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This article draws on recent research and policy developments to make a case for considering international students as an important component of Australian foreign relations. It links historical and contemporary Australian experiences of international students, especially in the Colombo Plan and New Colombo Plan, to the field of public diplomacy, and sets an agenda for further research in this direction. It highlights the need to recover student voices and to be sensitive to the emergence of everyday or ‘vernacular’ internationalism, as a phenomenon of international students visiting, traveling and otherwise encountering different groups of Australians. It suggests a need to take up anew this form of inquiry for both earlier postwar student experiences and the post-1980s period, in which international students’ voices are frequently silenced by debates over commodification, funding needs, and neo-liberal economics.  相似文献   
Throughout the 1960s, Spanish students staged a strong opposition against the dictatorship of General Franco. Also during this decade, the U.S. Foreign Service in Spain began to pay great attention to these students for two key reasons. On the one hand, student protests posed a threat to US defensive interests in a country with a high strategic value during the Cold War in southern Europe. However, on the other hand, campus agitation could lead to positive effects for the United States if students’ expectations of social change were channeled toward national development in a context of order and political stability. So, how could student activism and idealism be directed toward a controlled modernization of Spain? This article attempts to answer this question by studying American programs aimed at disseminating the principles of modernization theory in Spanish universities as an instrument to (1) influence students’ political and intellectual socialization and to immunize them against radical ideologies and (2) channel students’ aspirations towards constructive and responsible reform of their country's socioeconomic structures.  相似文献   
刘晓琴 《史学月刊》2004,39(8):47-51
晚清留英教育在船政学生留英之前已经开始,同治五年(1866年),清政府就派遣了同文馆学生赴欧洲游学。之后,历届驻英公使都带有同文馆学生充任使馆随员或翻译学生,在处理外交及使馆事务之外,这些同文馆学生还负有学习的任务,可以入英国学校学习。19世纪90年代总理衙门还制订章程,派遣了两次同文馆留英生。20世纪初,京师同文馆归并京师大学堂改称译学馆后,再次派遣学生赴英留学。同文馆学生留英在整个晚清虽然不多,但也自成一系,是晚清留英教育中重要的一支。  相似文献   
针对近年来移民回流现象,用抽样调查的定量方法,对回浙定居华侨的人口社会学特征进行了归纳;对影响华侨回国定居的经济、政治因素进行了分析;认为当前华侨回国定居主要是为了恢复国内户口,方便经商、读书和生活等,其本身还具有很强的国际流动性。我国政府有关主管部门应当实施积极的华侨回国定居政策,以顺应经济全球化和人权保障的时代潮流。  相似文献   
汪维真 《史学月刊》2002,(11):30-35
《豫报》是河南留日学生最早创办的刊物,1906年12月在日本东京创刊,共出版了6期。它的创刊宗旨是“改良风俗,开通民智,提倡地方自治,唤起国民思想”。由于政见不同,自第五号起《豫报》股东分化,一部分以宣传革命为宗旨的激进派创办了《河南》杂志,备受海内外注目。在这种情势下,《豫报》在1908年4月30日出版了最后一期即第六号后便停刊了。  相似文献   
This article seeks to further our knowledge of the university campus by focusing on one particular aspect of most UK campuses: the students’ union. UK students’ unions have rarely been the subject of scholarly attention, despite them now occupying an important place within the higher education landscape. Nevertheless, in this paper we draw on a UK-wide study of students’ unions to explore, firstly, the role played by the buildings of the students’ union and, secondly, the ways in which aspects of the university’s campus influence union activity. We pay particular attention to the expansion of the university campus, in many institutions, from a single site to multiple sites, both within the UK and overseas. We contend that a focus on the materiality of the students’ union and the level of union activity (or inactivity) across various campus spaces can illustrate the values, ideologies and power relations that dominate contemporary British higher education.  相似文献   
大学女生思想政治教育中“四弱四强”现象探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前大学女生思想出现的"四弱四强"现象,应加强理想和信仰教育,使大学女生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;应深入实践,贴近实际,有的放矢,解决大学女生思想政治教育中的实际问题;应构建大学生思想政治教育的动态理念,创新大学女生思想政治教育方法,以变应变,推动大学女生思想政治教育工作。  相似文献   
抗日战争是一场中华民族的抵抗日本侵略的战争,中华民族的各个组成部分都为最后的胜利做出了自己的贡献。当时旅居于日本的中国留学生与中国国内的各界民众一样,曾以旺盛的民族精神,积极投身于创办反战报刊、搜集日军情报、发展抵抗组织等爱国抗日活动,这些活动成为以国共两党为中心的抗日民族统一战线的一支重要海外策应力量。  相似文献   
本文选择小岭华侨农场越南归侨为研究对象,运用田野调查和历史档案资料,阐释了在特殊迁移经历、政府倾斜性扶持政策及现实利益等因素的影响下,华侨农场越南归侨实现和巩固了对难民身份的想象与认同。  相似文献   
文章在对部分海归”学院派”深入访谈和个案分析的基础上,运用布迪厄“文化资本理论”、“习性”和“场域”的分析工具,解析了海归“学院派”归国后的不同心态和不同适应策略的选择。得出结论,“文化资本”本身并不足以成为个体适应策略选择的决定因素,“习性”和“场域”概念也是影响个体适应策略选择的因素之一;深层文化认同的非同一性、生活表象与意识深层的非和谐性等复杂的文化意识构成他们独特的行为表象。这些行为表象是其长期海外生活学习所形成的个人“习性”的体现。透过这些表象了解他们的“习性”及其产生的原因,是深入了解他们归国后所选择适应策略的基础。  相似文献   
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