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This paper analyzes the long‐term transformations of the occupational structure in 50 provinces of Spain with a view to ascertain the existence and assess the extent of employment polarization. The peculiar characteristics of this country, namely rigid labor markets and the relatively recent transition to democracy, make for an interesting addition to existing studies on this topic. In line with previous literature on other countries, we find a strong association between the decline of “routine” mid‐skill jobs and the expansion of low‐skill service employment as well as differential labor market outcomes by levels of formal education. Results are robust to various controls and instrumental variables that account for long‐term industry specialization. We also find a positive local multiplier effect of high‐skilled workers on the demand for nontradable service jobs.  相似文献   
长江经济带交通基础设施空间均衡度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1997-2013年长江经济带各省份数据,研究了交通基础设施空间均衡和极化程度及其影响因素,并构建动态面板数据模型,采用系统GMM估计进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:长江经济带交通基础设施发展较快,但存在空间非均衡和空间极化特征;铁路密度和公路密度的空间非均衡程度依次递减,区域间差距是空间非均衡的主要原因;公路密度空间极化程度不断增加,且高于铁路密度的极化程度;财政支出、国际贸易、人力资源和新经济地理四大因素对交通基础设施空间均衡和极化具有影响,但影响效果不同。本文拓展了交通基础设施的研究,为长江经济带交通基础设施协调发展及互联互通战略顺利实施提供了政策依据。  相似文献   
Notwithstanding the recent change of government, UK educational policy continues to stress school performance tables, parental choice and competition – reflecting an acceptance by New Labour of Tory notions concerning the role that market mechanisms play in improving school performance. In view of the 1997 Education White Paper's insistence that the new government's goal was to 'overcome the spiral of disadvantage … passed from one generation to the next', this implies that the DfEE remains unimpressed by long-standing arguments concerning the socially-divisive consequences of market forces in education.
This paper seeks to add empirical weight to this debate. Arguing that recent analyses of aggregate levels of social stratification have masked polarization occurring at the local level, our analysis places schools in the context of the local markets within which they operate. This yields clear evidence that educational markets tend to exacerbate existing differences between schools in terms of both their performance and social status.  相似文献   
东北地区经济空间极化及其驱动因子的定量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对区域经济空间极化相关文献研究综述的基础上,借鉴有关研究方法,遵循从过程到格局、机理,从整体到局部的研究思路,首先以人均GDP为测度指标,综合分析东北三省及其内部各区域经济差异与空间极化的过程与空间格局,接着以人均GDP的极化水平为应变量,以工业总产值、当年实际直接利用外资额、社会商品零售总额、全社会固定资产投资、全员劳动生产率和复合流量的极化水平为自变量,建立多元线性回归模型,分析区域经济空间极化的内在机理。结果表明:①区域经济发展存在空间极化现象,且整体呈现出南强北弱的态势;②哈长经济区和辽中南经济区已初步形成,其中哈长经济区处于明显的集聚阶段,而辽中南经济区扩散效应已开始发挥作用;③地区经济发展的位序排名及其变化表明区域经济发展中心逐步南移;④区域差异和空间极化总体变化趋势基本一致,呈现出先升后降,但总体水平呈上升的变化态势;⑤多元线性回归模型表明各动力因子的作用程度和作用趋势不尽相同,但工业总产值和全员劳动生产率是东北三省及其内部区域经济空间极化演变所共有的主导驱动因子,说明其区域经济发展是一个内生增长过程,并提出应强化市场体制转轨、国有企业改组改革、产业结构升级换代和政府政策的导向作用。  相似文献   
Whether Americans have “sorted” into politically like-minded counties and to what extent is hotly debated by academic and journalists. This paper examines whether or not geographic sorting has occurred and why it has occurred using a novel, dynamic analysis. Our findings indicate that geographic sorting is on the rise, but that it is a very recent phenomenon. In the 1970s and 1980s, counties tended to become more competitive, but by 1996 a pattern of partisan sorting had emerged and continued through the present. Results suggest this pattern is driven by Southern re-alignment and voting behavior in partisan stronghold counties. Lastly, we find evidence that migration can drive partisan sorting, but only accounts for a small portion of the change.  相似文献   
States adopt policy innovations within the confines of a dynamic American federal system, but our study of policy diffusion tends to be fairly static. Single‐policy studies incorporate temporal variation, but for only one innovation. Macro‐level analyses examine broad patterns, but often by completely pooling across policy and time. This makes it difficult to identify how diffusion patterns change over time, though Walker's early work explicitly identified such temporal instability. This study specifically examines how neighbor and ideological cues change in importance over time using a dataset of 556 policies adopted from 1960 to 2014. While the findings demonstrate the generality of many key internal, external, and policy‐level determinants of adoption, there is variation in these effects across time. Most important is the relative stability of ideological similarity between adopters and declining influence of contiguous neighbors. Further, political polarization plays a role in conditioning neighbor and ideological cues.  相似文献   
关于构建和谐分配关系问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
随着我国的经济发展,出现了收入两极分化的现象,主要表现在贫富人口的收入之比过高、城乡居民收入差距持续扩大、各地区间两极分化加剧等。产生两极分化既有主观原因也有客观原因,其中客观原因主要是价值规律、按劳分配规律、资本积累规律作用的结果,主观原因则在于以往认识的偏颇与政策的不到位。因而在今后的经济工作中,应重视价值规律、按劳分配规律和资本积累规律的消极作用,市场与价值规律不是万能的,不能覆盖全社会。同时,政府必须保证社会公平,既不能越位,更不能缺位。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The structured inequalities of capital investment and disinvestment are prominent themes in critical urban and regional research, but many accounts portray ‘capital’ as a global, faceless and placeless abstraction operating according to a hidden, unitary logic. Sweeping political‐economic shifts in the last generation demonstrate that capital may shape urban and regional processes in many different ways, and each of these manifestations creates distinct constraints and opportunities. In this paper, we analyze a new institutional configuration in the USA that is reshaping access to wealth among the poor – a policy ‘consensus’ to expand home‐ownership among long‐excluded populations. This shift has opened access to some low‐ and moderate‐income households, and racial and ethnic minorities, but the necessary corollary is a greater polarization between those who are able to own and those who are not. We provide a critical analysis of these changes, drawing on national housing finance statistics as well as a multivariate analysis of differences between owners and renters in the 1990s in New York City. As home‐ownership strengthens its role as a privatized form of stealth urban and housing policy in the USA, its continued expansion drives a corresponding reconstruction of its value for different groups, and inscribes a sharper axis of property‐rights inequalities among owners and renters in the working classes.  相似文献   
1920年代以来国内外商业空间研究的回顾、比较和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要采用文献研究、比较研究和动态研究方法,选取20世纪20年代以来国内外商业空间研究成果中的典型代表,通过时间纵断面上的梳理和空间横断面上的对比,总结出国内外商业空间研究包括商业空间结构和商业空间选择研究,依据研究时序和内容,划分了国内外商业空间研究阶段,得出国内外在研究范式、内容和成果等方面的异同。并对国内商业空间研究进行展望,提出商业空间对城市空间的影响、商业空间分异、商业郊区化和虚拟商业空间可以作为今后研究的重点领域。  相似文献   
博物馆发展中的分化与整合不是孤立的,它是博物馆在适应社会发展大环境中产生的分歧,并且形成了两条各有侧重的思想路线:一条是以博物馆功能为基础的专业化路线,另一条是以博物馆职能为基础的社会化路线。当前,这两条思想路线正在新整合理论的整合下进行新的探索和实践。  相似文献   
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