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In Westminster systems, governments enjoy a privileged position in the lawmaking process that they can use to deliver on their campaign promises and achieve their policy goals. What policy areas do governments seek to affect through lawmaking? How stable is the executive lawmaking agenda? How responsive is that agenda to changes triggered by elections or by transitions in prime minister? This study uses a dataset of 3982 Australian bills introduced between 2000 and 2017 to answer these questions. While it finds considerable stability in the policy content of executive lawmaking agendas, the analysis also indicates that Australia's executive lawmaking agenda is more responsive to changes in prime minister than to changes in the party in power. As the first application of the comparative policy agendas approaches to government bills in Australia, this article offers new insights into executive lawmaking priorities during an especially turbulent period in Australian politics.  相似文献   
《<六书故>研究》是第一部系统研究宋末元初学者戴侗《六书故》的用心之作,是中国古代语言文字学文献整理与研究的新收获。这是一部朴实求实的学术专著,学术评价全面,客观。其主要贡献是:系统揭示了《六书故》的文字排列体系;讨论了引用钟居文,唐本《说文》资料考释文字的问题;全面论述了《六书故》所提出的“因声以求义”的理论及其实践;分析了《六书故》的词义研究特点是。给人们重新认识,利用,也为编写科学的中国语言学史,中国文字学史提供了主要的学术依据。  相似文献   
王煜琴 《旅游科学》2009,23(2):21-24
在对区域旅游基本概念梳理的基础上,本文对区域旅游发展格局的要素选择方法和核心要素进行了分析,并以中部六省为例对区域旅游发展格局的形成要素和评价体系进行研究。本文认为,区域经济中的增长极开发模式、点-轴开发模式、核心-边缘开发模式、协作网络开发模式和竞合模式等是可以在区域旅游发展格局演变中借鉴和应用的模式。  相似文献   
Stephen Skowronek’s idea of political time is tested by applying it to Canada. Skowronek identified a recurring cycle in US presidential politics, in which a coalition was forged around a distinctive set of ideas, dominated the political scene, and then crumbled, making way for a new coalition; a president’s ability to act as an agent of change depended on his place in this cycle. The concept of political time offers insights for the study of Westminster democracies, but Skowronek’s typology cannot be transplanted from the US to the Canadian context. A political orthodoxy cannot be easily identified in Canada, and prime ministers cannot be clearly labeled as affiliated with or opposed to the ideas of a given era. Some seem determined to play a corrective role, accepting much of the orthodoxy but reconstructing some elements of it. This problem of classification is amplified by the very short term of some prime ministers, by the very long term of others, and by a multiparty system, which has meant that Canadians often end up with prime ministers who are out of synch with the dominant ideas of their age. When applying Skowronek’s ideas to Canada, they emerge as overly structural and not sensitive enough to the possibility that leaders can fail to perform according to type.  相似文献   
秦博 《安徽史学》2015,(5):27-34
明代公、侯、伯勋爵承袭遵照一套完整的勘验制度,以诰券、宗图为准,由五府、吏部执行。在这种制度的整肃下,勋贵家族组织在形式上向上古封建宗法礼制靠拢,部分族众的宗族意识不断提高,明皇朝的统治秩序与政权合理性亦借此彰显。但随着明代中后期勋臣家族生齿日繁,兼之勋爵袭封制度出现纰漏与畸变,勋贵子弟争袭爵位的现象频繁发生,宗族的秩序性受到冲击,勋臣宗族组织僵化复古,依附于国家强权而缺乏自我调节功能的特性暴露无遗。  相似文献   
郭本厚 《旅游科学》2010,24(2):87-94
随着人性的觉醒、文学的自觉,六朝进入“游”的自觉时代,“游”历活动逐渐成为一种时代潮流和自我实现的路径,并推动文人雅士沉潜山水、游心物外。本文分析了六朝山水诗“游”的核心要素、“游”的动态载体、“游”的最高境界、“游”的后世影响,并在此基础上剖析了六朝“游”的自觉与山水诗兴起的社会背景、内在需求与情感归属。研究显示六朝山水诗把审美体验融入诗歌创作中,“游的自觉”体现与山水诗篇创造共同推动了山水诗的兴起和中国山水旅游文化发展。  相似文献   
宋代是我国监察史上的转型时期,形成了一些重要的机制.主要有以下内容:一是重点监察官长,尤其各级首脑,发挥监察的警示效应;二是突现垂直监察,提高监察权威,充分发挥效能;三是强化外在监察,阻隔监察主体与客体的干系,免受客体控制,增强监察独立性;四是加强反察制约,形成网络体系,迫使监察主体依法监察,并处在临察应战的状态.这些机制既是宋代监察制度的内在规定,也是宋代监察实践的突出表现,反映出宋代监察的本质和规律.  相似文献   
《题毛晃〈禹贡指南〉六韵》及其自注,表达了乾隆帝的新的史地学观念,引起清朝史地学一次科学性跨越,主要表现在纂修“四库全书”期间的多种官修史书之中,摈弃了传统的分野旧说,批判其空虚揣测、附会难征,而以实测的晷度来确定地理方位。西方先进的天文、地理知识得到官方明确的肯定和采纳,并且用以反思儒学认识体系内的相关内容。此种科学观念虽然未能充分地弘扬光大,但仍然对后来的史地学产生了影响,这是学术思想史上值得关注与研究的问题。  相似文献   
乾卦六龙态的天文含义研究--《左传》"龙纪"历法钩沉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《左传》昭公四年的“龙纪”,是上古以苍龙星为历象的太阳历的记载。这个苍龙星星象在《易经》乾卦六爻爻辞中有形象的描述,根据寅月“见龙”、午月“跃龙”等记载,可知其观测年代当在夏代以前。这种借龙“以喻天之阳气”的龙纪历法流传至先秦秦汉,或称“易历”、“气历”;或称“律历”、“甲历”。它以天干记日,十日为旬,六旬为甲,六甲为岁,一岁360日;并通过不记在日序之内的56日的过年日使历年长度略等于回归年长度,从而形成了原始社会晚期一部较实用的历法。  相似文献   
三重道德论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郭店楚简之《六德》《五行》等篇列有儒学的三重道德规范 ,它们组成了完整的儒家道德学说体系。那就是 :人伦道德 (六德 ) ,社会道德 (四行 ) ,天地道德 (五行 )。这个体系 ,始于对人的自然亲情的确认、尊重和人文化 ,所谓的“男女辨”“父子亲”“君臣义” ;然后乃由“亲亲而仁民” ,提升为以尊尊为标帜以善行为指归的理性的社会道德 ;更后再由“仁民而爱物” ,超越具体的社会历史情景 ,复归于大自然怀抱 ,民胞物与 ,参赞化育。  相似文献   
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