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江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想的提出有其科学的理论依据和现实依据。它是马克思主义唯物史观、我国社会主要矛盾、社会主义本质理论在党建实践中的运用和发展 ,是对我党性质和宗旨的新概括和新体现 ,是对我党历史经验的科学总结 ,是新形势下对各级党组织和全体党员提出的新要求。  相似文献   
本文从建筑群基址规模这一概念出发,对文献与考古资料中所体现的中国古代宫殿建筑群做了一个较为系统的探讨,既注意到建筑群基址规模随时代发展而逐渐缩小的趋势,也注意到建筑群基址规模可能是一个规制性的问题,即在大约相近的时代,同等级别的建筑群,如宫殿建筑群,其基址规模也是大体相当的。而同一时期建筑群中,等级较高的,其基址规模也比较大,因而,基址规模是中国古代建筑中一个具有标志性的不可替代的等级符号性建筑要素。从这一概念出发,本文对《周礼·考工记》中的王城规划思想做了分析,得出了更为接近古人记载的王城规划图式,并依据文献史料,发现金中都宫殿、元大都宫殿、明中都宫殿,甚至明南京圜丘坛,都采用了周回9里30步的基址规模尺度,此后的明南京、明清北京又沿袭了明中都宫殿的基址规模。而这一规制可以上溯到宋西京洛阳宫殿、宋汴梁金明池琼林苑,乃至隋唐洛阳宫城、北魏洛阳宫城的基址周回长度和基址面积规模。  相似文献   
2014至2015连续两年的考古工作,清理了晋陕高原上目前揭露最为完整的一处龙山时代石城聚落——榆林寨峁梁遗址。本文以寨峁梁遗址材料为基础,尝试复原龙山时代以窑洞为主体建筑的前后室房址的建造过程和使用情况,并着重探讨了寨峁梁前后室房址的废弃时间和废弃原因。通过与中国北方地区发现的史前窑洞的比较,作者认为,以寨峁梁为代表的前后室房址是窑洞式居址的复合结构和高级形态,半地穴覆顶的前室应为起居空间,掏挖于生土中的窑洞为卧室。根据灶址的使用和室内器物的相关情况推测,寨峁梁聚落当废弃于夏秋季节,其废弃原因可能与社会动荡引起的冲突事件相关,寨峁梁龙山先民系突发性的自行迁移。  相似文献   
A new nonlinear soil-structure interaction macroelement is presented. It models the dynamic behaviour of a shallow strip foundation under seismic action. Based on sub-structured methods, it takes into account the dynamic elastic effect of the infinite far field, and the material and geometrical nonlinear behaviour produced in the near field of the foundation. Effects of soil yielding below the foundation as well as uplift at the interface are considered. Through the concept of macro-element, the overall elastic and plastic behaviour in the soil and at the interface is reduced to its action on the foundation. The macro-element consists of a non linear joint element, expressed in the three degrees of freedom of the strip foundation, reflecting the limited bearing capacity of the foundation. This model provides a practical and efficient tool to study the seismic response of a structure in interaction with the surrounding soil medium. Applications to a bridge pier show the potentialities of this kind of model.  相似文献   
计秋枫 《史学月刊》2003,1(11):60-65
基督教在由“出世”倾向朝“入世”倾向转变的过程中,提出了神权统治的思想体系。利用中世纪初期西欧政治秩序的混乱,基督教会凭借其经济、文化和社会势能,实现了其政治理念,把中世纪的欧洲锻造成一个单一的政治实体,即所谓的“基督教国家”。这个进程充分反映了宗教意识形态对人类文明发展的巨大影响。  相似文献   
中国史前玉文化板块论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国史前玉器有着长达6000余年的历史,遍布东、北、西、南各地,组成相对独立发展的群体及其玉文化区域。其历经玉兵器、玉美器、玉神器以及早期“王室玉”等若干阶段的演进和积淀,为华夏文明的创造奠基了第一块坚实的基石。本文采纳地质学上的“板块”一词以概括说明史前玉文化的宏观性质及其微观特点,史前玉文化板块分为东夷玉文化板块、淮夷玉文化板块、古越玉文化板块等三大玉板块以及海岱玉文化东夷亚板块、陶寺玉文化华夏亚板块、石峁玉文化鬼国亚板块、齐家玉文化氐羌亚板块和石家河玉文化荆蛮亚板块等五个文化亚板块。它们按自身规律运动又互为碰撞、渗透、并存以至融合,终于走向其归宿,熔铸为统一的中华玉文化。  相似文献   
1999年4~7月,烟台市博物馆等对古镇都遗址进行了发掘,发掘面积近400平方米,发现大汶口文化中晚期墓葬15座、房址6座、沟渠3条。出土遗物主要包括石器、骨器和陶器,陶器主要有罐、鼎、盆、杯、钵、器座等。其中房址的发现,使我们首次对该时期房址的整体面貌有了一个较全面的了解。  相似文献   
My goal in this essay is to show that myths have played a larger role than we might think in politics and in political theory and that myths are essential to politics. For this purpose I will use Schmitt's theory of myth, since he elaborated his theory with strong interpretations of two different myths: Hobbes's Leviathan and Shakespeare's Hamlet. I will compare Schmitt's interpretations of Hamlet with my own, as doing so will provide a critical view of Schmitt's conclusions, and it will enable me to develop my own conception of myth and its relations to political theory and history.  相似文献   
塘岗遗址是安徽省江淮之间具有新石器和商、周时代文化遗存并存的重要遗址。遗址位于安徽省肥西县南岗镇鸡鸣村牌坊自然村北岗地上,占地面积约35900平方米。2006年3~8月,安徽省文物考古研究所对遗址进行了抢救性的科学发掘。该遗址最早地层堆积属于新石器时代中期,共发现了7个房址和一些其他遗迹,出土遗物包括陶器、石器。该遗址的发掘,首先推动了江淮之间古人类居住环境的研究,其次对于研究本地区考古学文化与周边地区考古学文化之间的相互关系提供了第一手的宝贵资料。  相似文献   
This article presents information derived from unfunded fieldwork undertaken between 2008 and 2014 in Goa, India. Traditional boat structure is understood in the context of the use of local materials in response to climatic, geophysical, and cultural factors. Expanded and unexpanded logboats are shown to affect differently the pirogues based on them. The outrigger is not used as a sailing aid. Small sailed boats with sewn strakes on a keel‐plank are compared with 19th‐century records. Simple techniques are used on larger sewn and metal‐fastened vessels still being built. Today some factors combine to compromise traditional construction, while others are bringing about the demise of the vessels themselves.  相似文献   
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