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《司马法》旧题"司马穰苴撰",根据《史记》和《左传》的相关材料可以基本认定,司马穰苴是陈完的后裔,其军事生涯大约在周景王十三年(公元前532年)至周敬王三十年(公元前490年)之间的某一段时期,今本《司马法》5篇应该是齐威王时齐国大夫追述的古司马兵法和穰苴军事思想的混合体,它来自宋代刊定的《武经七书》,有三卷本和一卷本两个版本系统。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代中期以来,中国出版业经历着从计划经济向社会主义市场经济转变的历史性进程。从1993年开始到1998年,出版业改革的主线是由“规模数量为主要特征向以优质高效为主要特征”的“阶段性转移”;从1998年开始到2002年,集团化发展成为出版业改革的主题;从2003年开始,企业化转制成为出版业改革与发展的方向和主线。十多年来,出版业的政策走向反映了中共中央、国务院对出版工作的高度重视和大力支持,反映了出版业逐渐加快了产业化、市场化、国际化进程,反映了出版业改革不断深化的脉络。  相似文献   
What makes a book political? This essay takes up this question through analysis of a small network of grassroots publishing projects. In doing so, I suggest that the materiality and mobility of a book can be just as, if not more, significant than its content when considering its political character. Specifically, I examine the interconnected trajectories of a cluster of books published since 2010 that participate in conversations about migration, work, and popular politics in Argentina and Bolivia. By zooming in on two very distinct contexts of book culture (Buenos Aires and La Paz) and especially the connections and tensions that emerge between them, I seek to account for some of the heterogeneous contemporary formations of what Ángel Rama called the ‘lettered city’ in Latin America. As I focus on grassroots publishing projects, I shift my attention away from the usual spaces of book culture, allowing other marginal circuits of production, circulation, and consumption to appear. Combining ethnographic narrative with textual analysis, this essay develops the double concept of political articulation (as expression and connection) to offer a transdisciplinary exploration of how movement is shaping the print book – materially and politically – in Latin America today.  相似文献   
The final volume of the Polyglot Bible, edited by Benito Arias Montano and printed in Antwerp by Christophe Plantin, was published in 1571–1572. Forming part of the Bible's Apparatus, the volume contains a number of essays, illustrations and maps by Montano relating to questions raised by the biblical text. Montano's maps were a product of his philological training in Oriental languages and exegesis, his profound interest in antiquarianism and geography and his practice of visualizing and tabulating knowledge. He designed his maps both as study aids and as devotional‐meditative devices. Moreover, the maps reflect his wider philosophical outlook, according to which Holy Scripture contains the foundations of all natural philosophy. Montano's case encourages us to re‐examine early modern Geographia sacra in the light of the broader scholarly trends of the period.  相似文献   
汤茂林  蒋永华 《人文地理》2011,26(1):154-159
地理学界关于教学与研究的关系有些研究,关于研究与出版、教学与出版的关系几乎没有研究,但人文地理学界对这两种关系没有什么研究。研究表明,教学与研究相互依赖,研究是教学的基础,教学是研究成果得以普及和传承的途径之一,还可能促进研究的深入。教学和研究的质量和水平与出版有相当的关系。教材建设需要引进足够的重视并根据成果写出,研究的理念需要拓展,需要培养问题意识、学术史意识、与同行对话的意识和理论意识,还应注意著述的学术规范。学术出版要坚持高标准,以品质为导向,兼顾经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
曹永虎  祁正贤 《攀登》2011,30(6):107-110
改革开放使青海出版业得到了长足发展。但随着改革步伐的不断深入,人们日益增长的对文化的需求,使得青海出版业自身存在的诸多问题不断显现出来。文章从整合优势资源的视角,提出青海出版业应走集团化发展模式之路,并就相关内容进行了论述。  相似文献   
A prominent political geographer adds to the exchange of views presented in the two preceding papers in this issue of Eurasian Geography and Economics (Antonsich, 2006; Moisio and Harle, 2006). His comments extend beyond the debate on geopolitical remote sensing (a term originated by the author) to the need to more fully contextualize concepts and practices in human geographic research and to examine more closely the role played by internationalizing (and English language-dominated) publishing markets in the review and publication of papers that increasingly cross the borders of linguistic contexts. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O52, Z13.  相似文献   

Imitations of famous Dutch wall maps originally produced in Amsterdam by F. de Wit and W. J. Blaeu have recently been rediscovered in Italy. In Bologna, in the archive of Opera Pia dei Poveri Vergognosi, is a set of Blaeu's four wall maps of the continents, engraved on new plates by Pietro Todeschi and published by Giuseppe Longhi. The value of the discovery lies in the completeness of the exemplars, which also bear the publisher's imprint and date of publication, hitherto unknown: Europe 1677; Africa 1678; Asia 1679; America 1679/1680(?). An undated version of de Wit's world wall map, also published by Longhi, has come to light in the same archive. A copy of the same map, this time published by Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi in Rome in 1675, was then found in Modena in the Seminario Metropolitano. Comparison of the two copies has provided a date for Longhi's undated issue; Longhi's map came after de' Rossi's, that is after 1675.  相似文献   
王茂荫是清代以不避权要、直言敢谏而声震朝野的名臣。《王侍郎奏议》是他的主要遗著。从王茂荫生前因病开缺调理期间(清咸丰八年七月至同治元年初)亲自编辑"奏稿"藏于家到20世纪90年代初黄山书社新版点校本《王侍郎奏议》,历时一个多世纪,凡编辑5次,刊刻4次。本文对《王侍郎奏议》刊刻史进行了梳理考述,披露了鲜为人知的佚闻佚事,对刊刻过程中的一些关键性人物作了评介。  相似文献   
1918年,孙中山在经历数次革命的失败后,为了从思想上唤起民众,启迪国人,实现其救国救民之策,开始撰写《孙文学说》。此书最终的定稿成书时间不会早于1919年5月12日。在书稿的修改过程中,孙中山曾委托曹亚伯与商务印书馆协商出版事宜。它的初版既不是由上海强华印书馆出版,也不是由亚东图书馆出版,而是由上海华强印书局于1919年6月5日出版。  相似文献   
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