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Over the past 40 years or so, human activities and movements in space‐time have attracted considerable research interest in geography. One of the earliest analytical perspectives for the analysis of human activity patterns and movements in space‐time is time geography. Despite the usefulness of time geography in many areas of geographical research, there are very few studies that actually implemented its constructs as analytical methods up to the mid‐1990s. With increasing availability of geo‐referenced individual‐level data and improvement in the geo‐computational capabilities of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), it is now more feasible than ever before to operationalize and implement time‐geographic constructs. This paper discusses recent applications of GIS‐based geo‐computation and three‐dimensional (3‐D) geo‐visualization methods in time‐geographic research. The usefulness of these methods is illustrated through examples drawn from the author's recent studies. The paper attempts to show that GIS provides an effective environment for implementing time‐geographic constructs and for the future development of operational methods in time‐geographic research.  相似文献   
时空间行为研究为透视中国城市转型与发展提供了重要视角,但已有研究对中国西部城市关注较少、未能形成反映西部城市特色的结论。选取西宁市作为案例,基于2013年居民时空间行为调查数据及城市设施分布数据,分析居民时间利用、时空路径等时空行为特征及其与城市设施分布的匹配关系,以此补充微观行为视角下的中国西部城市研究,为中国城市时空行为方法论提供西部城市的验证。主要结论包括:①相比于东部城市,西宁市存在工作活动比例低、平均时长短,早通勤时间延后,午休返家,时间安排灵活等特点; ②西宁市与周边地区间存在具有高原地区特色的跨城市通勤和休闲行为; ③居民活动分布与城市设施布局存在一定的空间错位。  相似文献   
Previous analyses of forced migration have drawn attention to the increasing discretion held by asylum sector decisionmakers. According to these accounts, as the state reacts to the political risks associated with asylum migration control, responsibility for forced migration management is increasingly transferred onto a range of intermediate actors, between state and society, including local government employees, asylum interviewers, immigration judges and security staff. Yet little research has directly addressed these intermediaries' collective experiences and the influences to which they are subject. The article therefore focuses attention explicitly upon the nominal conduct of this increasingly authorised, discretionary and highly heterogeneous population. Drawing upon 37 interviews across four sites at which asylum sector intermediaries have significant and increasing discretion over asylum seekers' experiences, the findings demonstrate the importance of institutionalised timing and spacing for the determination of their volitional conduct. The timing and spacing of government institutions are important, not only through their influence over asylum seekers directly, but also because they present asylum seekers to those with discretionary authority in ways that are conducive to exclusionary uses of this authority.  相似文献   
基于手机轨迹数据系统的定量分析了西宁市不同群体的出行特征差异,通过定义移动距离、回转半径、出行频次和停留位置个数来定量居民的出行特征,分析不同性别、年龄段、工作日和休息日西宁市居民的出行差异.研究发现:①不同年龄群体出行行为差异显著,其中31-40岁年龄段居民的出行需求最为强烈,大于60岁的老年人出行需求最小;②男性在...  相似文献   
选取2010年和2015年长三角地区船舶代理企业为研究样本,运用定量与定性相结合的方法,分别探析了多层尺度下长三角地区船舶代理企业的空间分布特征和以地级城市为载体的船舶代理服务业空间组织网络时空演化。研究发现:长三角地区船舶代理企业机构空间分布呈现出明显地域差异,区域和城市尺度上非均衡分布较为显著;长三角地区船舶代理服务业空间组织网络具有显著层级特征和明显的位序关系;由船舶代理企业组织构成的四大城市(上海、南京、苏州与宁波)现已成为空间组织网络主干联系的中心节点。同时,传统“T字型”主干区正在向外扩展,区域一体化趋势正在加强。宏观背景、区域机制与企业机制共同推动长三角地区船舶代理服务业空间组织网络时空演变。  相似文献   
清末民初是天主教在陕北地区发展的重要阶段。在当时陕北23个县中有天主教传入的占19个,广大农村是传教士传教的主要地区,清光绪二十七年至宣统三年即1901至1911年是陕北天主教发展的高潮期。陕北地区在今内蒙古伊克昭盟与山西之间的37·5°N~38·5°N间呈东宽西窄的横楔形区域内,形成了一个天主教堂分布的相对集中区,其中又以西部靖边、怀远(今横山)和定边三县为天主教势力集中的重心所在。县域内天主教堂的空间分布也具有一定的规律。本文主要依据相关地方史志,简要说明清末民初天主教在陕北地区的传播过程并初步探讨其时空分布特征。  相似文献   
城市转型背景下的社会极化与社会融合问题是城市地理学研究的重要议题。国内外文献多关注社区尺度上的社会融合特征及其地理环境要素,由此形成了基于居住空间视角的社会融合研究传统。但这一研究视角过于静态和片面,难以在个体移动性不断提高、日常活动空间不断拓展的背景下深刻揭示社会融合的动态过程以及地理环境要素的微观影响机理。本文在对城市社会融合的国内外研究文献进行梳理的基础上,讨论基于居住空间视角的社会融合研究存在的不足,构建时空间行为视角下的城市社会融合研究理论框架。本文提出,从微观层面的个体移动性与时空行为约束的视角,能够基于个体日常活动—移动行为更准确地刻画个体社会交往的动态地理情境,并从居民日常生活的时空约束、公共接触潜力、时空间行为策略等方面来识别地理环境要素影响社会融合的过程与机制。在此基础上,本文展望城市社会融合研究的可能研究议题与方法论发展方向,有助于推进中国城市社会融合研究的多元化和人本化。  相似文献   
基于生活空间与活动空间视角的郊区空间研究框架   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郊区空间已成为城市空间的重要组成部分,其研究意义逐渐凸显,需要学者立足郊区,关注郊区空间及其与城市空间的关系。本文从行为主义地理学和时间地理学的理论和方法论出发,对行为空间、生活空间、活动空间的概念进行辨析,提出了基于空间范式下的生活空间研究和基于人范式下的活动空间研究两方面研究内容。立足于郊区空间,面向居民日常生活,构建基于时空间行为研究方法论的郊区空间研究框架,基于此框架对郊区生活空间、郊区活动空间以及郊区空间的动态性进行解读和分析,试图为空间-行为互动理论的构建提供研究基础,为基于行为视角的郊区研究提供研究框架,为更好的理解郊区空间、解决郊区中存在的问题提供有效途径。  相似文献   
National parishes represent the primary institutional response of the Catholic Church to its ethnic diversity in the United States. The national parish differs from the more common territorial parish in the definition of its membership, which comprises all Catholics in an area sharing a specific ethnic or national background. This study examines patterns in the survival of German, Italian and Polish national parishes between 1940 and 1980. Factors related to characteristics of a parish's institutional environment and of the ethnic community it serves have strongly influenced parish survival. These factors include the parish's ethnic affiliation, the size of the ethnic community it serves, the diversity of national parishes present at the local and diocesan level and the process of parish consolidation in places where an ethnic group has formed more than one parish. Through the effects of these factors, national parishes have declined at a much faster rate in the Middle West than in the Northeast, regions in which the vast majority of national parishes were originally established. Catholic ethnic diversity should thus continue to contribute most significantly to American cultural pluralism within the latter region.  相似文献   
在采用地名志及相关史料的基础上,通过从时间和空间两个角度,解读连州市乡村聚落格局演化及形成原因。研究结果表明:连州早在西汉元鼎六年即已设立,后随南北交通线和区域开发进程演变,在时间上,可划分为六个发展阶段,以明清时期增长最快。在空间分布上,连州市乡村聚落具备空间传承性,连州镇是连州市乡村聚落增长的核心,各时期乡村聚落密度最大的乡镇均位于市域的中西部和东北部地区,聚落密度较小者集中于北部少数民族聚居区与东部高山区。在此基础上,从自然地理条件、移民、交通、经济发展、民族构成等五个方面对连州市乡村聚落建立和发展的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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