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章草书,广义而言是汉代通行的隶书草写法;狭义而言是在隶草的基础上进而规范化的一种专门书体。章草书盛行于东汉末期,历经魏晋时代而渐成衰势,隋唐以后罕有书者。故宫博物院新近征得的原藏清宫并著录于《石渠宝笈》的隋人书《出师颂》恰恰弥补了章草书发展末期的历史空缺。本文简述章草书之由来以及古代章草书家的简况,以便读者从中了解隋人书《出师颂》的历史和艺术价值。  相似文献   
古建筑木结构的残损点指标是对古建筑木结构进行结构安全评估和加固修缮设计的重要指标,目前主要依据1992年制定的《古建筑木结构维护与加固技术规范》(GB 50165—92)中的规定,为了对该规范中的构架整体性残损点指标进行验证和补充,本研究通过对南方地区传统的穿斗木构体系和抬梁木构体系的典型榫卯节点和构架的试验研究,得出两种木构体系结构的整体性关键残损点指标,并与GB 50165—92规范进行比较分析。结果表明:规范规定的抬梁式木构架和穿斗式木构架的局部倾斜残损点比试验结果小,规范值偏于安全。规范中规定的抬梁式木构架梁柱榫卯连接残损点略小于试验结果,规范值偏于安全;而规范中规定的穿斗式木构架梁柱榫卯连接残损点对于燕尾榫穿斗木构而言是安全的,但对于透榫穿斗木构而言,则是不安全的。  相似文献   
本文就边界研究中的一系列重大问题,诸如边界概念、边界研究的内容和特点、边界研究中必须注意区别的几种关系、边界变化的规律、边界研究的条件和意义,以及我国过去边界问题研究的教训等,逐一进行了理性的思考,并在这种理性思考的过程中,根据新时期的新形势和我国政府提出的新安全观、国际观与睦邻友好的外交政策,提出边界是建立睦邻友好国家关系的纽带和桥梁的论点,进而提出边界学概念。期望能对我国边界理论的建设和边界问题研究事业的进展有所助益。  相似文献   
石德生 《攀登》2011,30(6):46-51
埃米尔.涂尔干在其研究生涯中,构筑了以人性和社会自然的心物二重性为基础与核心的社会学思想,并进一步阐述了社会与人性自然之间的联结纽带——社会良知、知识分子是社会良知的担当者与表达者以及社会良知应该以神圣化的仪式和仪轨表达出来才能成为真正的集体规范、社会事实。由此,涂尔干通过"心物二元"的研究路径构建了"精神"与"躯体"、"个人"与"社会"二者都不偏废的二元研究范式,其目的就是要解决社会发展最为核心的问题——人性与社会的自然及社会秩序何以可能的问题。  相似文献   
This study describes a new strategy of conservation of historical monuments based on the combined use of monitoring analysis and empiric reappraisal. Over time, the mechanical behavior of domes—their lack of stability due to the horizontal thrusts generated by their self-weight—has been analyzed by architects and engineers, starting from the observation of damage. This process, which was mathematically demonstrated for the first time by the famous Viviani’s analysis of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, has provided over the centuries a number of enhancements in dome structural conception, thus leading to the final solution, referred to as encircling tie rod intervention. Based on these premises, the experimental case of Santa Maria del Quartiere dome in Parma, Italy, is discussed herein. Indeed, it has been considered a good opportunity to present the method used in its strengthening-intervention assessment, further validated by the monitoring system installed. In this monitored in-scale experiment, the empiric classical solution to the primeval dome’s thrust finds its confirmation and offers further possibilities of recalibration during time, thus indicating structural monitoring that may be described as a possible and desirable “alternative to intervention”, in step with “minimum intervention” and “reversibility” principles.  相似文献   
宋代学者聂崇义在《新定三礼图》中以“轭”释“衡”,将“轭”与“衡”看作同一物件。其误当是承源于汉儒包咸《论语注》。本文通过对有关文献记载和考古发现的考证,指出了聂氏与包氏的疏误,说明在古代车制中“衡”与“轭”虽有联系,但更有区别,二者并非同一物件。  相似文献   
P. Matteis  G. Scavino 《Archaeometry》2019,61(5):1053-1065
Historical masonry buildings are often reinforced with ferrous tie rods. Before the late 18th century, such rods were hot formed by using wrought iron deriving from either the bloomery or the finery process; thereafter, the puddling process was introduced and gradually became prevalent. Several such tie rods are still in service in cultural‐heritage buildings; their analysis can shed light on historical production processes and building techniques, and knowledge of their mechanical performance can be valuable for architectural conservation purposes. Four steel tie rods, which were retrieved from a 17th century masonry building in Turin, Italy, and are dated to the late 17th and early 19th centuries, are examined here, by means of chemical and microstructural analyses, tensile tests and fractographic examinations, and both the material fabrication procedure and its mechanical performance are discussed.  相似文献   
Freedom as a natural right, the importance of consent, defending the idea that government should be in the hands of the most virtuous and reflective citizens, denouncing patronage, the need to link individual and political freedom … These are some of the characteristics of La Boétie's doctrine that I believe place him within the tradition that Quentin Skinner calls the neo-Roman conception of civil liberty. Of course, La Boétie did not write a positive defence of the rule of law, as Livy did in his History of Rome and as the English republicans do, but the Discourse can easily be read as a legal plea condemning absolute monarchy and any kind of arbitrary regime.  相似文献   
董其昌是晚明的书画大家,他借禅论书画,其书画的理论和鉴定意见,至今仍有很大影响。通过对他的一些书画题跋的分析,可以发现,这些题跋作为艺术创作的心得体会,有很多是言前人所未言的创见;但作为书画鉴定的方法和判断,则有不少是错误的。进一步剖析和考订,可以看出,董其昌的鉴定方法往往是命题式的。而支配这种方法的思想,除去禅的外表,仍是晚明占主导地位的阳明心学。  相似文献   
Past earthquakes have shown the high vulnerability of existing masonry buildings, particularly to out-of-plane local collapse mechanisms. Such mechanisms can be prevented if façades are restrained by tie rods improving the connections to perpendiculars walls. Whereas in the past only static models have been proposed, herein the nonlinear equation of motion of a monolithic wall restrained by a tie rod is presented. The façade, resting on a foundation and adjacent to transverse walls, rotates only around one base pivot and has one degree of freedom. Its thickness is explicitly accounted for and the tie rod is modeled as a linear elastic—perfectly plastic spring, with limited displacement capacity. The model is used to investigate the response to variations of wall geometry (height/thickness ratio, thickness), tie rod features (vertical position, length, prestress level), and material characteristics (elastic modulus, ultimate elongation, yield strength) typical of historical iron. The most relevant parameter is the steel strength, whereas other characteristics play minor roles allowing to recommend reduced values for pre-tensioning forces. The force-based procedure customary in Italy for tie design is reasonably safe and involves protection also against collapse, although probably not enough as desirable.  相似文献   
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