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This essay examines what happened in August and September 1714, from the death of Queen Anne on 1 August to the swearing-in of the new privy council on 1 October, specifically from the perspective of the membership of the house of lords. It confirms that most members were present in London during this period and active in parliament, the privy council, the regency, and politics generally. Very few were absent without a good reason.  相似文献   
陆伟 《史学集刊》2005,9(1):68-78
战时日本对外政策制定主要分为两种决策运作模式:临机性合议决策模式和内面性指导决策模式。在前的运作过程中,陆、海军、外务省,都不具有对外政策的最终决定权,他们对外交的影响力,一般被限制在辅弼或辅翼的职责范围内。然而各派的政策主张还是借助御前会议、大本营政府联络会议或四(五)相会议的平台,在反复折冲的和议中,彼此包容地存在下来;在后的运作过程中,天皇通过直接的幕后指示或元老、宫内大臣的襄助,贯彻了自己的政策理念,体现了作为国家最高决策的权威,从而达到了以“亲临”的名义,实现“亲政”最大化的目的。  相似文献   
1949~1954年是中央人民政府建立与发展的重要历史时期,此时期新中国建立并实行了中央政府下辖政务院的二级政府体制,1949~1952年是该体制初步建立与运行阶段。新中国成立伊始,依据《共同纲领》和《中央人民政府组织法》确定的原则和框架,政务院迅速组建完毕,在机构设置、人员配备、编制管理与法制建设等方面开展了卓有成效的活动,作为国家最高行政机关,统一管理国家内政外交各项事务,发挥了重要的历史作用。  相似文献   
房列曙 《安徽史学》2006,1(6):59-68
孙中山选拔文官的标准是德才兼备,以德为首.他所说的德,不是以三纲五常为核心的封建道德,而是以符合"三民主义"、"五权宪法"、资产阶级的民主共和、官吏是人民公仆等思想为价值取向.孙中山指出选举制、委任制有弊端,主张以考试制度补救之,也就是在"五权宪法"的框架之中,国家建立考试院,主管人才的选拔和任用.同时,完善国家政治制度,建立文官的培养、任用、监察等运行机制.孙中山的理论创新,奠定了我国文官制度的基础,为我国文官制度的近代化作出了贡献.  相似文献   
彭剑 《安徽史学》2015,(6):83-87
岑春煊1907年建议各省设立的咨议局,以及其后江苏绅士与安徽官绅所设计的咨议局,虽然在本质上都不是完全的议会机构,但设计者都将其定位为"全省"的机关,而非"地方"的机关。法部在批评岑氏的时候,更是提出,必须先建立地方议会,才能建立省议会,地方议会是咨议局的基础。1908年出台的通行全国的《咨议局章程》,将咨议局定位为"一省之议会"。在上奏《咨议局章程》的奏折中,在与于式枚辩难的过程中,宪政编查馆都强调,由于中国的行省不同于各国的"地方",咨议局不同于各国的地方议会,而是中国特有的省议会。清季对议会系统的规划,是国会、省议会与地方议会,而非国会与地方议会。今人多将咨议局称为地方议会,实错解了当时制度设计者的良苦用心。  相似文献   
Nim li Punit is a small Classic Maya (ca. a.d. 150–830) center of Toledo District, Belize. Here I describe excavations of two buildings within the royal palace group: Structures 7 and 8. Structure 8 was built in four stages all dating to the Early to Late/Terminal Classic period. It probably served as a council house. Structure 7 was the residential palace and was built in two stages. An Early Classic burial demonstrates indirect interaction with Teotihuacan. During the Terminal Classic period, the shape of Structure 7 was altered, numerous caches were placed there, and Tomb 5 was dedicated. It contained many important artifacts including a modeled effigy vase displaying the wind god, a chert eccentric, and the second largest piece of carved jade excavated legally in Belize. This, the Nim li Punit “wind jewel,” contains a long historical text and was worn by Late Classic kings. I argue that the pectoral tied Maya kings through ritual performance to breath, winds, rain, agriculture, and life.  相似文献   
As Western governments re‐examine the economic policies of John Maynard Keynes to solve a global financial crisis believed to be almost as severe as the Great Depression, this article examines his influence on arts policy. The article articulates and examines the central assumptions that underlie the arm’s length policy model, such as Keynes’s preference for semi‐autonomous non‐governmental bodies, and locates the sources of those assumptions and ideas in Keynes’s political philosophy and his involvement in higher education. Knowing this history enables policymakers and arts administrators to recognize how contemporary policy still reflects this thinking.  相似文献   
In light of the extensive presence and preservation of communal property and resources in territories in mainland Spain, the aim of this paper is to analyse the keys to the use, distribution and retention of such properties and resources, particularly those still in existence, with particular regard to common pasture lands and woodlands. A compilation of council by-laws from past periods, combined with the production of a catalogue of agricultural patterns, has enabled an in-depth study of certain fundamental points relating to social and economic development. Such development has tended to maintain the balance between resources and population and to conserve resources through sustained and sustainable use that to some extent has guaranteed the occupation of lands, the preservation of rural communities and the perpetuation of traditional systems in the context of new challenges and contemporary needs. A combination of qualitative and quantitative documentary sources has enabled elucidation of the role and the full dimensions of communal properties. In particular, the causes and consequences, either of their sale or privatisation, or of their preservation and exploitation, will be outlined in the context of changes and new contemporary needs.  相似文献   
1921年安徽省第三届省议会选举受金钱势力与地方军阀操纵,各选区违法舞弊层出不穷,40余县发生诉讼,当选议员多系贿买而来。皖人否认选举结果并积极澄清省选,与当选议员进行了一系列斗争,最终本届省选被判决无效并被责令改选。选政的腐败及议会、议员的不良是皖人反对此届省议会的重要原因,也与防止倪系势力复活有关。总的来看,皖人反贿选斗争取得胜利具有一定的历史意义。  相似文献   
Consumer behavior has become an important topic in historical archaeology, and patterns of domestic acquisition, use, and discard are often directly expressed in the archaeological record. Consumption patterns are influenced by factors such as household morphology, life cycle, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, therefore analysis of domestic site formation processes should take these factors into account. The formation processes exhibited on historic domestic sites may be quite complex, but there is a broad range of analytical methods available for examination of these processes.  相似文献   
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