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This article describes alterations to equid lower second premolars and diastemata from a series of known life history equids and a number of archaeological horse specimens from the British Iron Age. Two new methods for recording bit wear are proposed involving the analysis of the extent and morphology of enamel/dentine exposure on the anterior edge of LP2s and analysis of the extent of new bone formation and bone loss to the diastema of the mandible. It is suggested that when a bit is used on a horse it acts more frequently on the anterior margin of the LP2 than has previously been thought and that repeated contact between the bit and the LP2s and diastemata results in recognisable damage to these areas of the mouth.  相似文献   
二里头文化二里头类型第一期和第二期是同一种文化连续发展的不同发展阶段。二里头类型主要来源于豫西南地区的河南龙山文化晚期。后羿属于东夷,而非西夷。  相似文献   
Children-focussed geographers have begun to move beyond highlighting ethical problems that may occur when researching with children, instead focusing on the development of successful research strategies. This piece is intended to contribute to this work in two ways. Firstly, I reflect critically on how ethical guidelines were put into practice during a migration research project which involved interviewing children in their homes. In relation to researching with children, conversations concerning ethical issues such as access, gatekeeping, informed consent, payment, confidentiality and disclosure are not new. However, putting ethical principles into practice is rarely straightforward and requires further discussion. Secondly, I evaluate the practical, flexible techniques that I developed to try to ensure successful interviewing with children in their homes and emphasise the need for further discussions of this kind.  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了在襄樊市长虹南路墓地发掘的13座墓葬,其中东汉墓2座、隋墓2座、唐墓9座。均为砖室墓,随葬器物有陶、硬陶、瓷、铜、铁、铅锡、金、银器等。它们的发掘丰富了本地区汉唐时期墓葬资料,尤其是M16画像石门的结构填补了东汉墓葬发掘的空白。  相似文献   

Although Rousseau's treatment of his children has provoked much controversy, sustained and scholarly discussions are rare. This study is the first to present the evidence comprehensively and systematically. It engages each of Rousseau's contentions about his children in order to carefully discern the significance of this episode for his life and work. It offers an analytical table of each rationale—nineteen different ones, of five major types. It discusses documents of 1751 and 1778 which strongly defend the actions, the ambiguous arguments in the Second Part of the Confessions (1769–1770), the oscillations in the period surrounding the Confessions (1764–1770), and finally the development of unqualified remorse in the middle period of Emile (1757–1762). It concludes by advancing a middle position between those who ultimately see his behaviour and associated excuses as demonstrating his unchecked individualism and subjectivism, and those who ultimately absolve this episode in order to find him a moralist in good standing.  相似文献   
The conversion of second to primary homes is a known phenomenon; yet, its emergence as a result of necessity in an era of economic crisis has not been adequately addressed in the literature. To fill this gap, the article discusses an interview study of younger adults who have made this conversion, conducted in a second home area near Athens, Greece. The study explores the factors that influenced respondents to move permanently to their second home and perceptions of their relocation. Given the ongoing economic crisis in Greece, the research is placed in a unique socioeconomic context, allowing the investigation to delve into the effects of the economic crisis on these housing choices, by comparing perspectives on conversions having taken place before and during the crisis. Findings depict second home mobility as a complex phenomenon linked to tourism, changing housing needs, social factors, economic pressures, but also new potential urban functions arising from the current economic depression in Greece.  相似文献   
The literature finds evidence that the presence of strong institutional veto players correlates with policy gridlocks. In recent years, in several European countries the rationale of parliamentary second chambers as veto players has been called into question. With regard to Italy, in 2016 the parliament approved a broad constitutional reform, later rejected by a referendum. According to the proponents, this reform would have made Italian institutions more functional in a comparative perspective. Did voters actually block some sort of functionality? To answer this question, this article presents a systematic comparison of second chambers in the European Union. The theoretical framework is based on three dimensions of strength, operationalized by means of quantitative indicators and a comprehensive index of strength. The article ends with a discussion of the findings and a proposal for further research outlooks.  相似文献   
论文对加拿大二线城市卡尔加里和爱德蒙顿华人新移民的主要特点、移民动机和融合过程中的主要障碍进行了分析,探讨了新移民在加拿大向下层社会流动的问题。研究显示,新移民在经济融合过程中遭遇多方面的障碍,尤其在就业和语言方面。他们在移民加拿大之后,经历了去技能化和以前的学历和工作经验贬值,促使他们向下层社会流动,而这种状况反过来又阻碍了他们的融合进程。华人新移民的负面经历可以归因于由玻璃大门、玻璃房门和玻璃天花板构成的"三重玻璃效应"。加拿大政府应采纳融合框架政策,除承认移民的流动自由外,还要保证他们能享有与其他加拿大人一样同等的公民权益。  相似文献   
江陵张家山247号墓出土《二年律令》竹简中《具律》的发现对厘清失传已久的《具律》流变极有帮助。尤其是《具律》的筒明确记载了汉初肉刑的刑等及科罚,解决了帝时期废“斩右趾”肉刑为死刑的问题。  相似文献   
尺度是人文地理学的核心概念。为了深化对尺度的理解,本文详尽梳理了目前西方研究中的尺度认知,从隐喻、实践和认识论角度对尺度进行了理解和定义;在此基础上,基于二次抽象的视角,探讨了尺度的本质含义及其分析框架。本文认为,尺度本质上是对基本地理维度(如地方、网络和领土)的二次抽象,是一种建构的概念,因此讨论尺度真假并无实质意义;另一方面,尺度的划分不单纯是容器,而是与各种社会-权力关系相交织,并被不断重构和利用,从而形成了各种尺度化实践和尺度政治。因此,对尺度的研究和运用更应关注其解释力和影响力。最后,本文基于这一理解,探讨了中国政治文化背景中的尺度概念和尺度政治课题。  相似文献   
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