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The findings of psychiatrists working for the USAAF have long dominated scholarship on aerial combat stress during the Second World War, including explanations why the emotional casualty rate aboard American heavy bombers varied by crew position. Critical examination suggests that the answers put forward are unsatisfactory, opening the way for an alternate analytic approach. Comprehending the different forms and levels of sensory stress heavy bomber crews experienced during combat missions in combination with different degrees of individual agency yields a more nuanced and convincing way of comprehending why some jobs were more psychologically demanding than others, and hence why casualty rates varied.  相似文献   
The child-friendly city advocates for children's ‘right to the city’. Much of this advocacy focuses on the independent child, with little attention paid to the accompanied experiences of younger children, such as those travelling in prams. This paper draws on a material feminist perspective to help address this gap. We offer the concept of mother–child–pram assemblage to bring to the fore the corporeal dimensions of everyday pram journeys. By analysing sensory ethnographic materials collected with mothers and young children living in Wollongong, Australia, this paper highlights how the ‘affective affordances’ and ‘affective atmospheres’ of pram mobilities shape urban experience by reference to how motherhood and childhood are achieved on-the-move. We conclude with policy-relevant insights for the child-friendly city.  相似文献   
A demonstration that the spatial experience informing some Central Australian Aboriginal art is topographically precise brings into question the relevance of structuralist methodologies for appraising these maps of country. Qualitative aspects of spatial, somatic, linguistic and emotional experiences are found to inform the way‐finding depicted in paintings by artists of three language groups.  相似文献   
本文重新研究曹仲达与“曹家样”,考订了曹氏的生卒年及其可考的生平,认为他有着由南(朝)入北(朝)的经历。本文从画史所载曹氏师承入手,发现代表南梁新画风的张僧繇和来自中亚西域的塞特(壮)勤是其师承的重要来源,从而进一步探讨了“曹家样”的形成问题,认为“曹家样”是南、北二源以及其他复杂的社会、宗教、文化身份认同等因素共同作用的结果。本文还对长时段、大范围内相关的图像遗存进行考察,重新勾勒了“曹家样”的面貌。在对这一具体问题研究的基础上,作者提倡在后现代之后风格史研究的一种可能与方向——厚背景研究法。  相似文献   
新石器时代,南北陶器装饰已出现不同面貌,大体说来,黄河中上游为一种,表现为彩绘的样式:长江中游为一种,表现出素面刻划的特征。造成差异的原因,地理资源即无机质矿物颜料的多寡是第一位的,这一推论大体符合彩陶分布状况,和历史献记载以及现代探矿资料。  相似文献   
This article addresses early work on partial recovery that followed small motor cortical lesions. Leyton and Sherrington (1917 Leyton, ASF and Sherrington, CS. 1917. Observations on the excitable cortex of the chimpanzee, orang-utan and gorilla. Q J Exp Physiol, 11: 135222.  [Google Scholar]) studied the motor cortex in apes, hoping to learn more about the contralateral muscle representations. Then they placed small lesions within the precentral cortex, followed by a loss of the contralateral muscle twitches. The sudden loss remained for about one week, but recovery was observed and continued for weeks, up to a standstill. Sherrington and Graham Brown (1913) Graham Brown, T and Sherrington, CS. 1913. Note on the functions of the cortex cerebri. J Physiol (Lond), 46: xxii [Google Scholar] observed the same results in a serial, chronic experiment on a chimpanzee. The brain was sent to Monakow's Brain-Institute in Zurich for investigating the lesions and the degeneration pattern. Constantin von Monakow (1853–1930) had been a pioneer on recovery after acute lesions, coining the term “diaschisis.” During WWI, Graham Brown and Stewart (1916) Graham Brown, T and Stewart, RM. 1916. On disturbances of the localization and discrimination of sensations in cases of cerebral lesions, and on the possibility of recovery of these functions after a process of training. Brain, 39: 348454. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] studied a soldier in a British army hospital who suffered from a cerebral gunshot wound, localized in the sensorimotor cortex. Early and prolonged rehabilitation was successful. In 1950, Glees (1909–1999) and Cole (Oxford) placed a small motor-cortical lesion in macaque monkeys; for a few days, the monkeys had difficulties and were slow for the task. Daily training was resumed and recovery was accelerated by alimentary reward. Finally, Lashley (1890–1958) understood that handicapped patients “achieved their goal with variable means.” This demonstrated the value of active and prolonged rehabilitation, in addition to the (passive) recovery of function.  相似文献   
During the five years before the outbreak of the First World War, Thomas Graham Brown (1882–1965) conducted research into the control of locomotion that gained him a deserved and long-lasting reputation as a neuroscientist and, in 1927, was recognized by election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society. In 1915, with the First World War raging, he agonized about continuing his research or joining the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC). Told by his father to seek a commission, he served two and half years in Macedonia with the British Salonika Force. Whilst in Greece, he kept a daily diary. The entries from June 1916 to May 1917 are extant. They are unpublished and provide the background to the narrative to follow. Casualties with traumatic injury to the brain and spinal cord afforded him the opportunity to carry out careful observations, particularly concerning sensory localization, which resulted in novel findings and his observations on shell shock led to him being called as an expert witness to the national inquiry into the nature and treatment of the condition. In 1920, Graham Brown was appointed to the Chair of Physiology in Cardiff, which he held until 1947.  相似文献   
Mass Analysis (MA), a well-recognized method of flake debris analysis, has generated significant interest in size-grade variables for investigating prehistoric lithic technologies, criticism of such usage, and combination methods developed to address some of those criticisms. A recent critique concluded that there are significant sources of error that preclude the use of MA for investigating prehistoric assemblages. We disagree with this generalization, but recognize that uncritical application of MA by non-lithic specialists is unlikely to yield useful results. Confusion as to what constitutes MA versus other size-grade approaches is a significant consideration. We address these issues as well as replicator variability, raw material, debitage mixing, diagnostic signatures, and the necessity of multivariate analysis in demonstrating that in many cases the attacks on MA are based on faulty evidence or are misguided. We advocate the use of a multiple lines of evidence approach that incorporates aspects of MA. Continued experimentation and application to particular archaeological assemblages in a cyclical fashion is necessary to explore more fully the utility of MA.  相似文献   
Remarkably little is known about the earliest surviving separate-sheet medieval map of Britain that takes its name from its former owner, Richard Gough (1735–1809), and that has been variously dated to between 1300 and 1400, and later. It presents a sophisticated cartographical image at a time when detailed maps of individual regions were almost unknown in Europe, yet nothing is agreed about its possible origins, context (ecclesiastical or secular), or why and how it was compiled. In the belief that historical interpretation has to stem from an intimate knowledge of the map as artefact—the state of the parchment, nature of the inks, palaeography—as well as image, an informal study group of historians and scientists (the Gough Map Panel) was convened in 2012 to examine the map through high resolution digital reproduction, hyperspectral analysis, three-dimensional analysis and Raman pigment analysis. Although the study is still ongoing, much that is new has been discovered, notably about the way features were marked on the map, Gough’s application to the map of a damaging reagent to render place-names readable, and the extent to which the original map (now dated to c.1400), although never completed, was nonetheless reworked on two different occasions in the fifteenth century, effectively creating two further maps. These and other findings are summarized here to encourage the further study of the map’s features that is needed before it can be fully understood.  相似文献   
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