财政经济委员会撤消 ,其职能被国务院相关部委和直属机构所取代。  相似文献   
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