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The expression of place and cultural identity through tourism practices is the focus of this paper. Extending recent work which has maintained that contemporary tourist landscapes must be seen as more than superficial responses to economic restructuring and deindustrialisation, it argues that these practices are in no way simple, uncontested constructions of identity and culture. Rather, cultural and heritage tourism practices may be sites where a fundamental symbolic struggle is waged over that identity and culture: over the meaning and representation of place and of ‘home’. L'article suivant traite de l'expression touristique d'endroit et de l'identité culturelle. Je propose que les paysages touristiques contemporains sont plus que des réponses superficielles à la restructuration économique et à la désindustrialisation. Ces pratiques touristiques liées à la culture et à l'héritage sont plutôt les sites d'une lutte symbolique entre la signification et la représentation du lieu, de la mémoire et de l'identité.  相似文献   
This paper begins with a review of the literature on tourism in rural economies, to establish a framework for analyzing large‐scale tourism products in rural and small town regions. The review is followed by the development of a typology of large‐scale attractions in rural and small town regions, including parks, casinos, events, heritage, and cultural products. The typology leads into the example of the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre (CFDC) in Manitoba, Canada. Located in an agricultural region of south‐central Manitoba, the community of Morden is located 125 km from the provincial capital city, Winnipeg, which had a population of 811,900 in 2016. Morden is also located 35 km north of the border with North Dakota. Thus, while a small town in a traditionally rural region still dependent upon an agricultural economic base, Morden has been recently successful in diversifying its economy, including through manufacturing, services, hospitality, and tourism. In part, this success is due to a south‐central Manitoba location; however, it is also the result of innovative local leadership, including the prioritization of hospitality and tourism related to the CFDC. This paper describes the case study as an example of successful tourism development within an already economically and socially diversifying region.  相似文献   
Spatial appropriation is an age‐old strategy for domination by one group over another. In the context of national states, territorial expansion is a common manifestation of this. Spain's colonization process began in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico in the sixteenth century but remained incomplete in this area. Independent Mexico's struggle for control over the Mayan landscape of the Yucatan continued through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It is my contention that the assault has continued in recent times. Today, it is not the conventional notion of nation state colonialism but a much more subtle invasion brought about by the ability of tourists from richer nations to travel south. Using the paradigm of settler colonization, this article proposes that relationships of power underlying this new infiltration parallel those of conventional colonialism, and that the tourist is, in fact, an unwitting colonizer. The case of Quintana Roo, Mexico illustrates how the tourist can be seen as a pawn in a larger political project. Exposure of this predatory nature of tourism reveals processes that have implications for other Native regions of the Americas and beyond that are suffering similar “invasions.”  相似文献   
Public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) increasingly are utilized in geographic research, yet researchers rarely are provided with guidance on how to implement PPGIS in an appropriate and effective manner. This article reports on the process of research that explores responses to current and future local tourism development offered by a sample of residents using a modified PPGIS approach called ‘community action geographic information system’ (CAGIS). The conceptual development of CAGIS is reported and the challenges encountered during its implementation in Churchill, Manitoba during 2005–2007 are reviewed. It is suggested that researchers wishing to conduct similar research should undertake thorough preliminary fieldwork to assess the likelihood of finding agreement on a common problem; acquiring adequate resources; establishing collective responsibility for the project's outcome; attaining stakeholder support; developing trust and meaningful relationships; and incorporating indigenous knowledge appropriately. Feedback of results to community members also should be an integral part of the research process. A number of feedback mechanisms are reported, including an interactive weblog, which helped facilitate communication between heterogeneous groups in Churchill. Although ambitions for a truly participatory GIS approach to this project have been set aside, it is held that PPGIS can yield positive outcomes for communities and academia. Sharing this research experience will be useful to others who venture into PPGIS research, especially in northern communities.  相似文献   
Between industry and tourism: The evolving landscape of La Baie in Saguenay, Québec La Baie is a borough of the newly amalgamated city of Saguenay, which is defined by its past industrial and maritime development. This area encompassing the Ha! Ha! Bay is characterized by a lush natural landscape, contrasting sharply with the haphazardly built environment and urban fabric. The demolition of the Port‐Alfred pulp and paper mill and the cruise ship terminal project offer the possibility to improve and harmonize this former municipality's landscape. In this article, we will discuss the evolution of the borough's landscape patterns through glimpses of the maritime and tourist tradition, industrial base and the design of downtown commercial space.  相似文献   
This study investigates the role of cultural tourism in enhancing urban global competitiveness. The recent growth in urban cultural products is linked to improved quality of life, economic prosperity and development. An example of an urban cultural tourism product of international significance is used as a case study for this research to investigate such potential linkages. From September 1994 to January 1995 the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto hosted a major art exhibit of French impressionist paintings ‘From Cezanne to Matisse, Great French Paintings,’ known as the ‘Barnes Exhibition.’ This special cultural event affected the attraction mix of Toronto's urban tourism product and acted as a ‘magnet’ drawing out of town visitors to Toronto with the main purpose of visiting this unique event. This paper explores the spatial impact of the Barnes Exhibit in a segmentation analysis of ‘out‐of‐town’ Barnes Exhibit visitors. Visitors are segmented by major trip purpose and visitor origin. The pull of the Exhibit is examined using two simple gravity models to describe the distance decay effect. Out‐of‐town visitors from Ontario are compared with visitors from the United States according to the main purpose of their trip, their demographics and spending patterns. Out‐of‐town visitors from Ontario tend to be older than US visitors, spend less than US visitors and are more likely to have the Barnes Exhibit as the main purpose of their trip to Toronto. This study illustrates the value‐added nature of special events to the urban cultural product both for recreational and tourist travel. It shows the complexity and overlapping of urban fields of a Toronto attraction for different types of visitors to the same event. Cette étude examine le rôle du tourisme culturel dans l'amélioration la compétitivité mondiale urbaine. La récente expansion des produits culturels urbains est liee a l'amélioration de la qualité de vie, à la prospérité et au développement économique. Un exemple de produit culturel urbain d'importance Internationale constitue l'étude de cas de cette recherche qui essaie d'établir de potentiels rapports entre ces facteurs. De septembre 1994 à Janvier 1995, la Galerie d'Art de l'Ontario a accueilli une importante exposition de pein‐tures impressionnistes françaises intitutée: de Cézanne à Matisse, chefs‐d'oeuvre de la peinture française, mais plus connue sous le nom de l'Exposition Barnes. Cet événement culturel a joué un rôle dans le pôle attractifdu tourisme urbain de la ville de Toronto, L'exposition a attiré, tel un aimant, de nombreux visiteurs, venus de l'extérieur de Toronto, uniquement pour visiter cette exposition. Cet article explore l'impact spatial de l'Exposition Barnes grâce à une analyse de segmentation des visiteurs de l'exposition venus de l'exteriéur. Les visiteurs ont été segmentés en fonction de leur motif principal pour la visite et en fonction de leur origine. L'attrait de l'exposition a été analysé avec deux simples modèles de gravitation qui décrivent l'effet des distances sur la fréquence des visites. Les visiteurs extérieurs venus de l'Ontario sont comparés aux visiteurs venus des États‐Unis en fonction de leur motivation de voyage, de leur profit socio‐démographique et de leurs habitudes de dépenses. Les visiteurs ontariens ont tendance àêtre plus âgés que les visiteurs américains et l'Exposition Barnes était le but principal de leur voyage a Toronto. L'étude montre bien la nature de la valeur ajoutée des événements spéciaux sur le produit culturel urbain du point de vue du voyage récréatifet de celui du voyage touristique. Elle montre la complexité et le chevauchement des domaines urbains d'un pôle attractif torontois pour différents types de visiteurs d'un même événement.  相似文献   
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