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媒体知情权是指公民通过媒体了解知道公共事务,特别是有关国家政务信息,以及与自己利益和兴趣有关的各类社会信息的权利。公民隐私权是指公民对以自己纯个人的生活秘密和个人生活自由为内容,禁止他人干涉的一种人身权利。媒体的知情权与公民的隐私权具有天然的抗争性,如何平衡两者之间的冲突,既保护好媒体的知情权,又不伤害公民的隐私权,成为需要进一步探讨和研究的新课题。  相似文献   
李瑄 《史学集刊》2005,(4):28-31
刘程之,号遗民,晋宋问人,晋末弃官归隐。后人往往根据其不仕之事与“遗民”之号,将其理解为易代后出于政治立场与道德自觉不仕新朝的“遗民”。其实,遗民一词的此一义项在晋宋之世尚未确立,刘遗民不过是一位追求山林玄远之趣的隐逸之士。并且,由于刘遗民的历史存在,还产生了“遗民”一词不被广泛注意的另一义项——隐士。  相似文献   
以《影梅庵忆语》、《浮生六记》等为代表的“忆语”文是清代文人记录私人琐屑生活的回忆性文字,然其文体应归属于小说还是散文,学界仍颇有分歧。而文体分类的主要依据是艺术表现和内容特征。本文认为“忆语”文在内容上具有纪实性、生活化、文人性、私密性等特点,当属于回忆性言情散文。  相似文献   
Recent research using coroners' inquests (both the original records and ensuing newspaper reports) has opened the door on the domestic arrangements of the Victorian working classes and the lives of the inhabitants therein, including that of the lodger. It is widely acknowledged that the majority of lodgers in Victorian England's towns and cities resided in private working-class dwellings and, while the census reveals the types of households that took in lodgers, we know little of these lodgers – beyond their age and occupation – or how they were accommodated. This article begins to address this lacuna by bringing the lodger to the forefront of the household. Drawing upon a number of coroners' inquest reports, it explores the lodger and the domestic arrangements of lodgers accommodated in working-class dwellings in the town of Ipswich, asking: (1) What were individuals' reasons for taking up lodgings? (2) What length of time did they spend in lodgings? (3) How and what did they pay for? (4) What was their relationship to those with whom they lodged and what were their daily interactions? and, crucially, (5) How were they accommodated? The findings reveal that the domestic arrangements of lodgers, including where they slept, varied widely. The article demonstrates that we need to reappraise our understanding of the lodger and their place in the home.  相似文献   
Geographers have long been alert to the ways space matters to knowledge production and the stories participants choose to share. Despite such understandings, however, geographers remain surprisingly absent from discussions regarding the ways these concerns play out across online spaces. This article reflects on the employment of one online space, Facebook, as a site for storytelling in research exploring return journeys to two Australian festivals – the Big Day Out and Mardi Gras Parade. This article argues that insight over longer temporalities and shifting spatialities afforded through Facebook facilitates heightened understandings of the nuances, repetitions, differences and paradoxes of identities, encounters, and politics. Facebook, therefore, has the potential to allow for different ways of knowing that cannot be ascertained in more orthodox research spaces. Moreover, the slipperiness of conceptualisations of privacy and consent in this space draws attention to the necessity of understanding consent as fluid and ongoing, rather than antecedent to fieldwork commencement. Crucially, however, reconceptualisations of privacy and consent in this space expose potential obstacles university ethics committees may meet in responding to research moving online.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This essay is written to show that a liminal, in‐between space of withdrawal and dilly‐dally disassociation can harbour a special station of the self. Further, I propose that incumbency of this station is, from time to time, essential. Life lived always and only in group‐dependant association would be insupportable. My case is made with reference to Aborigines of northern Australia who say that they ‘run’ together in mobs. Nonetheless, I see this essay as a culturally specific contribution to a general category for investigation — the sociology of licensed solitude. As it happens, my illustrative case has licensed solitude functioning sometimes and additionally as retreat or hermitage — that station of withdrawal into which a person enters when turning away from fellow‐humans to seek inspiration from a Power. I compare the licensed solitude of the Aboriginal Countrymen with that of the academic who requires solitude as a station for that free interplay of primary and secondary imagination which sometimes may produce the anthropological sublime.  相似文献   
Legal issues with volunteered geographic information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Volunteered geographic information (VGI) is a relatively new and rapidly developing activity with varying degrees of organization and legal sophistication that involves host sites, contributors, and users. VGI related activities raise a variety of legal issues, from intellectual property to liability, defamation, and privacy. These issues may affect the rights and obligations of all those who use or participate in VGI activities. This article provides an overview of some of these legal considerations from the perspectives of the host, contributor, and user respectively.  相似文献   
While established ethical norms and core legal principles concerning the protection of privacy may be easily identified, applying these standards to rapidly evolving digital information technologies, markets for digital information and convulsive changes in social understandings of privacy is increasingly challenging. This challenge has been further heightened by the increasing creation of, access to, and sophisticated nature of geocoded data, that is, data that contain time and global location components. This article traces the growing need for, and the structural challenges to creating educational curricula that address the ethical and privacy dimensions of geospatial data.  相似文献   
The nature of contemporary celebrity demands the negotiation of publicness and privacy. Given the increasingly intrusive presence of the paparazzi, entertainment media, and fans (from obsessed ‘stalkers’ to well-wishers), celebrities need to regulate but also publicise their ‘front stage’ public persona. While this is usually achieved with a degree of comfort, at certain times their space is threatened. Through a case study of the 2003 court case concerning unsolicited photographs of the wedding of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas, published in Hello! magazine, this paper examines the policing, staging and legislative defence of celebrity privacy. It is suggested that celebrities' role in public is compromised by their extreme recognisability.  相似文献   
Many specialists in architectural history assign the beginning of an explicitly-articulated need for privacy to any time between the twelfth and nineteenth centuries, and they identify elements such as closets, hallways, and separate servant quarters as indicators of that need. Meanings assigned to privacy range from the retirement of the lord and lady from the great hall into the chamber, to the withdrawal of the nuclear family in the home, and to a psychological need of the individual human being to be alone. This paper examines the problem of privacy and its architectural manifestations using case-studies from sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Ireland.  相似文献   
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