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房列曙 《史学集刊》2007,5(6):28-34
在中国古代,主要是通过科举制度选拔国家官员。科举制度废除后,孙中山主张在五权宪法的框架之中,由国家设置考试院,主管文官的选拔、任用和考绩。这一创新的理论实践于民国时期。在民国时期,文官考试制度开始运作和完善,其中的特种考试和检定考试是我国的独特创制。文官的任用、考绩、升调、奖惩、抚恤等制度称作文官"铨叙"制度,与文官考试制度相辅相成。文官"铨叙"制度最为规范,也是我国的独特创制。  相似文献   
The impacts and activities of international retailers have beenlargely ignored in the globalisation discourse. A possible reasonfor this is the absence, in international retailing, of conceptand theory that does not hang on the coat-tails of internationalproduction. The paper attempts to consider international retailingin its own right. Three linked questions are explored. Has theinternationalisation process of the large retailers resultedin an increase in the global concentration of sales? In whatways does the process of retailer internationalisation differfrom the internationalisation of production? What does the committedinternational retailer transfer to the host country during theinternationalisation process?  相似文献   
刘成 《史学月刊》2004,(10):113-118
在“中国英国史研究会第八届会员代表大会暨学术研讨会”上,众多国内研究英国史的专家学者围绕“英国制度创新及其世界意义”主题展开了研讨,分别从英帝国与外交政策、英国政党与政治文化、社会与经济等方面提出了许多富有新意的观点,展示了中国英国史研究的最新水平。  相似文献   
日本经济的长期萧条有着深刻的制度原因,本文对经济管理模式、科技创新制度、土地使用制度、企业所有关系、主银行制度和劳动雇佣关系等六个方面的制度进行分析并提出这六方面的制度变迁建议,最后指出人的因素是导致制度变迁长期性和反复性的重要原因。  相似文献   
清代史馆制度的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王记录 《史学月刊》2008,(12):89-96
和前代相比,清代史馆制度有自身的特点。顺康时期,清朝官方就形成了以常开、例开史馆为主干,以阅时而开、特开史馆为辅助的史馆格局,这种史馆格局既具有稳定性,又具有灵活性,功能完善,相得益彰,在清廷的政治运作中发挥了重要作用。清代帝王对史馆修史的干预更加全面,皇帝亲自确定修史项目,对史书修纂的内容进行全面指导,时常过问史馆的管理,并形成了史书修纂次第进呈御览的制度,一切仰承圣裁,保证了帝王意志在史馆内的贯彻执行。清代史馆还具有鲜明的民族特色,官方以制度化的方式规定了史馆内满汉纂修官的员额和比例,保证满人参与修史。清代史无专官,但史馆从组建、管理到史官选任、资料征集等,都有一整套严格而又灵活的运作机制。  相似文献   
The deregulation of shopping hours has created a fluid environment where time-poor, affluent and mobile households can access shopping opportunities away from traditional retail precincts. The consequence has been the substantial decline of the viability and vitality of many main streets in eastern Australia. This greater temporal fluidity, however, requires stronger land use regulations if traditional town or suburb main streets are to maintain economic viability and social vitality. A suite of simple definitions of retail form are suggested and a number of assessment guidelines are proposed as meeting the requirements for more robust retail development assessment, including considerations of the geography of localities, place and the built form environment.  相似文献   
This study employs the Institutional Analysis and Development framework across three collaborative watershed partnerships with differing membership profiles (government centered, citizen centered, or mixed) to determine how rules at varying levels of action (operational rules, collective-choice rules, and constitutional rules) affect the formation and implementation of rules-in-use at different levels. Examining trends across group types at varying levels of action helps illuminate how the operational rules produced by different types of partnerships result in outputs that impact watershed management. Results show that the source of rules and their impact on subsequent levels of action vary by group type, with federal and state policies playing a larger role in government-centered and mixed-membership groups than in citizen-centered groups.  相似文献   
前人对东魏北齐时期邯郸县设治问题的研究存在两种截然相反的观点——"撤治说"和"设治说"。河北省磁县出土的《窦奉高墓志》记载窦氏在北齐时期被授予"邯郸县伯"的爵位,为"设治说"提供了有力证据。  相似文献   
清季财政改制是中国近代制度转型的重要一环,其运作过程涉及清季政治派分、区域财政利益、趋新与守旧观念等多重因子,折射出制度变迁并非单纯遵循所谓的近代化趋向。研治此段历史,应抱具"整体历史"意识,打破学科藩篱,关注人与制度之间彼此牵制的纷繁乱象,抛开今人习见观念,深入时境,作纵深切入,当日制度变迁中的不新不旧、童牛角马之实态方可得以展示,各类嬗变面相亦可近真呈现。  相似文献   
广州地铁沿线零售商业形态与空间分布探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
选取我国地铁发展速度最快的城市之一的广州作为背景,以地铁沿线商用物业的核心圈层为对象,本文在调查分析地铁沿线零售商业的串珠状组团式的空间分布特征和以百货店为主的多业态并存的业态结构特征的基础上,探讨了地铁沿线商业业态聚集的空间等级和各等级的业态空间类型,分析了其内部和外部因素,并揭示了地铁对零售空间分异、商业热点的形成及零售客流的影响作用。  相似文献   
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