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汉代官营手工业主要是统治为满足自身需要而组织的生产形式,由于商品经济的影响,官营手工业也部分从事商品性生产。两汉官营手工业中的商品性生产,是商品生产的一种畸形化,严重阻碍了商品经济的发展。  相似文献   
孙尧奎 《攀登》2005,24(5):77-81
建国初期,我党参照、借鉴前苏联的经验,根据本国实际情况,通过加强对私营金融业的管理和整顿、积极引导私营金融业的资金投放和业务经营、组织私营行庄联合经营和联合管理、进行全行业社会主义改造四个阶段,最终完成了对私营金融业的社会主义改造任务,建立了社会主义的金融体系.  相似文献   
王乃明 《攀登》2010,29(2):92-98
发展集约型规模经营是我国农业发展、实现农业现代化的必由之路和必然趋势。目前,要把扩大规模与发展集约经营结合起来,转变发展方式。同时,要培育新的经营主体,增加投入,加快农业科技创新和科技应用,因地制宜,发展多种形式的集约型规模经营。  相似文献   
Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWS), based on real-time prediction of ground motion or structural response measures, may play a role in reducing vulnerability and/or exposition of buildings and lifelines. In fact, recently seismologists developed efficient methods for rapid estimation of event features by means of limited information of the P-waves. Then, when an event is occurring, probabilistic distributions of magnitude and source-to-site distance are available and the prediction of the ground motion at the site, conditioned to the seismic network measures, may be performed in analogy with the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA). Consequently the structural performance may be obtained by the Probabilistic Seismic Demand Analysis (PSDA), and used for real-time risk management purposes. However, such prediction is performed in very uncertain conditions which have to be taken into proper account to limit false and missed alarms. In the present study, real-time risk analysis for early warning purposes is discussed. The magnitude estimation is performed via the Bayesian approach, while the earthquake localization is based on the Voronoi cells. To test the procedure it was applied, by simulation, to the EEWS under development in the Campanian region (southern Italy). The results lead to the conclusion that the PSHA, conditioned to the EEWS, correctly predicts the hazard at the site and that the false/missed alarm probabilities may be controlled by set up of an appropriate decisional rule and alarm threshold.  相似文献   
罗肇前 《史学月刊》2003,36(10):38-43
晚清时期,围绕着近代民用企业实行商办,还是实行官办,进行了3个回合的斗争。第一回合,轮船招商局屡被弹劾,京中言官要求对其统制,乃至收归官办,被李鸿章顶住。第二回合,围绕着湖北铁政局的经营形式,张之洞与盛宣怀展开争论,结果张之洞动用官款创建,企业实行官办;然而,企业官办后经济效益太差,几年后不得不招商承办。第三回合,“轮电之争”,袁世凯将官督商办企业收归官办或对之实行统制,盛宣怀经过多年努力,终于使各官督商办企业摆脱“官督”,完全商办。经过数十年商办与官办的斗争,以及商办的不断胜利,迎来了民国初年中国民族资本主义的“黄金时代”。  相似文献   
闻黎明 《史学月刊》2007,6(7):49-54
抗日战争期间,日军曾数百次对昆明狂轰乱炸,造成了重大的人员和财产损失,给当地民众的战时生活秩序产生了严重的影响.在对昆明的大轰炸中,当时中国的最高学府--西南联合大学也屡次遭袭,造成多名教职工伤亡,大量校舍和图书、仪器损毁.然而,敌人的轰炸并没有从精神上吓倒联大师生,大家积极采取措施防范空袭,在"跑警报"的过程中,人们的心态逐渐乐观起来.  相似文献   
中国传统社会是一个以农业文明为主的乡村社会,乡村治理问题是中国传统政治中的一个基本问题.朱熹的乡村治理思想是中国古代自秦汉以来乡村治理问题的历史延续.在朱熹乡村治理思想中,既提倡孝敬、乡情、信睦、良善、仁厚等儒家的传统道德规范,又提倡具有强制约束力的法律规章制度,还提倡经济上的发展与救助.其乡村治理理念的实质是为中央集权服务,帮助维护封建统治的基层社会基础,但不可否认的是,在长期的社会实践中,对实现社会稳定、加强邻里团结、消弭和化解乡村矛盾、改进乡村治安方面起了不可忽视的作用.  相似文献   
抗日战争期间,日军曾数百次对昆明狂轰乱炸,造成了重大的人员和财产损失,给当地民众的战时生活秩序产生了严重的影响。在对昆明的大轰炸中,当时中国的最高学府——西南联合大学也屡次遭袭,造成多名教职工伤亡,大量校舍和图书、仪器损毁。然而,敌人的轰炸并没有从精神上吓倒联大师生,大家积极采取措施防范空袭,在"跑警报"的过程中,人们的心态逐渐乐观起来。  相似文献   
从官办到民营——日本明治政府殖产兴业方针的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本着民富国强的原则,明治政府从早期的官办为主,迅速转变到以发展民营经济为主体的阶段,为此他们采取了官办示范、官督民办、官助民办等多种形式并举的政策,多方扶植诱导。在民营经济成长壮大之后,他们又果断地低价出售国企,结果在很短的时间内,缔造了明治维新的奇迹。  相似文献   
As soon as the SARS-Cov2 disease was recognized by experts to potentially cause a serious pandemic, a three dimensional diagrammatic image of the virus, colored in strong red, conquered public media globally. This study confronts this iconic virus image with a historic image analysis of 33,000 biomedical articles on coronaviruses published between 1968–2020 and interviews with some of their authors. Only a small fraction of scientific virus publications entail images of the complete virus. Red as an alarm color is not used at all by scientists who don't aim for a non-scientific public. Circulation in this case concerns the movement of iconic images from a scientific context into a general public. On the basis of hps-studies on scientific diagrams and especially on color use in scientific diagrams to convey specific messages in public, the paper discusses the role of the claim of public corona-virus diagram as “scientific.” It points at relevant differences between most frequent scientific corona-virus images and the diagrammatic image used in public. Both author- and readerships (in science and public) follow contrasting aims and values. Thus, the images meet non-expert readers for whom the images entail very different – and potentially unintended – meanings then to virus experts.  相似文献   
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