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魏晋南朝地方军政官的频繁变乱是个值得研究的问题。其原因主要在于:军府长官在获得财富方面具有先天之利,名义上属于国家的地方财富常常会被越轨的军政长官挪作私用。当时以“节”为发兵符信,但是诏书与尚书符都很容易被伪造,朝廷无法防止地方军政官擅自募兵、兴兵。中央也曾对军府内部士兵、府僚、属州刺史与军府长官之间过于亲密的关系进行干预,并且加以种种规定。但这些规定具有矛盾性,而且这种矛盾性又总是向有利于军府长官的方向转化。中央一直向军府派驻有各种监察性质的官员,但这种官员在身份和地位上又从属于府主,有听命于府主的义务。  相似文献   
南宋川陕战区兵力部署的失衡与吴曦之变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南宋在川陕战区兵力部署中,基于战略防御和节制武将的考虑,形成兴州、金州、兴元府三大屯驻重心。在具体兵力分布上,由于吴氏武将集团的影响,兴州驻军的数量与实力最为强大,呈现出严重的失衡状态。兴州驻军力量过于强大是吴曦据兴州叛变的关键因素。吴曦叛变平定后,南宋对兴州军事力量予以分化,又导致兵力分散和不利于边疆防御的弊端,体现出南宋削弱地方军事力量与加强边疆防御的两难困境。川陕战区兵力部署的演变,蕴涵着南宋加强中央集权的真实内容。  相似文献   
张金龙 《史学月刊》2003,41(4):32-42
作为中国古代专制君权有机构成的禁卫军权,它既是维护君主专制政体正常运作的必要条件,同时也会成为破坏这一体制的重要因素。“八王之乱”是中国历史上规模最大、影响极为深远的一场统治集团争夺最高统治权力的政治斗争。参与政争的太后及外戚杨骏、惠贾皇后、宗室诸王之间围绕宫殿禁廷的控制权而展开了多次较量,对禁卫军权的控制和利用成为斗争中最常见的手段,能否有效掌握禁卫军权往注成为决定胜负的关键。“八王之乱”与禁卫军权的关系,提供了认识中国古代君主专制政治和禁卫军权关系的一个典型个案。  相似文献   
瞿林东 《安徽史学》2006,3(1):11-14,77
<后汉书>纪传的著者范晔,因涉及一桩重大政治案件-"谋反"而被杀.千余年来,人们对这桩公案有种种评判.或日范晔"不反",或日范晔"谋反"是进步之举,或日范晔"谋反"罪名系他人所加,等等.细察其情,本文提出新说:范晔涉及"谋反",客观上系他人设置陷阱所致,而其主观上的弱点,正是落入陷阱的内在原因.  相似文献   
中国宗法社会发展到宋代,产生了大量脱离社会秩序的游民,形成游民阶层,在游民中产生了通俗文化、通俗文学。游民不同于宗法人之处,在于他们有反社会性、主动进击精神和帮派意识,义气是他们联系的纽带。产生于游民的通俗文化、通俗文学,包括《三国演义》《水浒传》等,又为游民的组织、活动提供了理论武器。从游民文化看中国历史,是审视传统文化的另一个视角。  相似文献   
王守仁平定宁王宸濠叛乱,不论是对当时朝廷还是对王守仁本人,都是一件大事。然而关于王守仁的献俘行迹,史载却颇多错乱。故宫博物院藏王守仁书《铜陵观铁船歌》长卷,是一件非常珍贵的历史资料,不仅对于考证正德十四年九月至正德十五年三月王守仁平定宁王宸濠叛乱后的三次献俘行迹与艰难处境有很大帮助,对于了解王守仁遭遇政坛险恶与人生坎坷的复杂心理也有很大裨益。  相似文献   

The confrontation outside London (7 February 1554) between the rebel army of Sir Thomas Wyatt and forces loyal to Queen Mary Tudor has been frequently characterized as a bloodless contest of will rather than a military conflict. This view, however, fails to account for the action’s wider significance in the study of Tudor warfare, a field arguably distorted by the limited number of battles fought within the sixteenth-century British Isles. Furthermore, the encounter is unusually well-documented by written narratives, while its location ensures that the battlefield is depicted on several near-contemporary and subsequent maps, providing opportunities for more detailed investigation through terrain reconstruction. This article will use methodologies of map regression to define the historic landscape of the battle, permitting tactical-level consideration of the engagement and helping to discern the site’s archaeological potential. By doing so, it will also facilitate a reassessment of the battle’s key events and implications.  相似文献   
20世纪60年代西方学生运动的若干特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈汉 《史学月刊》2004,(1):80-86
20世纪60年代在西方爆发了大规模的学生运动,它有力地冲击着资本主义政治制度,批判了资本主义化和教育制度。这次新型的群众运动是在世界体系和全球化背景下展开的。它是第二次世界大战结束后发生在西方社会的重大事件,具有不同于以往革命群众的若干特点。  相似文献   
This article examines the role of Sir Matthew Nathan, British permanent under secretary for Ireland at the time of the Easter Rising in April 1916, and how critical events in his career as soldier, colonial governor and civil servant shaped his conduct and reaction to events in Ireland as the Rising unfolded around him. The article raises issues of identities: namely Nathan's own identity as an English gentleman, when, given his Jewish background, he was an outsider to that caste. Nathan's brief military career and lengthier career as a colonial governor earned him high praise as a model bureaucrat. In this paper Nathan's track from the War Office through government houses situated in West Africa, Hong Kong and Natal to Dublin Castle is traced to illustrate the changes in his character from decisiveness to indecision. While Nathan clearly misread the volatile situation in Ireland over the 1916 Easter weekend, his actions demonstrated both indecision and bureaucratic delaying tactics. It is argued that his experiences with obdurate settler ministers in Natal played a role in shaping his hesitancy at the time of crisis in Dublin and that this hesitancy provided an opportunity for the direct action of the Irish Volunteers. The conclusion is that, at the time of the Irish crisis, Nathan failed to exercise the ‘power of the personal influence’ expected of an experienced governor.  相似文献   

The fledgling Spanish colony in the Marianas was rocked by seven episodes of mutiny in the 1680s, culminating in the successful takeover of the island of Guam in 1688 by a group of mutineers led by a convict captain. In the context of ongoing campaigns of Indigenous resistance to Spanish colonisation, the actions of these mutinous soldiers placed the project of empire-building in the Marianas in serious peril. The events surrounding these mutinies have often been underplayed within a historiography that focuses on the violent nature of the Spanish presence in the Marianas. Nevertheless the soldiers’ mutinies of the 1680s add another perspective to this turbulent history. The experience of mutiny raises considerable questions about the nature of loyalty among ordinary soldiers to the project of empire-building in the Pacific. It demonstrates that Spanish soldiers – and often their Filipino counterparts – had the capacity to destabilise the imperial project from within.  相似文献   
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