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This article argues that Elizabeth Gaskell’s historical novel Sylvia’s Lovers (1863) uses nostalgia as a literary aesthetic and historical context to articulate a narrative of disorientating epochal change. Gaskell’s novel draws on nostalgia’s roots as a psychosomatic disease afflicting soldiers displaced by international conflicts to reassert the traumatic roots of a familiar feeling often understood as superficial and insignificant. Nostalgia began as a disease brought on by migration and only later came to be thought of as a type of sentimental memory; first home was far away and then it was long ago. Gaskell’s novel incorporates both, mingling longing for a place with longing for a past. This double distancing articulates an experience of transition within her historical novel. She draws on an eighteenth-century trope used by figures such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and William Wordsworth, repurposed for the demands of prose fiction. The homesick soldier who was the first sufferer with pathological nostalgia is cast as the central protagonist of historical transformation and an emblem of uneasy transitions. Sylvia’s Lovers has received scant critical notice to date and, perhaps for this reason, its explicit allusions to nostalgia, and the role they play in Gaskell’s historical imagination, have been left entirely unremarked.  相似文献   
俞政 《安徽史学》2004,(1):75-79
1研至1879年留英期间,严复起初倾心于西方自然科学,后对外交感兴趣.他对顽固思想有所批判,大体相当于洋务派的思想水平.他之所以没有进入外交界,是因为得罪了李凤苞和曾纪泽.  相似文献   
本以“信息”作为创新资源予以整合,诠释了现代酒店的信息管理(E)模式在网络时代的全新运作及其对传统酒店经营管理带来的新理念、新思考。  相似文献   
明治初期,维新政府中枢就已深刻地了解到日本所置身的国际社会和国际形势,确立起包括对自己和世界进行重新定位以及日本未来发展方向在内的国际秩序观。近代日本国际秩序思想中的上下秩序认识与欧洲近代国际秩序思想的二重原理体系如出一辙,并在明治维新后迅速与国家政权结合起来,最终确立起对欧美屈从,对东亚邻国强硬的双重外交路线。  相似文献   
The novel in nineteenth-century Bengal was formed under European influence, adopting its techniques of representation from bourgeois realist fiction. Both witness to and participant in the making of colonial modernity, it placed particular emphasis upon the social substantiation of persons through the depiction of domestic interiors. The furniture of the bourgeois house became an important ingredient in that representational process. Drawing upon Walter Benjamin's examination of the way in which furnished interiors came to compose the universe of private man in the nineteenth century, I argue that in the Bengali novel, there is a constant tension between that mode of self-construction and the suspicion and distrust of European furnishings exhibited in representative novelists of the period. Ultimately, in the fiction of Rabindranath Tagore, this distrust manifests itself in a rejection of the bourgeois interior, as well as a questioning of the very tools of realist representation.  相似文献   
张玉良  关青兰 《攀登》2006,25(6):65-67
邓小平所倡导的“解放思想、实事求是”的政治观,深刻阐释了社会主义政治的科学内涵,从理论和实践上为推动当代中国政治文明建设奠定了基础。同时,邓小平的政治观作为宝贵的精神财富,对于我们在新世纪、新阶段完成新的历史使命,具有重要的启示和指导意义。  相似文献   
谭赛花 《史学集刊》2008,54(2):115-121
近代早期英国经历了曲折的宗教改革,大部分伦敦居民的死亡观念和葬礼实践随之发生了变化.在灵魂得救上,他们接受了"因信称义",摈弃了炼狱观念.在墓地的选择上,由于宗教改革缩小了教区墓地的面积,中间阶层与精英阶层争夺教区内最神圣的墓地--教堂,普通市民不得不葬入郊外新建的墓地.在葬礼仪式上,减少了许多天主教性质的仪式,世俗机构纹章院对葬礼的控制进一步加剧了葬礼仪式的世俗化.归根结底,新教的"入世禁欲"观念极大地推动了葬礼的变迁,同时,节俭、谋利的资本主义精神贯穿葬礼变迁之始终.  相似文献   
美国著名作家欧文.威斯特的成名作《弗吉尼亚人—平原骑手》与19世纪末20世纪初美国的社会和文化主题挂钩,表达了镀金时代的美国梦精神,反映了西部牧业开发中东西部矛盾与冲突的走向,展现了怀俄明牧牛业的社会、经济及政治发展状况,不仅是一部影响深远的牛仔小说,而且具有较高的史学价值。同时,受时代和作者阶级立场的局限,《弗吉尼亚人—平原骑手》偏袒大牧场主,带有取悦统治阶级的阶级倾向性,小说中塑造的牛仔形象对西部小说的程式化产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
日韩现代管理思想中的儒家文化因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统的儒家文化对日本和韩国有着极其重要的影响,从而形成了以中国为中心的“儒家文化圈”。日本和韩国在现代化进程中很好地继承和发扬了儒家文化,日韩现代企业的权威管理模式,恰恰是通过对中国儒家文化的扬弃以及与西方文化的对接,从而形成了日韩现代管理思想。在日本和韩国的现代化进程中,中国儒家传统文化在其崛起的进程中已经并将继续发挥不可替代的作用。面对全球化的挑战,必须要提高认识,保护东亚地区的“原生态文化”。  相似文献   
This article examines Canadian daily newspaper editors' views regarding the status of international news reporting in Canada. It is based on a series of surveys administered in 1988, 1995, 2000, and 2006 that measured editors' assessments of issues such as the quantity and quality of international news in their papers, the importance they attach to international news coverage, the areas of the world they consider important to cover, and the sources they use for international news. The article uses the data from the surveys to determine whether 11 September 2001 affected editors' perceptions of international news reporting. This question has been widely studied in the United States, but less so in Canada. The central conclusion here is that 9/11 has had only a limited impact on editors' perceptions. The data across all four surveys demonstrate a remarkable degree of consistency in editors' assessments of international news reporting in Canada.  相似文献   
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