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Julia Sizek 《对极》2023,55(6):1898-1918
A proposed project will take water from an aquifer in the California desert to the coast. Lacking final approvals more than 30 years after it started, the project remains a plan despite sizeable opposition. What is its secret? In this paper, I examine the imaginaries of the underground aquifer underneath the lands of Cadiz Inc, the project proponent. While local theories insist the company is at the centre of a Chinatown conspiracy, I argue that the company stays alive through regulatory alchemy, a term that reveals the magic at the heart of scientific and regulatory approval processes. I examine narratives of the aquifer in environmental compliance and financial reporting in order to reveal how regulatory processes become the conditions of profit-making, building on debates in critical legal geography and political ecology.  相似文献   
许经勇 《攀登》2007,26(6):65-67
马克思在《资本论》中所论述的劳动力买卖、平均利润与生产价格,都是以完全竞争或自由竞争为前提条件的。但是,马克思指出,这是一种"理论上的假定"。这就存在着如何把马克思抽象化的理论运用于活生生的现实的问题。在现实生活中,劳动力市场既有竞争的一面,又有分割的一面,而且二者往往是交错在一起的。  相似文献   
瓦当上雕刻的篆体文字是极富研究意义的中华文化元素,为中华文字的研究提供了研究对象。本研究提出一种以曲率为基础,通过粗细两次分割实现瓦当三维文字分割的方法,解决了瓦当上雕刻文字的提取问题。首先通过计算模型表面曲率进行粗分割,并利用聚类修复方法进行细分割。由顶点曲率值衍生出的平面点集进行多平面拟合,实现瓦当表面文字的精确分割。最后应用平行细化子迭代方法进行骨架线提取,实现瓦当文字的提取。实验结果证明,文中方法可以有效地实现瓦当三维文字提取。  相似文献   
本文立足于洋务运动史、近代外交思想史既有研究,利用近年来出版的有关档案,考察中法越南交涉这一洋务时期具有代表性的重大外交个案,探讨洋务时期整体外交思想,认为义利结合的整体外交思想为洋务时期清朝政府的基本外交指导思想,从而反思中国近代外交思想史研究中若干误区.  相似文献   
陈梅  刘晶晶  崔枫  厉新建  潘澜 《人文地理》2017,32(2):152-160
自20 世纪80 年代以来,现代邮轮旅游作为一种休闲度假方式,已经成为欧美国家中产阶级出游的重要选择之一。深入了解中国邮轮旅游者的特点并进行市场细分,有助于推动中国邮轮旅游市场开发。本研究根据顾客终身价值理论,测算了邮轮旅游者的未来价值,并通过探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析研究了邮轮旅游者的消费偏好,建立了邮轮旅游者未来价值评估模型。基于中国大陆、香港和台湾邮轮旅游者的相关数据,通过AMOS21.0 对邮轮旅游者未来价值模型进行了检验,发现了对邮轮旅游者未来价值有显著影响的因素;通过R13.0 软件进一步对显著影响邮轮旅游者未来价值的因素进行了潜类分析,识别出了未来价值较高的邮轮旅游市场,进而为有效地市场开发提供依据。  相似文献   
An illustrated methodology for the morphodynamic sectoring of the Neigette River (Québec) Fluvial hydrogeomorphology is little recognized in policy management and planning in Québec. A better understanding would result in more enlightened planning for waterways. The deficiency could result from the fact that too few methodologies have been developed that take account of the particular nature of Québec rivers. This study tests the applicability of a methodology of dividing rivers into homogeneous morphodynamic units. This compartmentalization results from the analysis of longitudinal changes in stream power, sedimentary composition of the banks, channel entrenchment, and planform geometry. The method is tested on a section of the Neigette River, which encompasses a wide variety of forms and processes frequently found in Québec rivers. Results suggest the presence of three morphodynamic sections: wandering with multiple channels, dynamic meandering and stable meandering. The method provides an effective basis for discriminating between these morphodynamic environments and their respective limits. Stream power is the variable with the greatest discriminating capacity. The efficacy of the approach, the ease of its application, and its flexibility make this a valuable tool for the management of fluvial environments.  相似文献   
本文以中国出口商品交易会(广交会)为案例,剖析会展业对城市酒店业的空间结构影响、效益带动作用以及参展人员对酒店的行为偏好,探讨其与城市酒店配置的关系。研究表明,广交会对广州酒店业意义深远,不仅在广交会展馆附近形成了广州星级酒店的空间聚集带,而且提升了广州酒店业整体经济效益。研究还显示酒店受益幅度遵从距离衰减规律;参展人员对高中档酒店需求旺、其中五星级和三星级酒店更受青睐;国内外参展商的住宿需求偏好各异;高档酒店集聚了主要的利润等。这些特征对研究城市会展与酒店配置的关系提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
初级农业生产合作社的收益分配是全面体现合作社性质和优越性的重要标志。合作化时期,西南地区根据中央有关初级社收益分配的指示精神和多民族地区的实际,坚持少取多分、按劳取酬和民族团结的原则,正确地处理社与社员之间的关系,努力提高劳动分配在初级社收益分配中的比例,推动互助合作运动的进一步发展。土地和劳动分配比例确立过程及其变动趋势决定着初级社生产发展的规模和方向,对于深入认识合作化的进程具有相当重要的意义。  相似文献   
Brett Christophers 《对极》2018,50(4):864-890
Different economic measures afford different ways of seeing processes of financialisation. In the prototypical case of the US economy, the most compelling evidence of post‐1970s financialisation is found in corporate profits measures. This much has been clear for at least a decade. What remains much less clear, however, is the explanation for the long‐term maintenance and amplification of extreme financial‐sector profitability that financialisation in the United States has and continues to entail. With a specific focus on banking, this article turns to post‐Marxian scholarship on profit rate trends to explain this phenomenon. It argues that limited and declining levels of competition within the US banking sector during recent decades—rooted in high levels of industry concentration, collusive behaviour, and substantial entry barriers—have contributed to sustaining and boosting abnormal sectoral profitability. In doing so, the article theorises financialisation in the United States explicitly in terms of monopoly profit.  相似文献   
在经济地理学的研究中,劳工常常被看作是与自然资源、资金、技术等同类的经济要素,只重视劳动成本,忽视了劳工作为社会活动主要参与者的角色。近年来,劳工地理研究取得了长足的进展,弥补了传统地理学研究的不足。全球化背景下的工人运动、劳工组织和地方劳工控制体制,劳工市场的空间分割,不同政治、经济和文化背景下的农区劳工地方化逐渐成为劳工地理的重要研究方向。  相似文献   
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