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日本地方自治的表里   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从团体自治与居民自治两个方面对日本地方自治的现状进行了考察,发现了其地方自治现状与自治理念之间存在着很大的落差,并对产生落差的主要原因进行了简要分析。  相似文献   
对唐代贾耽的地理(地图)著述的名目进行辨析,分析了"关中陇右及山南九州等图"、《九州图》、《海内华夷图》之间的关系,以及别录与通录的区别。指出《九州图》、《海内华夷图》是贾耽国图撰修总体事业在不同历史阶段的总称。并从地图学传统、方志学传统入手,探讨了贾耽地理(地图)著述的性质,对其中的地图学成绩进行了重新评价,进而从"近意就实,依稀像真"分析了贾耽地图学的滞后性,指出"古墨今朱"应只是文字注记的区别,并非通过图形绘制表达古今地理要素的差异,由此审视了中国古代地图史上图形绘制与文字注记的关系。  相似文献   
If tradition has often figured as modernity's other, the Islamic tradition has long played the role of the modern constitutive other par excellence. Modern secularizing practices of timing and spacing feed this grounding of the political beyond the conceptual grip of tradition. The works by the Moroccan historian and philosopher Abdallah Laroui (b. 1933) put forward a concept of heterotemporality that distances itself from secularizing practices of timing and spacing, and, importantly, also from theological ones. His critique enables us to understand each of these practices as viewing heterotemporality through one master temporality, a view that represents temporality as, in Laroui's words, “absolute” time. First, this privileged temporality is the homogeneous time of secular progress, and second, it is the homogeneous time of theological truth. Laroui unsettles both practices of timing and spacing by discussing heterotemporality as governed by what he calls the antinomy of the concept of history. For Laroui, this antinomy refers to a specific temporal dynamic that results from the tension between the fundamental discontinuity and incoherence of history, on the one hand, and the production of continuity and coherence through human observers, on the other. Laroui thus reveals that the claims about continuity and coherence that sustain groundings of the political within homogeneous time—either secular or theological—must always be understood in relation to their position within the temporal dynamic of the antinomy of the concept of history. In revealing the temporal dynamic of this antinomy within the Islamic tradition, Laroui reworks the architecture of difference that keeps the secular modern and the Islamic theological conceptually separated from each other.  相似文献   
In post-modernist terms, archaeology, like history, is not practiced for itself but for someone or something. That much is clear with the archaeology of the cis-Jordanian region of the Near East where it has served to sustain anthropological-ethnological models driven by biblical and nationalistic-based theories. Words, terms, labels and names have meanings that not infrequently are consequential thus, constructing an archeology-abetted past of spaces named Holy Land, Eretz Yisrael and Land of the Bible belies the discipline’s claim to scientific neutrality. No less, naming the cis-Jordanian territories of the Bronze and Iron Ages a “Palestine” is anachronistic and not uniformly acceptable. As long as Archaeology is tasked with proving the veracity of ancient epigraphy and texts and legitimizing claims of ancestral privilege and ur-ownership of ancient lands, the more glaring its failure and the greater the impediment to settling the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.  相似文献   
今本《老子》中有两个“孩”字,对其训释,历来众说纷纭,但从文义上看,均有未安。本文从战国楚简文字中的“娩”字经常被误释为“孩”这一现象入手,推测今本《老子》中的“孩”字也是“娩”字的误释,应该分别读为“娩”和“矇”。  相似文献   
The concept of nostalgia has an invaluable advantage: In contrast to other cultural concepts, it has an exact date of birth. It was in 1688 when the medic Johannes Hofer published a thesis in which he described an illness he termed with the neologism “nostalgia.” But instead of following the academic and larger cultural discourses that evolved from this starting point until the present, the question that deserves some attention is which temporal setting goes along with the concept of nostalgia. Most of the experts on nostalgia as a sickness during the last three and a half centuries did not diagnose themselves but others, quite often patients from rural areas who had to leave home to work abroad, where they became nostalgic. With this diagnosis these experts also established a certain time‐model, because they separated a “modern” time‐model of irreversibility from a “nostalgic” time‐model of reversibility. If we take a closer look at the nostalgia diagnosis and its consequences, we might also gain some ideas for our thinking about the theory of history.  相似文献   
本对与我国云南省相邻的缅甸果敢地区的历史进行了简要概述,同时论及了在该地有较大影响的罗氏家族、杨氏家族、彭家声及果敢同盟军等地方势力的兴衰过程,认为历经磨难的果敢已经走上了社会经济发展的正常轨道。  相似文献   
北京城市社会区的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘贵利 《人文地理》2003,18(3):28-31
北京城市社会区的空间结构从近代到现代,受不同的社会制度、历史成因的影响,表现出不同的特征,本文对北京城市社会区在三个时期的变迁进行了比较分析。  相似文献   
赵琪 《史学集刊》2012,(3):116-122
从《尚书·周书》的诸篇诰辞中,我们可以看到以周公为代表的西周政治家们已经得出天命以民心为依归的观点,并以此来解释夏、商、周三代的历史递嬗。战国时期的孟子继承了该思想,并进一步以其来解释三代以前的历史递嬗。司马迁在思考天人之际时,既继承了周公、孟子的上述天人思想,并以此来解释古今历史递嬗中的"常";同时又有自己更深一层的思考,并以此来解释古今历史递嬗中的"变",从而最终做到"通古今之变"。在此,司马迁的"究天人之际"与"通古今之变"实紧密结合在一起,而这正是他能够"成一家之言"的原因所在。  相似文献   
何建民 《旅游科学》2010,24(1):36-44
“十二五”旅游业发展规划是将我国旅游业培育成国民经济战略性支柱产业与人民群众更加满意的现代服务业的关键性规划。本文基于“十二五”规划的视角,运用产业经济学理论,通过深入调查,对上海建设世界一流旅游目的地城市的重要区域——浦东新区的旅游业发展进行研究,其主要内容包括:(1)浦东新区旅游业发展的现状研究;(2)浦东新区旅游业发展评估及问题研究;(3)浦东新区旅游业“十二五”及至2020年的发展构想。本研究对其他类似区域制定旅游业发展的“十二五”规划具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
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