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In this review essay, I examine the arguments made by Marnie Hughes-Warrington, with Anne Martin, in Big and Little Histories: Sizing Up Ethics in Historiography. While I find much to praise in this history, I also ask critical questions about the impact of non-Western ethics on historical writing, the role of ethics in historical writing generally, the need to further investigate the everyday lifeworlds of history makers in order to fully understand their ethical dispositions, and the relationship between the ethics of history making and engaged forms of historical writing. I conclude this review essay by offering some reflections on the interrelationship between history and memory and the ethics involved in both.  相似文献   

Ecofeminists maintain that seemingly diverse and naturalized socio-ecological issues are in fact rooted within a particular cultural framework that perpetuates inequality and severs relationships among human and more-than-human communities. This important yet perhaps abstract understanding can be made tangible via examination of the ‘conventional’ food system, in which human and more-than-human communities are simultaneously otherized, marginalized, and exploited, realities largely hidden in a global industrial food system that disconnects production from consumption and obscures embedded relationships. Yet as consumer awareness rises, more people wish to know and move closer to the sources of their food, fueling community-based agro-food alternatives. When endowed with an ethic of care, such alternatives can be transformative for individuals and communities across scales.

This article situates conventional and alternative agro-food systems within relational frameworks of ecofeminism and care ethics and uses participant-driven photo elicitation (PDPE) to engage with experiences of consumers participating in a community farm tour. Findings suggest that such ‘enchanting’ experiences can begin to (re)embed food ‘products’ within contexts of place, people, and process, contributing to a relational consciousness that is central to an ethic of care. Findings also illustrate that PDPE can serve as a valuable window into experiences of reconnection, particularly useful for feminist researchers interested in learning more about enchantment and the transformational potential it holds.  相似文献   
季国良 《东南文化》2016,(4):11-16,127,128
遗产本质上具有伦理性,在历史主义保护传统中隐含着以传承为中心的伦理向度;同时,当代遗产保护运动中"人类遗产"理念和传承共同责任,又提升了遗产的公共性,揭示出了遗产保护中的当代共享向度。在历史主义保护占据主导地位的情况下,当代人在遗产面前的主体共享诉求相对不足,近些年国际国内对这种现象有较多的批评和反思。在需要满足当代人共享愿望又不能废弃传承伦理向度的情况下,创新保护理念和方式,在利用中实现"文化再生产"也许是文化遗产保护的有效途径。  相似文献   
This article makes a case for a ‘buddy system’ approach to research and scholarship, or a kind of ‘caring with’ our colleagues, as feminist praxis and as an intentional, politicized response to the neoliberalization of the academy. Through autoethnographic writing on our travels together into farmed animal auction yards, we explain the buddy system as a mode of caring, solidarity, and love that differs from collaborative research, focused as it is on caring for and about our colleagues and their research even (or especially) when we have no direct stakes in the research being conducted. We contribute to three feminist conversations with this approach: feminist care ethics in geography; emotional geographies; and critical perspectives on the neoliberalization of the academy. We advocate the buddy system as an extension of feminist care ethics, enriching how feminists think about ‘doing’ research. We draw on feminist geographies of emotion and our own emotions (grief especially) experienced while witnessing processes of nonhuman animal commodification to politicize the act of researching and to develop a more caring way of inhabiting the academy. This is particularly important, we argue, in the context of deepening neoliberal logics that turn the academy into a place where care and love become radical acts of resistance and transformation.  相似文献   
Children-focussed geographers have begun to move beyond highlighting ethical problems that may occur when researching with children, instead focusing on the development of successful research strategies. This piece is intended to contribute to this work in two ways. Firstly, I reflect critically on how ethical guidelines were put into practice during a migration research project which involved interviewing children in their homes. In relation to researching with children, conversations concerning ethical issues such as access, gatekeeping, informed consent, payment, confidentiality and disclosure are not new. However, putting ethical principles into practice is rarely straightforward and requires further discussion. Secondly, I evaluate the practical, flexible techniques that I developed to try to ensure successful interviewing with children in their homes and emphasise the need for further discussions of this kind.  相似文献   
This paper records a conversation that took place on Thursday 23rd November 2006 at the Museo del Hombre de Antofagasta de la Sierra (Museum of Man of Antofagasta de la Sierra), Catamarca, Argentina. The conversation involved different research groups co-investigating, each formed by a student of archaeology and a member of the personnel of the museum and/or other areas of the culture of the municipality of Antofagasta de la Sierra. Each presented the state of his/her enquiry into a particular object in the museum collection. The task was to tie stories to objects: stories by the elders of the town, the people who had discovered the item, the personnel of the museum and the texts written by archaeologists. This paper focuses on the conversation with Ernestina Mamaní, about a stone slab by Antofagasta elder, Don Anacleto Cháves, which she and Laura Roda had chosen to research.
Résumé Cet article rapporte une conversation qui a eu lieu le jeudi 23 novembre 2006 au Museo del Hombre de Antofagasta de la Sierra (Musée de l'homme d'Antofagasta de la Sierra), Catamarca, Argentine. La conversation mettait en scène différents groupes de recherche travaillant conjointement, chacun constitué d’un étudiant en archéologie, d’un membre du personnel du musée et/ou d'autres secteurs du service de la Culture de la municipalité d'Antofagasta de la Sierra. Chacun a présenté l'état de ses recherches autour d’un objet particulier des collections de musée. Il s’agissait d’accoler des récits aux objets: histoires rapportées par les anciens du village, les personnes ayant découvert l'objet, le personnel du musée et les rapports écrits par les archéologues. Cet article relate particulièrement la conversation avec Ernestina Mamaní, au sujet d'une dalle de pierre faite par un ancien d'Antofagasta, Don Anacleto Cháves, qu’elle même et Laura Roda avaient choisie pour leur recherche.

Resumen Esta ponencia registra una conversación que sucedió el jueves 23 de noviembre de 2006 en el Museo del Hombre de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina. La conversación involucraba diferentes grupos de co-investigación, integrado por una estudiante de arqueología y un miembro del personal del museo y/o otras areas de cultura de la municipalidad de Antofagasta de la Sierra. Cada una presentaba el estado de su indagación acerca de un objeto particular de la colección del museo. La consigna era anudar historias a cada objeto, historias ofrecidas por los ancianos del pueblo, los descubridores de la pieza, el personal del museo y los textos escritos por arqueólogos. Esta ponencia se focaliza en la conversación con Ernestina Mamaní, sobre una laja encontrada por un vecino de Antofagasta, Don Anacleto Cháves, que ella y Laura Roda habían elegido para investigar.
Jill Reid 《Archaeologies》2007,3(3):437-440
Long-time WAC member Jill Reid sat in on days two and three of the meetings at Stanford. For her, the greatest value of the meeting came in the exposure to many different perspectives and the opportunity to reflect on the way archaeology is done in her own work situation. Jill cautions the committee not to replace familiar or widely used terms with others that may create confusion or require explanation. Based on her experiences in Australia, she discusses a situation where deference to cultural heritage laws creates ethical dilemmas and promotes injustice and hopes that whatever process is outlined will be able to take such complexities into account.  相似文献   
在企业经营活动中,经济行为与伦理道德可以并存,还是难以两立,一直是学术界争议的话题。日本著名企业家稻盛和夫强调说,企业经营者必须有可以作为判断基准的哲学。坚持把“为人何谓正确”作为判断基准,不断追求正义、公正,是稻盛和夫经营哲学的核心,也是他的道德观和伦理观的充分体现。但是,做人的道德准则和企业经营的原则,特别是“利他”的道德观和企业追求利润的经营目标是否真的存在矛盾、冲突?应该如何协调、处理二者之间的关系?本文将通过对稻盛和夫经营实践中若干实例的分析,尝试对此做出回答。  相似文献   
稻盛和夫是日本京瓷集团公司的创始人。该公司“2001年3月的年营业额超过4兆日元(大约为2700亿元人民币)、税前利润达4500亿日元(大约为300亿元人民币)”。^[1](P3)是什么使稻盛和夫在经营上成就这一辉煌伟业的呢?这便是,由以“敬天爱人”的基本思想为核心构架而成的稻盛经营哲学;以及靠商业伦理道德成为赢家的超凡境界。  相似文献   
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