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Two sets of twelve Portland limestone tablets were attached to carousels outside and under the open, lightweight shelter at Bishop’s Palace (Witney, England) for 18 months to assess the influence of shelters on soiling and microbiological growth on stone. At the start, and at 6-month intervals, tablets were analysed using microscopy (optical and SEM), colour measurement (spectrophotometry), weight change measurement and salt content determination (ion chromatography). Concentrations of NO2 and SO2 were also monitored for a month using diffusion tubes. In addition, results were compared with those obtained by the UK National Materials Exposure Programme (NMEP) on chemical weathering rates. Differences in soiling and biological growth on sheltered and unsheltered samples, and their influence on limestone decay were established. The shelter is likely to reduce biological growth by modifying the micro-environmental conditions. However, it may also exacerbate dust deposition, which might increase decay rates in the long-term.  相似文献   
近代江南地区工商业会馆、公所碑刻述论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
彭南生 《安徽史学》2005,(3):40-46,128
在现有的行会制度史研究中,尚无专文对碑刻本身进行探讨.本文认为:刻石立碑是行会活动的一项重要内容,是工商业会馆、公所从社会合法性到政治合法性的一个重要标志,是行会受到封建官府保护的象征.在会馆、公所等行会组织的发展中,碑刻具有传承后世的记忆功能、惩戒违规的警示功能、颂扬美德的激励功能、公布官府法令的告示功能以及征信与佐证功能,有助于形成行业的凝聚力和从业者的自豪感,增强会馆、公所的权威性和同业商人对行业的归属感及维护行业利益的责任感,约束违规违法行为,对会馆、公所的变迁与发展具有不可替代的作用.  相似文献   
从墓志看佛教对唐代妇女生活的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从对唐墓志的分析考察可知,唐代妇女信佛者较多,在家修行的妇女占绝对多数,且相当地分奉佛者为孀居妇女。唐代妇女诵读或抄写的佛典主要集中在金刚般若、法华、涅槃、维摩等经上,尤以金融般若、法华两经为最。唐代妇女祟佛原因众多,其中不少孀居妇女、宫人、宦官夫人、无子和不育的妇女多从佛教中寻求精神和情感寄托。唐代妇女祟佛对社会风尚、生死观念和丧葬观念产生了很大的影响。  相似文献   
This paper reports findings from six field courses about student's perceptions of iPads as mobile learning devices for fieldwork. Data were collected through surveys and focus groups. The key findings suggest that the multi-tool nature of the iPads and their portability were the main strengths. Students had some concerns over the safety of the iPads in adverse weather and rugged environments, though most of these concerns were eliminated after using the devices with protective cases. Reduced connectivity was found to be one of the main challenges for mobile learning. Finally, students and practitioners views of why they used the mobile devices for fieldwork did not align.  相似文献   
Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) apparatus of the last generation was tested to determine its potential for routine provenance determination of clay cuneiform tablets, which cannot be analyzed by “classical” intrusive methods. A group of tablets from Hattuša (Bo?azköy) and from el Amarna, which were previously provenanced using optical mineralogy (OM) and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), was analyzed by pXRF and the results were used to establish the grouping according to their elemental concentrations. These groups were compared with the previous results retrieved by OM and INAA in order to confirm their validity. The results corroborate the high potential of the pXRF for non-destructive study of well-defined, ‘closed’ assemblages of clay-derived, delicate artifacts, such as cuneiform tablets, bullae, and fine-ware pottery. Consequently, a group of previously unexamined tablets from Hattuša was analyzed by pXRF and the results are discussed with implications on future research.  相似文献   
本文详细记录了周家寨墓地M8出土简牍的清理和保护过程。在考古发掘现场,根据简牍等遗物出土状况,采取分块提取技术提取了简牍等遗物堆积;室内整理阶段,在简牍保存现状评估、初步检测分析和反复试验的基础上,设计了出土饱水脆弱简牍揭取、清洗、脱色的技术和工艺,运用物理和化学相结合的方法揭示和保存了简牍的信息,满足了其识读和信息提取的需求。同时,探索了南方水坑墓葬出土饱水简牍科学发掘、及时清理、同步保护的工作模式,为今后同类文物考古和整理中的保护工作提供一些依据和借鉴。  相似文献   
祁门县明清时期民间民俗碑刻的调查与研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
陈琪 《安徽史学》2005,(3):72-81
经过两年多时间的田野调查,我们在素有“九山半水半分田,包括道路和庄园”的祁门县境内,先后发现有132块明清时期的民间民俗碑刻。它或立在村头水口,或立在事发地点,或立在祠堂庙宇,起到告之、提醒和警示作用。这些碑刻以其独特的存在形式反映了明清时期徽州府祁门县民间的生活习俗、宗教信仰、宗族条规、山民喜好,如封山、修路、做桥、建祠、续谱、教育、风水等活动,为研究徽州民间民俗提供了第一手资料。  相似文献   
古代两河流域文明的银贷业十分发达。本文根据4本汇集了全部出土于宗教中心尼普尔城的乌尔第三王朝时期经济档案文件的原文集,以出土借据中的落款日期和商人的名字为序列,对7个主要商人的文件进行了档案重建,进而为理解古代两河经济领域中货币形式、银贷利率、商人职能等金融和商业规律提供第一手史料。  相似文献   
李森 《华夏考古》2003,(4):77-78
本文对《华夏考古》发表的出土于南京市的两方明代墓(圹)志作了补充考证。谷城郡主圹志的书丹者陈 琏是明代有一定影响的美术家,圹志作为陈琏的石刻作品,系首次面世,其价值自不待言。倪公墓志铭不仅可补证《明 史·陈镐传》的仕履,而且其篆盖者黄谦亦为明代有一定知名度的书法家,殊可珍视。  相似文献   
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